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Everything posted by McPhee

  1. Over the course of the next trilogy i'd like to them go through Venom (Eddie Brock), Scorpion, Norman Osborn, Venom (Mac Gargan). Wouldnt mind seeing a version of the Sinister Six either, would give them a good chance to get some of the less major enemies out of the way (like Electro, Rhino, Mysterio and Shocker) Then i think its time to knock it all on the head, or at least do a film based on the Civil War storyline to tie all the superhero films together nicely
  2. What im wondering is if Metroid, Mario and Smash make Xmas 07 then what does that leave for 2008? Zelda? F-Zero? Starfox? Donkey Kong?
  3. Not really surprising. I still maintain my belief that Nintendo messed up again this generation, this time by trying to get people to buy into their 'Gameplay Over Graphics' ploy. They'll miss out on a lot of multi-format releases because the Wii hardware wont run them. Not saying that the Wii will flop though, just that they should have ramped it up a bit to make developers lives easier
  4. The decision is pretty simple. Check that all you're hardware works with Vista, if it does then get it! Its leagues a head of XP and the only realy problems with it so far are drivers. Im still waiting on Acer making drivers for the on/off button on my WiFi card's antenna though, wish they'd hurry up because the USB dongle is begining to get on my nerves!
  5. So you're trying to do this? 360--Wired----> \ DS--Wireless--> }Computer--Wired--> Internet Wii--Wireless--> / Bit of an odd way of connecting, not really what Bridging connections in Windows is for. With that amout of stuff you'll probably need a router to get reliable connections
  6. I dont normally go for driving games but this looks so good! Could well be the first 360 game i buy on release day!
  7. So stop the gun companies making guns = problem solved? We all know that, just nobody else is crazy enough to suggest it!
  8. Yes, but not the best around: http://www.choicesuk.com/Product.aspx/GAME_Home/Xbox360_GAME_Home/Hardware_Xbox360_GAME_Home!827473 then go to Asda and buy Pro Evo for £17.99 (also available at Shopto.net for £20). You're basically getting PGR3, Xbox Live Arcade Unplugged and an extra Official Wireless pad for £18 over the play.com bundle btw, ChoicesUK is the sales website for Choices, the high street DVD rental store (2nd biggest after Blockbuster). Just thought i'd mention it incase anyone was worried about ordering from them. YAYNESS!!! Off to buy Street Fighter after work tomorrow then i guess
  9. THis is why i asked people to think. The Virginia Massacre was planned and therefore would have gone ahed wether or not guns were legal. The guy had a moral compass that allowed him to kill 32 people, do you think a gun ban would really have made him go "oh no! what im doing is wrong!"? A gun ban would just mean him buying his weapon from the black market, funding more crime in the process. Ok, break that circle. Person who has gun goes to rob person who doesnt have gun. Person who doesnt have gun catches him. Person who doesnt have gun dies. The thing about this country is we live in close proximity of each other so we are reasonably safe. In America civilization is a bit more spread out + therefore society cant be depended on to protect its citizens to the same extent. If you live 10 miles from you're neighbor and 50 from the nearest town and someone breaks in what do you do?
  10. Caris is a dudette?
  11. I figured this would be better as a seperate topic, the American University Shooting topic should be kept about that incident What are peoples thoughts, should they be legal or illegal? Dont just post without thinking it through, there are good reasons for and against. I'll start off by saying i think they should be Legal, i'll elaborate why further into the topic though because im being lazy
  12. Any news on a new Sim City? Seems like a long time since Sim City 4 came out...
  13. Netgear are pretty much the best around and afaik Rangemax is the best they do I use the Netgear DG834GT and its great! It supports a good range of security options and was very easy to set up.
  14. new ep out this monday? SWEET! *dances round room, maybe with the odd backflip thrown in*
  15. Nintendo really need a slap for not supporting WPA on DS. Its like asking people "would you like a secure network or online gaming?"
  16. Im doubtful about a Wii port of the main RPG, it will take a lot of dev time to put it onto the Wii (downgrading + Wii controls). More likely we'll see a Wii exclusive FFXIII game. The 360 seems likely for a port because its pretty straight-forward to do and currently is the key to getting sales in the West. Plus, no doubt there'd be a nice tip from Microsoft for all the trouble
  17. oops, £100 went missing there somewhere... edited my post now, £310
  18. They probably decided it wasnt worth the bother, the game doesnt loose anything by not using the pointer. Im thinking they probably made a decision very early on to abandon anything fancy for this game and just focus on laying a new story on top of the PoR engine. Any new stuff (Pointer, Online, Wii/DS functionality) will come in the next game when they've had longer to perfect it An MMO would be truly awesome! Not too sure how they'd work it though, would everyone control one character or one team? How would exploring be done? I'd definitely like to see an action MMO based in the FE universe! As for a DS game, has anyone considered the idea of larger scale battles? Always wanted these in FE and the story always touches on them. How awesome would it be to control thousands (as units) rather than a douzen?
  19. hmm, i always prefered the idea of Wired. More authentic and no messing around with batteries. Imagine being half way through an Expert 5 Star run on Free Bird for the batteries to die! I think that would result in much TV/Guitar/Wii/Anything else in the room smash-age
  20. Last i checked we loose nothing, all the data is stored on the detachable hard drive
  21. Premium + Crackdown + Gears + Guitar Hero II for £310? Might be worth the extended warranty too, think its £30 at Game. Wish i'd known about it when i bought mine... PC World is the cheapest for the Wireless Adaptor, reserve it online to pick up in store and its £50. Nearly everywhere else charges £60
  22. plain amazing! they should put this in the Wii version!
  23. I really hope the controllers are transferable, would be great for me to have an Xplorer and who ever im doing co op with to be using something else! Its possible, the 360 version uses USB, the Wii version will probably use USB too and afaik the PS3 version uses USB for stuff like this too? I doubt this game is going to use the Wiimote tbh, theres not really much it can add to the game without detracting from the core experience. At the most it will be something added onto the side, like some sort of crowd interaction
  24. that site is stupidly pro HD-DVD lol Just goes to show how much things can change! It'll be interesting to see how The Matrix Trilogy as a temporary HD-DVD exclusive affects sales
  25. This game sounds great! Im tempted but given normal games (i.e. Project 8) make me want to throw my TV across the room i think i'd better not. Theres still a dent in the wall from where the Wavebird hit after a REALLY annoying Path Of Radiance session...
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