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Everything posted by shaq365

  1. I'm pretty sure I could get quite high while listening to it - results later!
  2. They should take off and nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
  3. I accidently went out with and slept with someone who turned out to be my third cousin earlier this year - whoops!
  4. I'm guessing it's a mixture of being a bit hard going for the afternoon slot of the other Ghibli films and the fact it's not going to draw in big numbers in the evening. Better than not at all and this is the age of PVRs and Sky+. I have it on DVD anyway...
  5. Grave of the Fireflies is on on Saturday night/Sunday morning at 2:05...
  6. Not watching Princess Mononoke as 1)It's a dub 2)I watched it on DVD last week and 3)It's nowhere near as impressive without the awesome DTS soundtrack!
  7. NTSC camera have a higher frame rate (30 fps as opposed to 25 fps of PAL) but have a lower resolution. NTSC displays 480 vertical lines as opposed to 576 lines for PAL. There is also the problems with compatibility with TVs unless they are NTSC compatible. In other instances, this can be gotten around via RGB and a 60Hz capable TV but this doesn't really apply to camcorders which will generally only have an S-Video output. Of course, if you're going to be editing stuff, you can encode it into a PAL format but bear in mind the lower resolution. I personally have the Canon MVX3i.
  8. Been watching my series 6 and 7 DVDs and they're great. I'd forgotten how funny it used to be. It's also been long enough since I watched an episode of the awful newer ones. I think series 8 will be the last Simpsons DVD set I'll get.
  9. That's not homophobic at all... Looking on Google, I found this photo which suggests he might have the face for the role.
  10. True - although mildly entertaining at night...between September and May...
  11. In what world...?
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hB_VmZMQj5c
  13. Or you could take a photo of yourself and place the pictures of various sunglasses over the image - voila! For added fun - try putting sunglasses over other people's photos to see what they would look like. Hours of fun!
  14. I would recommend the ones you get for £2 in Primark. Unfortunately my local store appears to have stopped selling them which is unfortunate as I broke the first pair whilst drunk and lost the other pair...whilst drunk.
  15. A girl used a pick up line about orange juice on me that I can't quite remember - it was certainly unique. Then she brought me to her flat and took advantage of me.
  16. Yeah - it's yo' mama!
  17. "Are you in the mood for...date rape?"
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbZwAn3qOJU Oooo yeah!
  19. I sent one to me tomorrow. I plan on being VERY different then.
  20. Unless you can't actually have the sugar due to a medical condition...
  21. Get some decent headphones and you can really tell the difference. I have most of my music in either FLAC lossless or the highest quality VBR OGG.
  22. Don't smoke but also couldn't care less about people smoking. Fair enough when you're eating but other than that - not bothered
  23. Is that fat guy the Star Wars kid?
  24. Is this the dude that does whatever a spider can?
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