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Everything posted by Caris

  1. You can make them mix with a bit of knowledge and some sensibility.
  2. Haha, amazing.
  3. Hahaha, as soon as I saw a reply by ipaul I knew what was coming.
  4. I got a text from a girl today making me think even more than she likes me, this is best thing all year never mind this day.
  5. Sucks to live in America I guess.
  6. This lovely Levis shirt. £60 Oh, and these. £280
  7. I've had 20mb Virgin Media connection for a few year, never looked back.
  8. I thought this thread was new till I saw a post by Jordan...
  9. I'll report back with what I drank after tonight, if I can remember.
  10. Meh, if my liver packs in at least I wont be overweight.
  11. That's exactly what I'm thinking.
  12. Bit of a silly question, but do most pubs and clubs serve diet coke as well as normal? It's not something I've ever asked.
  13. Well obviously some are much better than others, and I will only be going on once a week so If I'm sensible it will be fine.
  14. I'm pretty clued up on calorie content and all that jazz for foods and normal drinks, but alcohol is one area where I know very little. So I need some advice. I haven't really drank much over the past couple of year because of some medication I was on, but I've been off it for a few month now and started getting into my glorious drinking habits once again. Problem is, I'm still on the last stretch of my diet and don't want to upset it too much and I'm not sure what the best thing to drink when I'm out is? I normally drink Fosters, or Jack D and Coke. Obviously larger is terrible and I'm not sure on spirit's. Help meh!
  15. What did he say when you asked his about the hole?
  16. That is all.
  17. Holy shit, time really does fly. I've had some great times on here, and met some truly awesome people. Thank you N-Europe13Rez.
  18. Caris


    Haha, yes! That's incredible.
  19. I went on Play Asia last night and worked out the current price for a DSi in Japan and the UK and it was exactly the same, so the £190 that was converted should be about right.
  20. It's still shoddy, why not just swap a code with a name? I find it totally absurd that my phone has a better online system than a dedicated games console.
  21. Haha!, if Nintendo has friend codes in this day and age on the 3DS I officially give up on them.
  22. That wallpaper makes me happy. Edit: Here's mine, inspiration taken from Noodleman.
  23. The first cast was awesome in so many ways, then it just went downhill. This season will no doubt carry on going downhill and possibly turn into a landslide.
  24. I'm fine with that.
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