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Everything posted by McPhee

  1. Was looking for a cheap 360 game in town today, ended up buying Jedi Academy (Xbox 1) for £11 second hand. Got home to a nice surprise, theres an unused 2 month Live trial inside! Thats worth about a tenner on its own
  2. Just been thinking though, Wario! Now theres al the weight competitions ended right there :p And probably the throwing and fighting events too; come on Sonic, wrestle Wario. He wont hurt you...
  3. Except technology. Currently the Wiimote cant do what a gamepad can, its nowhere near as flexible The Wii idea is great but its not really a gamers console. I'd liken it more to Karaoke machine, its fun in short bursts with lots of people around but who really does Karaoke alone at home?
  4. Sega cheat, hows anyone supposed to beat a flying fox in the high-jump? or a supersonic hedgehog in running or erm, what is it knuckles does again? Nintendo characters: An overweight plumber. A lanky plumber. A dinosaur... I guess mario et-all might have some sort of advantage where swimming/weights/fighting are concerned though
  5. Loads of people posted on the HotUKDeals forum saying their £5 Legendary Editions got cancelled. Am i the only one that still has one on order???
  6. Imagine if they did have enough man power though Doesnt bare thinking about, the Germans had some scary technology in the works at the end of WWII including the biggest tank ever made (it was basically an aircraft carrier on tracks) Compare that the the ruskies idea of a super weapon: a mine attatched to a dogs back...
  7. Convertions. PC = Digital, Monitor = Digital, VGA= Analogue, DVI = Digital. If you use VGA the computer has to convert the signal to analogue and then the monitor converts it back to digital. Each convertion causes a drop in quality. With DVI there are no convertions so the quality is far better
  8. Depends which TVs you're talking about, but in general the answer is no. Most 32-inch LCD TVs use a resolution of around 1080x720. A 30-inch PC monitor (going from the Dell model) uses a resolution of 2560x1600 so theres a really massive difference in picture quality. Go the other way though and you can get a monitor that works really well as a TV. There are some models with built in TV tuners. scart sockets, component sockets etc.
  9. Any sinister use you can think of for Folding @ Home could just be done via the firmware without you're knowledge, why would Sony give you the option to turn it off?
  10. It wont be as much as that, too close to the UK PS3 price. Microsoft need to make sure the price of an Elite + HD-DVD drive is less than the price of a PS3 or they will loose sales Im thinking they'll drop the core over here, reduce the Premium to £239 and launch the Elite at £299. Only prices that make sense to me Glad the Elite has finally been announced, not all that annoyed either! Its unlikely to make it here before May so ive had 4 months of 360-ness for the expense of a HDMI socket and a 120GB HDD!
  11. tbh i think pitching tents in Derbyshire would be a good idea, fairly central, we dont have to invade anyones home and those of us who are under 18 can drink. And no, its got nothing to do with me living fairly close to that area. I dont have my own car so i'd be on the train which tbh is a pain from stafford. AFAIK i have to go down to Brum and then back up. I just think that in general the Sheffield/Nottingham/Derby area is the fairest.
  12. Going by what you normally post in music threads it doesnt seem to have helped you :p I get why you are saying musicians have a better understanding of music. In a lot of ways you do, when you hear a guitar part you can see it being played out in you're mind etc but is it not harder for you to hear the overall piece as a result?
  13. The way to think of 300 is as a folk-lore retelling of the battle of Thermoplae. Its a case of what sounds more impressive? Fighting a million men or fighting a million monsters? The guy with the knife arms, the rino, the immortals, Xerxes' voice its all done to make the Persians seem more scary, playing up the courage of the 300 and inspiring the greek army to hold strong at Plataea In history the 'immortals' didnt look or fight anything like they did in 300. The name 'immortal' came from the fact that they were elite persian guard and they always numbered 10,000. If a man died or seriously injured then he was replaced immediately by someone new. The whole unit was made up of Persian citizens (nobody from conquered territory) They fought with short-spear and a compound bow and wore light armour (no masks).
  14. CLose enough to get the train to Liverpool then, unless someone coming across from Leeds/Huddersfield can pick you up on the way Liverpool sounds good, go there every few months to the climbing wall. Yet to go drinking there though, from what ive seen it looks fun!
  15. Did that at Leeds festival last year. Was camped with people from the efestivals forum. Explaining to my parents who i was going with = not fun. Ended up telling them i already knew some of the people lol I nominate Stafford (whistles innocently)
  16. Been to huddersfield once before and its great! Got dared to down a bottle of Vodka, managed it and was smashed off my face all night. I dont remember anything between my mates house and the club (Camel or something, if you know it?). Good times, good times I'd be up for this, sounds like a good laugh! Where abouts are you going on holiday? Someone might be albe to give you a lift
  17. They dont really get it for free, they're paying £40+ for a game thats available for £20 on 360 and less than £15 on PC so bundling the extra content is only fair
  18. Am i going nuts or does that mean Sony just took about £62 Million from UK launch sales? That should turn the bank managers frown around... There was me thinking SE gave bottom love to Sony? Guess not so much these days...
  19. and a better control pad, Sony desperately need to make it more comfortable maybe by moving the analogue sticks a bit (SWAP THE D-PAD AND LEFT ANALOGUE PLEASE!!!)
  20. The PS3 is going pretty cheap on eBay, under £400! This one, for example: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Sony-PlayStation-3-60-GB-Console-Sealed-warranty_W0QQitemZ170094337094QQcategoryZ149492QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  21. Ive been trying to see them live, not had any luck yet. Will probably catch them at Leeds festival this year, pain in the arse that they will clash with Interpol though If not then im getting tickets for their next tour
  22. hmm, looking on Gamestation's website i do fancy the sound of all these: Resistance Motorstorm Genji Mobile Suit Gundam Virtua Fighter Untold Legends Dilema time, i havent caught up on 360 releases yet lol
  23. So how good is the PS3 then? Many good titles due out? Im somewhat tempted, more down to situation than anything else. Work have some good deals in, I get paid on Friday, Staff Discount goes up to 15% soon as a little easter present.
  24. FROSTING!!!
  25. Can you take the policy after you buy the console? £30 is well worth it for peace of mind. Im guessing i wont be covered if i put a custom case on though?
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