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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. It's probably worth noting that next season being the last is just an unsubstantiated rumor at this point.
  2. Haha, I'm glad I could cheer you up a little.
  3. Not my best work, but ugh.
  4. Someone's been reading the comments on the news posts about this!
  5. Well. That was surprisingly sudden.
  6. I read somewhere that it only appears at night when it's snowing. I went back there early on in the endgame and was sneaking past the other high-level monsters when it appeared out of nowhere. I almost had a heart attack.
  7. Assuming you don't skip a ton of sidequests, you're going to end up with way more money than you can spend anyway, so you may as well just buy all of the art manuals. Other than Colony 6, they're the only things worth spending any money on.
  8. Just bring your girlfriend with you to the funeral. You're basically guaranteed sympathy sex.
  9. It took me just over 150 hours to finish the game, but I did every sidequest I could find. Um... it's possible it was mostly explored in the heart-to-hearts. It kind of all blurs together at this point. I do know it was mentioned on several occasions, though. There are several heart-to-hearts that deal with it.
  10. Too bad it's over seventy hours long, so you're barely going to be able to make a dent in it in twenty-four hours.
  11. Oh yeah, I meant to say, but maybe they look better in real life. That's my complaints taken care of, then. Except the logo, but I suppose not much can be done about that.
  12. I don't like how...
  13. I briefly thought I was in the 'Terrible album covers' thread.
  14. I could certainly try, at least! :smile:


    I've actually been meaning to do something Xenoblade-related ever since finishing the game.

  15. Some of them have a chance of dropping good equipment/gems. That's about it. There's no separate reward for beating all of them. I'd imagine a New Game+ would be really boring, since you could just cut through most enemies like they were made of butter. I agree with the things you said in your second spoiler box (especially your second point, man, I kept hoping...).
  16. I agree that the font is awful. It doesn't matter if it's an ambigram if it's completely illegible. Your friends need a better logo. I really wish you'd color your artwork on the computer. Otherwise I'm just reminded of those cheap t-shirts with photographs printed on them that you can buy at fairs. But maybe that's just me. Just taken as regular drawings, though, they're very good.
  17. Happy birthday, Platty. Those are some ugly cakes.
  18. At least they put it inside the actual article. Kotaku et al. plastered it all over their respective front pages. Anyone who visited those websites two days ago know about that plot point now, whether they wanted to or not. This is exactly the kind of thing that makes it impossible for me to take gaming journalism seriously.
  19. I'll believe it when I'm watching it. Not a moment sooner.
  20. Happy birthday. Well, at least now we know you put a lot of thought into this thread.
  21. Sure, blame the server downtime. Happy birthday, though.
  22. I'm not Ashley, but... Premiere dates* Cable premiere dates *Chuck and Grimm have been pushed back one week.
  23. That's good advice in general. But yeah, I feel like Kotaku is pretty much just trolling its readers at this point - got to get those page views somehow!
  24. You do a weekly podcast?!
  25. No, this one:
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