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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. Mate, if you've got a 360, get the Anniversary Edition, and get either the VF5 or DOA4 Hori Arcade sticks, they're 4 gate instead of 8, so might take a little time to get used to pulling off quarter turns properly, but I've had the DOA one for a while, and it's pretty awesome tbh, and good quality. Atm, what I'm looking forward to is seeing what new kinds of techs they've put in the game, and what they've done with the parrying system.
  2. Alpha 3 was absolutely amazing, almost the perfect fighter. Then 3rd Strike came along, which is the perfect fighter, almost. I mean how the fuck do you explain Hugo and Necro? Stupid.
  3. Haha, I don't mind, it's not like they're gonna find out it was me. Payback is a bitch
  4. Been watching this for ages: Man, I have no life.
  5. Ninjabread Man: Corruption
  6. Fixed for pwnage. And am I the only one disappointed by the graphics? I'd much prefer super detailed sprites, or something at least a little more stylised/ in the mould of Okami or Viewtiful Joe
  7. Well, I'd say wahey that I've seeing this bonnie lass for a while and that I haven't managed to screw myself over due to feeling immensely worthless yet. And also a good loud Wahey! For Metroid Prime 3 and Street Fighter 3. My life would be purposeless without them
  8. AS Texts look great...no idea about the A2 ones though, never come across them before o_0
  9. You got to do it for A level? Man, what luck. Although, our AS level texts were awesome; Paradise Lost, Gatsby...er, can't remember what else...our A2 texts were lame; Rime of The Ancient Mariner, was more than a bit dull.
  10. My day consisted of reading a little of "Songs of Innocence and of Experience," as I might get interviewed on it, and basically, playing Street Fighter until my eyes watered. Meh, wish I had enough cash to get Season 3 of House MD on dvd . I've also realised, that I know almost every single line spoken in the first 3 seasons of Scrubs, aswell as the episode name and number from which they came. God help me.
  11. Yup, same here. Well, maybe not ever, but close.
  12. Such a fun film, if a little stupid lol, and yeah, I was saying to my dad yesterday that it reminded me of Alien, a lot, it's essentially the same premise, but without aliens or spaceships. Kurt Russell is such a legend.
  13. Beer = fat bastard. Beer no good, yes?
  14. I can feel the love, exploding in my face. Seriously, it's making me uncomfortable. Anywho, in a reciprocal gesture, I'm going to suppress my anger fuelled, condescending tendencies and give a shout to a few lovely folk; Gotta love Goron_3, total king, and genuinely one of the few users around here that I can have a conversation with without feeling the urge to shoot myself, and the guy shares my love for Street Fighter . Oxigen_Waste; the guy is an island of great taste in this place. I couldn't agree with him more if I tried. Honorable mentions for much ass kicked: McMadness, Stefkov, Nintenchris, Flinkydink, Ashley, H-O-T, mcj, Dan Dare, Zell, Bananagrabber, Eenuh and Munky...and some other people... Right, I feel dirty all over, I'm off to break some poor fool's spirit.
  15. Either way, you can't deny that it's the sexiest looking beer ever.
  16. The only alcohol that I actually kind of like the taste of is Sambuca or Jagermeister. And of course, Guinness, but that isn't really beer, it's a meal in liquid form. Problem is, no good bars do drinks like that, they stick with the big brands, so I'm probably gonna have to scout the local pubs for the good shit.
  17. Oh fuck!!!! That's tomorrow. Finally, something to look forward to.
  18. Shit, I live like 10 minutes from the Manchester venue. Too bad I don't have like 50 quid . Might come down on the night and slap you fools anyway
  19. It's a little odd, but alright.
  20. "No daddy, it's too big" Edit: Damn you Stef...o_0
  21. The point is, Smirnoff Ice is the same price as a pint give or take, and in fact, it's usually more, and you get half the alcohol, for effectively a half pint of lemonade but with a slightly foul taste. It's for people that get fucked off of 6 units, nothing to do with how it tastes; nobody drinks alcohol for the taste.
  22. I'm your fwend!! McMad is the XBL teammate of choice .
  23. Who the fuck drinks Bacardi Breezers and Smirnoff Ice? It's like alcohol for men with a testosterone deficiency.
  24. Shit. I'm so tired that I can't sleep. I'm also hungry for Jaffa Cakes.
  25. Sure, why not. We could be Dan's circle of oxigen wasting bards, Or something. We're all about shoving phat choons straight up your ass. I'm working on a theme song.
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