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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. That's great news, Goafer. Don't forget us when you've made it big!
  2. "Not tonight, Flinky-poo. I have a headache." "But I've already opened a condom! You know they don't keep!" "... Fine."
  3. T is Crackdown 2. U is Mirror's Edge. W is Prototype.
  4. It's like something you'd see in one of those Japanese lunchboxes.
  5. Haha, Dyson's got you beat as he's already asked me to make a Pikachu for him. But if you want me to make something for you and you're willing to pay, you just have to ask.
  6. I do have a PayPal account lying around somewhere, yes. We'll work all that out once I've actually made something (I may still botch the Pikachu!). :smile:

  7. In that case, you're going to love this. Sorry, couldn't resist.
  8. I like Pikachu too (but who doesn't?), so I'll do my best with that and the starters. :smile:


    (It's a good thing I just bought some more yellow clay the other day!)

  9. Meh, making sprites like that in creative mode is too easy. It's just a matter of finding a sprite online and plopping down blocks of the right color in the right places based on that sprite. As long as you have some time to waste, anyone could make something like that. The 3D ones at least took some skill, I guess. Sorry, I didn't mean to sound so negative. Notch is adding weather in the next patch, by the way.
  10. Yes, win her heart, Peeps! That's what the guys always have to do in romantic comedies.
  11. I'll do it, Dyson! For you. :love:


    Just let me know which ones you want. :smile:

  12. That makes two of us! I wouldn't worry too much about the materials, though (these figures are all pretty small, after all) - it's more my time that's precious.
  13. Aw, man. If you'd played the first game before Uncharted 2, you would have loved it because they toned down the amount of combat significantly. Now it's too late.
  14. Magnus


    I thought he looked familiar!
  15. Haha, how much? Though I'd probably have to pay a licensing fee to Hamish.
  16. Not counting their head feather things, Clukoon is about 2 centimeters tall, Clukhen is about three and Roosterix is four.
  17. Like this? Caption: ReZ's awesome day.
  18. But how will you decide which Eevil is the girl?
  19. Everyone's smiling in their pictures recently. Must be the lovely spring weather. Also, it kind of looks like Serebii's friends are trying their hardest to push him out of frame.
  20. They could make a game out of it. Every time Spider-Man cracks wise, make out. Every time Batman saves the day, handjob. Every time Superman saves Lois Lane, oral sex. Every time an ongoing series gets relaunched with a new #1, intercourse.
  21. Magnus

    L.A. Noire

    Haha, I was going to comment on his bad taste in television.
  22. Mowhog looks very cute in those drawings. Oh man, embarrassingly long. Usually between one and two hours per figurine.
  23. I get all my information about sex from pasty nerds on video game forums. Come to think of it, that explains a lot.
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