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Everything posted by McPhee

  1. Everybody ride the lollercoaster! Don't really feel like contracting gonorrhoea thanks She'd be straight out the window (preferably a good few stories up)
  2. I broke my smash bros disk a few years back. Im now tempted to buy a new GC just for smash bros, the only thing putting me off is having to buy 4 more controllers...
  3. This going ahead? Im online now and should be able to host if needs be
  4. They're ok, a little over-hyped though. There music is good but i'd hardly call it great! Won't be going out of my way to see them but i might catch them at a festival or as a support band to someone else
  5. fook i had a feeling that would happen, its never good news when a band say they've "matured"
  6. Why would you be sceptical? Its just a simple case of moving the paging files from the HDD to flash memory, increasing the transfer speed and therefore the overall system performance. There's not really anything to be sceptical about...
  7. im up for a late run, only got one plan for tomorrow:
  8. ye good games again damn Fresh, yer good lol loved it when you were subjecting The Bard to some "tunes" :p
  9. I was hoping to be down the pub but my mates are being loners (again) so i'll probably be on Cant believe i have to travel to either Aberystwyth or Swansea to get a good night out these days (got mates in both, visited them all last weekend). Maybe i need to move house...
  10. Hopefully it is a Soul Calibur adventure, the series is begging for one! Not quite I needs to spam more
  11. Sweet! Always wanted to play that game
  12. I think you've got it right there! There is only 1 timeline, Sylar survives by stealing DL's power and Peter explodes. Nathan blames Sylar to save his brother, Peter falls out with him over it and leaves. Hiro then has a lot to do, he realizes that he has to travel forwards and backwards in time manipulating things to make sure Peter is strong enough to defeat Sylar at the end of the last episode (just after he dies). He tells Peter to save the cheerleader and is in the background all the time tweaking things to make sure that the correct path is followed and Sylar is defeated. TBH thats just the storyline i'd like to see. It would fit and we could see Hiro popping up at random moments in other series'! Would be great, for example, to see him stop Peter and Nathan's dad from getting hit by a bus
  13. why not? are they afraid the staff there will knife you or something?
  14. Cheers for the games tonight, good fun all round The 2v1 handicap matches we just had were "interesting" lol
  15. 3 of us in a game now if anyone wants to join the message me
  16. kk, will do
  17. You're gonna steal the master copy? DO IT!!!
  18. Ive set up a game if anyone still wants to play. Connection should be fine now, banned all other computer from the network :p
  19. Best to play the old maps, that way everyone can play. Keep getting invites from people on my friends list, try to join and find out the bought the maps
  20. Don't play Gears enough to warrant 800 points on them. If i start finding that i cant get an online game without them then i'll buy but otherwise i'll wait until September Half 9 sounds good, whos gonna host this time?
  21. It depends. If you used to like the Manics but got bored then you'll probably like this album, the sound has grown a lot and has more of a pace to it. If you never really liked them in the first place then its hard to say. The album reminds me more of Snow Patrol than anything else
  22. WTF?!?! The whole appeal of these films was that they're a double feature! Lame, very, very lame!
  23. Anybody else got this? Best album ive heard in a LONG time and a brilliant return to form for the band Get the album, its class!
  24. Purchase from somewhere that offers a cheap extended warranty (like GAME) and you wont have to worry. Ive had my 360 for a few months and had a few problems with disk read errors and game freezes but tbh its not much morethan my GameCube did. Some of my mates have had them since launch (or near launch) and had no problems Its a lottery, hence why extended warranty's are a good idea
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