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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. I don't think ableist language concerns itself with racism, so I think you're good.
  2. It's called ableist language and it's very much a Real Thing in certain circles. Also ableist: using the word 'stupid'. No, seriously.
  3. Quoted for truth.
  4. I'm sure you'll find some other way to thank me.
  5. Happy birthday.
  6. Or this Italian magazine, which game Super Mario Galaxy 11/10. Made especially amusing by the fact that it didn't even get a perfect score in every category.
  7. Well, then I take it all back.
  8. Dark Souls sure is game-changing. It's not like it's just like Demon's Souls or anything. Oh, right - Zelda. It doesn't really matter if it's an official publication or not, does it? You admit yourself that they're biased either way. :p And if the review scores Serebii posted are to be trusted, this is really just the best Zelda since Ocarina of Time 3D, which it is exactly as good as. It's a good thing they didn't get a chance to review any Zelda game before Twilight Princess, or they would have run out of percentage points by now.
  9. It's could be Diageo's origin story. He used to be this happy guy who was always smiling and jumping up and down excitedly. Then some Native Americans out for revenge stole his soul and he turned into the Diageo we all know today. No offense, Diageo.
  10. I'd give Twilight Princess a 93.43/10. I can't take any review that's higher or lower than that seriously. My hype levels remain undisturbed, because, really... Official Nintendo Magazine? I don't see how anyone can trust anything called 'Official [Company] Magazine'. You wouldn't read Official Saab Magazine and expect unbiased reviews of their cars.
  11. Maybe this is ReZ's way of telling us not to expect zombie pandas on The Walking Dead. I must admit I'm disappointed. Edit: But you're right that the far more likely explanation is that ReZ is being stupid.
  12. Now that's what I call a road. And people complain about the roads in Mario Kart being too wide. Aw, man. I never received them. You must have clicked on the wrong name when you sent them. I hope you're ready for a very embarrassing conversation with whoever received them. :p Unless they liked them, in which case... score!
  13. I need more context for ReZ's photo. What's a gemma? Why is he in a hipster parade? And why is his thumb so crooked? Oh. Okay.
  14. Did you shave off your mustache for Diageo's sake? That's sweet.
  15. I'm surprised they didn't just cancel it and replace it with another Chuck Lorre sitcom.
  16. Your kitten would love them.

  17. I'm shocked by how some of you actually enjoyed the latest episode. Are you sure you didn't watch last week's episode by mistake? :p Not that I remember last week's episode. I think it was better? It's weird how the show was on the bubble for years, and just when you started to think "okay, maybe it's about time they ended it", they renewed it for another two seasons. Though it wouldn't be CBS if they didn't run it into the ground. Or American television, period.
  18. I guess they could be.


    Especially if you have hamsters that could fight each other with them. That'd be awesome.

  19. Should I make them charms or just miniature weapons?


    Just figured I'd ask before I poke a hole in my Monado.


    ... If you know what I mean.


    (Actually, that's not a good euphemism. Ignore that last part.)

  20. I won't click on that spoiler, but I assume I'll end up accidentally reading about it somewhere anyway.
  21. Did anyone else think the latest episode was really bad? Because it kind of was.
  22. Thank God I don't live in China. This statement had nothing to do with the topic of this thread. I'm also glad I don't live in Denmark. I'd practically be Danny's neighbor.
  23. Well, clearly.
  24. There really aren't that many unique pieces to his outfit. Plus it'd be a lot easier than dressing up as Misty, where you'd have to grow your hair out and dye it orange.
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