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Everything posted by Caris

  1. do you have bewbs?
  2. Caris

    Halo: Reach

  3. Should have gone to rehab...
  4. I havent done a before and after picture in a long time and Mikes recent one has inspired me, so here it is. Five stone down, one to go.
  5. Great work man! btw you look so much better with a shaved head and a beard.
  6. Mike, I havent read everything on this page but to sum up my experiance if you were quite a big guy just eating healthy will make you loose weight, but once you do that for so long and loose so much you have to start exercising for it to come off. When I just started my weight loss I could just eat healthy and loose around 3lb per week. The past week I've ate great and also been to the gym 4 times and only just made it to 2lb. Also, you really don't need a personal trainner. Just join a gym and I'm sure one of the staff will help you draw out a plan you can use for the next 6 weeks or so. Also the golden exercise rule is that if you're not soaking in sweat you're not working hard enough. Hope that helps.
  7. Pix or it didn't happen.
  8. How much was the hotel Shorty?
  9. Buy now pay later at Argos, 0%.
  10. Sorry to go way off topic, but why is The Mad Monkey banned?
  11. So I'm back in the weight loss game, I've lost 5 stone over the past 2 years but I had lost all motivation for the final stone and a half. My sister is getting married in the middle of August and I want to be all done by then so I look dashing in my suit so now I feel ready to rock. How's everyone else doing? I haven't been in this thread for ages.
  12. Caris


    Haha the FBI are after this guy and he just snitched on LulzSec, so they just found out where he lives along with all his other personal details and sent it to the FBI so they can hunt him down. Incredible.
  13. Thought this thread was aimed at me when I first saw it, glad it's not.
  14. Happy day of birth.
  15. Like a better version of red/blue 3D?
  16. You are, Reggie said it can only be used within the room of the console.
  17. Was that the last episode ever?
  18. Best user name ever.
  19. I'm in. .........
  20. This is my next said they weren't overly impressed with them and they had some trouble aiming. I don't understand why Nintendo moved away from analogue sticks in the first place.
  21. We have settled on "hair today, gone to Rooney" hope we win!
  22. Sitting in the pub now and we have around an hour to write a team name down, best name gets a bottle of champagne. It's always funny topical names that win. Suggestions?
  23. I don't think a new iPhone will be announced, I think it will come out with iOS 5 around September. I agree with most of what you said, I'll post more thoughts when I'm on my computer.
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