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Everything posted by McPhee

  1. And me, it's my next buy. Looks absolutelybleedingawesome! UT3 = Shit Complete anti-climax, the game is nowhere near as good as UT2004. Warfare is a rubbish replacement for Onslaught, the weapon balance is terrible (Stinger and Manta are overpowered by a long way), the GUI sucks and theres half the options of 2k4. I'll keep it, but only in the hope of some good mods, ala Red Orchestra for 2K4
  2. UE3 is also bloody expensive, due to UE and UE2 being so damn successful
  3. I think it's a shame, the bloke has written some pretty good and honest reviews. He wrote the only review of TP that i actually agreed with (mainstream site reviews anyway) and various others that seemed to be his honest opinion. Will be a bit of a blow to Gamespot, only visited they're site to read his reviews, as i know a lot of others did. Must suck to be sacked from a place you put so much time and effort in to building up...
  4. haha @ you're overly large monitor :p
  5. WAREZZZZZZZZZZZZ that is all...
  6. The PS3 is great value, it does a hell of a lot for £300. Games console + blu ray player + media streaming + web browsing + linux pc. Overpriced? Hardly. When the big releases start coming out it will be a cracking unit
  7. Hiro could simply teleport up to Adam, cut his head off and teleport to the other side of the world before Peter knew what was going on. Heck, he could possibly even do away with Peter at the same time. Unfortunately that would make for a very short scene. My bet is on that sword having some sort of magical properties that can counteract Peter's lightning (ala Star Wars Lightsabre vs Force Lightning) or Hiro falling flat on his arse 10 seconds in.
  8. I think its a good idea, worth a trial at least?
  9. Yes, it does. And it was a point well made. They made some pretty crappy games towards the end with Nintendo though. I reserve judgement for the Microsoft partnership so far, Perfect Dark was average but Kameo and Viva were better than the Gamecube Rare game(s?). Banjo Threeie will be the real test, if they can nail that then they are back on form, if not then Microsoft wasted a lot of money!
  10. It is pretty bad. Why not just make them 8900s or 8850s? The 8850GT and 8850GTS would make more sense that multiple GPUs of the same name... I wonder how cheap the old GTS cards will fly for now? I suppose i could always bag myself on of those if they are cheap enough
  11. YAY!
  12. Im thinking it's probably gonna be 3D models operating on a 2D plane, i doubt they'll make the 3D mistake again (maybe it's just hope?)
  13. 1. CoD4 2. Halo 3 3. Guitar Hero 3 4. Shadowrun 5. Naruto: Rise of a Ninja That was actually pretty difficult. GRAW2, Assassin's Creed, Crackdown and EDF2017 are also worth honourable mentions. A lot of the games i played this year were last years releases though, i could easily find 10 great games that i've bought from pre-2007 releases!
  14. Ever played Viva Piñata? It ain't a non-gamers game, it's one of the most complicated 360 games out there. The learning curve is brutal!
  15. The Wii lacks polish. Pure and simple that is the problem. It's not just the games, the console itself lacks it too. I've not used a Wii in a while but back when i owned one the UI was a bit of a mess. Friend Codes are a stupid idea too. Polish is the reason Wii games get low review scores. Polish is the reason people who used to love Nintendo are selling up and moving to Xbox. It's missing from all bar 3 or 4 Wii titles, heck even Twilight Princess severely lacks polish! It is ultimately what completes a game and a games console. Until the whole "Wii Experience" is cleaned up im not buying
  16. Maybe a crap Sony HDTV? They do some budget models as well as the kick ass industry leading ones. If it was a cheap one then the picture processing probably sucks, hence rubbish image from the Wii and any non-upscaling DVD player. This problem isn't exclusive to Sony, and is solved by either buying a good LCD TV or going down the Plasma/HD CRT route. Thinking about it, a Pioneer plasma is probably a very good idea if the Wii is getting used on it. Plasmas are generally kinder than LCDs to non-HD material. I'd start by doing research in to the difference between Plasma and LCD, try to make sure the the articles are recent though (less than 6 months old) or they won't be accurate. Once you've decided between the 2 it becomes a lot easier to choose a specific model.
  17. Thats a load of tosh. Is there a source for this anywhere? I've not heard anything about it and can't see how it's possible for the TV to know whose console it's hooked up to (unless you're using HDMI, then i theoretically could) Dismissing Sony would be foolish. The Sony x3500 series of sets are the best LCDs around at the moment. The W3000 series also gives everything at that price a run for it's money. If you're dead set against them then Pioneer Plasmas are awesome, try the PDP4280XD (42") or PDP508XD (50").
  18. At least they had the sense to make this one Dual Slot. I'll never buy a GT because it runs too hot and is way too noisy Probably an ATi 3850 or 3870 for my next card, cheap, quiet and reasonably powerful
  19. McPhee

    Guitar Hero 3

    Trade in some games? HMV are selling for £60 so you could price match them and trade in at Game or Gamestation
  20. The final game was apparently pretty good, but the demo was so bad it put a lot of people off. Kinda like UT3 i suppose (im still undecided about the final game, im not sure Warfare is really and improvement over Onslaught and the UI sucks)
  21. He was thinking Dabs might be giving you 5 free HD DVDs, plus the 5 that Microsoft give you. It's probably just the 5 Microsoft give you though
  22. Im having this problem. It ain't my computer either, it happens anywhere that i log in to my account.
  23. Why not a Sony? They make some of the best TVs around Also, whats you're budget? Theres 40" sets as low as £700 and 50" can hit a good few thousand pounds so you need to be quite specific
  24. http://www.buildyourown.org.uk/ The guide on that site is a bit old, but the forums are great! It's fairly simple though, if you buy the right parts (the hard part) then the motherboard instruction manual will pretty much walk you through the rest. Theres a really good video that i watched before building mine, will find it and post it up. It's basically some bloke from a computer site putting together his PC and walking you through what he is doing each step of the way.
  25. You're TV can accept a 16:9 signal and display it, so if the device is sending out a 16:9 signal the picture will be correct on screen. This is good, but if the device is pumping out a 4:3 signal when in 16:9 mode it will stretch it. This is what Sakurai means by setting you're TV to "Full". Basically you probably want to use you're TV in 4:3 mode for games, with the 4:3 mode in the game. This is the safe way to play it, the picture will always be correct. Using different combinations can yield miked results, because the picture processing on TVs has a habit of being crappy. Use 4:3 on conventional sets and 16:9 on wide sets, ignore any fancy TV settings and you'll have no problems.
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