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Everything posted by Caris

  1. What site did you use Dan? Not that I'm single I'm just curious.
  2. This is where CoD will go seriously downhill, mark my words.
  3. Least he doesn't go door to door looking for young children...
  4. Thank you for providing me with my morning lol.
  5. Chuck looks great in that picture.
  6. You made a gag?
  7. What can I say, I like Ikea!
  8. Desk. Gaming.
  9. Caris


  10. Speaking of rape... (never thought I'd say that) I went to this huge car boot sale at 7am this morning, as I was walking round I came to a stall that sold 2 things. It was a big table, one half full of Nytol sleeping pills, and the other half full of pregnancy tests. Seriously he had hundreds of each. It was like a stall for rapists, I wanted to take a picture but the guy behind it looked like he would have cut my throat if I did. Hands down one of the most shady things I've ever seen.
  11. Caris


    I agree with most of what you say on this forum. But I disagree with everything you just said in that post.
  12. Caris

    CV help

    My grades are pretty decent, lots of B's etc.
  13. Caris

    CV help

    Ah, okay. started my CV all over again this morning and just finished the rough draft. Few things to point out, it hasn't had a full spell check, I'm dyslexic so yes it might contain a few grammar errors. Also I will add my references on later today. Last of all I would like to include one more skill so I can have 4 skills and 4 interests. if anyone can think of something be sure to let me know as I'm struggling on this one last thing. I don't know what to add as I've said a lot in my profile at the start.
  14. Caris

    CV help

    I've started it from the ground up this morning, everything is wayyyyy better. I'll post it once it's finished, cheers everyone.
  15. Caris

    CV help

    Yeah cool, cheers for the advice. The text is black by the way.
  16. I've been touching up my CV today as I've been having pretty poor luck on the whole job hunting thing. But I'm still not really happy with it, I'm fine with the first page which has my qualifications, work experience etc on. The second page though, is a different story. There is nothing in particular I don't like, I just have a feeling it could be better. So if anyone has any input it would be greatly appreciated. Here it is.
  17. I'm sorry, but she's fucking crazy.
  18. Caris


    I got my first tattoo the weekend before last. It's just something small and simple To start with, it's the Chinese symbol for music on my wrist. Really liking it, tempted to book something else bigger in but I'm gonna wait for a bit and see how I feel.
  19. Going to see this tomorrow with the wife, looks awesome.
  20. This thread is the biggest mood kill on the internet. Cheer up people.
  21. I thought you couldn't use the controller as it hurt your hands?
  22. If you're going to the gym anyways why don't you just buy a good quality bicycle?
  23. I've only been seeing my girlfriend 3 weeks, so I see Valentines Day as an ideal opportunity to get in the good books.
  24. I don't know what possess people to get certain tattoos, they're with you for life, not 5-10 years.
  25. It's all downhill from here.
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