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Everything posted by McPhee

  1. Theres multiplayer in the demo too, 1 map i think
  2. I just got bored of gears, simple as. It's not a particularly deep or complex game, after 3 months of playing it 3-4 times a week im very, very bored of it Vegas on the other hand is giving me the same 'wow' factor that gears did when i first started playing that
  3. That looks awesome! I take it this one is going to see a few characters die off? Can't see both Nightmare and Seigfried surviving That girl with the hoop looks really awkward to play as. Who was the one with the lance + sword? looks really cool
  4. How long ago did you buy that?
  5. Sick! Sick! Sick! Sick! I need more points now though...
  6. Vegas is ace! Not played it online yet but im actually enjoying the single player (even if the constant dying does get a little frustrating). You guys playing it tomorrow night? Was in the pub tonight so missed the games
  7. i know you don't really want video but this is a really nice bit of kit for £120: http://www.pixmania.co.uk/uk/uk/414939/art/archos/404-30-gb-multimedia-play.html
  8. Just got back from town with Vegas! I really hope this is good, if not im going back down to trade Oblivion for CoD2
  9. Not tried the forest level at all yet, will have a go when i get back from town. Did you beat Nene? (to give me an idea of how tough the 4 headed thing is) aha! someone else hate they're liver enough to know this logo!
  10. If i can find them in a 2 for £40 deal then i'll probably come back from town with R6:V and COD2/3. Otherwise i'll just go with the flow and get Vegas The CoD games are soooo good though, and the CoD4 trailers have me wanting to play them again!
  11. The Blue Dragon demo is ace! I wasn't really all that bothered about the game before, it's just jumped on to my 'must buy' list!
  12. ooh, the full conference is up on the marketplace now! in 6 parts though Im so hyped for some of these games now! Bomberman Live - OMFG!
  13. Assassin's Creed HL2: Orange Box (mainly for TF2) CoD4 GTA IV Those are the only ones i'll definitely buy. Halo 3 is a maybe, depends what else comes out around then. UT3 is a definite too, but i'd prefer to get it on PC so i might wait until i can afford a new computer
  14. You can get this years 26" Sammy for less than Play are charging for the old one. Silly how well these TVs have kept their value
  15. how many threads/posts have we got on this video now?
  16. It ran eventually! AMD Turion 64 ML-28 1600MHz 450.2/458.4/3151.3 Total: 3067.8
  17. Another day or 2 of heavy rain and the West Coast Mainline will be under water about a mile from my house! It's about 1/2 meter above the water level at the moment Same goes for my work. We were open today but the whole car park was flooded and it won't be long until the shop floor follows suit! Come on rain! I want a few days off with pay :p
  18. There won't be one. Top of the range phones don't go on Pay As You Go because they are too expensive. On contract the Network Operator foots most of the bill for the handset. On Pay As You Go they pay for little to none of the cost because you don't give them enough money to fund it. You'll still be able to get the iPhone, but it will have to be handset only. You'll be looking at the full retail price of around £500
  19. You can play on PC without Live membership, it's just against PC players instead of PC and 360 players
  20. Got EDF2017, Viva Pinatta and Football Manager 2006 yesterday. Football Manager wasn't deliberate, Gamestop had a sign in the window saying "Trade any 2 Xbox 360 games and get Colin McRae: DiRT for £5" so i went to Gamestation and bought Football Manager to use as one of my game trades. Went back to Gamestop and they said "Sorry, the games have to add up to £28 in trade in value" I say "It doesn't say that on the poster" They say "It wouldn't fit on the poster, but the poster does say Terms and Conditions apply" So now i have a copy of an out-dated simulation of a sport i don't like. Go me! oh god, he's even in here that made me lol Dunno why but i can never get a decent online game on that. Servers always shut down or i get bored after searching for a good game for 1/2 hour
  21. You're basically looking for the same thing as me so i'll share some of stuff i've learned: The 32" Samsung M86 isn't really an M86 set. Theres no Superclear panel, the contrast ratio is lower than the other M86 sets and it isn't 1080p. Not many people have it because the 37" version is much better value for money. With the other sets you're looking at you may as well rule out the R87, it's nowhere near as good. If you're interested in that price bracket then it's worth waiting until July when the Toshiba 26C3030D is due out. Even if it turns out to be rubbish it will drive the price of the Samsung down a bit. The Panasonic is easily the second best set on the list but imo the finish is disappointing. Way to plasticy for something that costs around £600! I don't know a lot about the D3000, its far above what im willing to spend... You've got another couple of very good possibilities around the £600 mark: Toshiba 32WLT68 - £600. 720p panel, 100Hz technology, Onkyo (Japanese Hi-Fi Specialist) developed sound system, optional sub woofer. Supposed to be a really good set, im saving up the cash to buy one at the moment because the prices for it are a steal! Sharp RD2E - £650. Heard very good things about this set, might well be 2nd best around to the D3000. It's got connectivity problems though, as usual with Sharp sets you don't get a component input. Instead you get a Component-to-VGA adaptor allowing you to plug in to on or the other. Thats the only reason im getting the Tosh instead of this; i need 360 in VGA and Laptop in VGA Hope this helps you out a bit. Post is a bit of a mess, been adding bits here and there lol Im planning a trip to Empire Direct in Dudley next Sunday so i can see all (or most) of these sets. Will let you know what sort of impression i get EDIT: Completely forgot about the Philips PF9 series sets. Probably the best where non-HD content is concerned and apparently Ambilight is one of the best features to grace TVs in the past few years
  22. Nah, i pansy my way through on the easiest setting. Then i restart the game on the hardest setting, get about half way, get bored and trade it in. Im amazed at how easy GRAW2 is! Doing my second play through and put the difficulty up to full, other than having to play a little slower (i.e. hiding more and using grenades, smoke, flanking etc) it's no harder...
  23. sounds like it's a good game, and better than forza so getting dirt tomorrow! completed graw2 already! that game was so easy! probs play it through on a harder mode then return it/trade it in. Do Gamestation do 7-Day return thing with 2nd hand titles (like the one Game used to do)? will play a bit of gears tonight if a lot of people are playing (and theres no jim)
  24. I hate iTunes with a vengeance for converting all of my library to M4A and AAC, changing the meta data and just generally being a pile of poo. Really annoying now i want to get rid of the program and use Media Player/Centre.
  25. My tent is a heavy beast. Always have a 3 man, with a big awning, all to myself. More room for storing beer and space to drink in if it rains :p
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