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Everything posted by shaq365

  1. Mmm - thought it was alright but not amazing. Didn't help that I was hungover and in the cinema at 11 o'clock in the morning - thought I was gonna end up spewing...
  2. All 5 seasons of The Wire Watched the entire series of The Wire over the last month or so - really amazing but kinda left me with nothing to watch now. 5 out of 5
  3. I actually quite enjoyed it - I think a lot of the hatred towards it has come from people expecting something amazing. There is some awful bits of dialogue and pretty cheesy bits but overall it's a good fun adventure film. Far from Oscar worthy but at least better than any of the Star Wars prequels.
  4. Nah - the 2 extras discs are standard def. whilst the other 3 discs are blu-ray with various versions of the film.
  5. These are what I have - the top left ones. Top stuff and much better than the CX300 and slightly better than the Shure e2c. These are the ones I'm gonna get next:
  6. The sound is crap on Skullcandy headphones - it's a case of style over substance. I want to hit people I see wearing them...in the nicest way possible.
  7. Yeah - for the sheet clenching sex scene alone...
  8. There's hats on eBay but I'm not sure if you'd be able to get it in time...
  9. It's not hard playing yourself...
  10. How awful are the Heroes action figures...
  11. Nah - really don't like tea. Or coffee. I give them both 0 out of 10
  12. 4.8 out of 10 You were aware this wasn't meant to be pure comedy right...? Plus I don't like tea...
  13. Mmm - last week's was better. Relied too much on the youtube videos everyone's seen before. Better than the first two though...
  14. Grindhouse Hadn't seen Planet Terror on its own so really enjoyed the first half - what a classy film! Certainly felt you were getting value for money with a 3 hour runtime. Some of the fake trailers were great as well and I'm glad to hear they're making Machete into a full film! 8/10
  15. Haha - watched Predator for the first time the other night actually. Love the way he delivers all his lines so badly...
  16. Aw - you're so handy for cash converters...
  17. I'm dreaming of a whiiiiiiite Easter...
  18. The Orphanage - 4/5 Really enjoyed this - creepy...yet touching! Plus I saw it for free which is always good.
  19. We sure do! Looooove - exciting and new!
  20. Eeeeeeh? Does that not count as child abuse...?
  21. From my keys you can tell I have stuff to unlock.
  22. Oh so very creepy...love these FatalFarm videos.
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