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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. That's the gooiest salad I've ever seen.
  2. Haha, I was just thinking to myself, "thanks a lot, Peeps". :heh:

  3. It's on your mailbox. Duh. (Also, you're out of milk.)
  4. Smallville fans are literate? :p
  5. And I was saying how nice it is to be able to buy PSN games from different regions just the other day.
  6. Hahaha. (Not in.)
  7. Manderson = a manlier version of Anderson.
  8. Mom usually puts up the lights in the windows in early December/late November, but we don't usually put up the rest of the Christmas decorations until a day or two before Christmas. We're lazy. And then we usually leave everything up until halfway through January. We're really lazy. I hope you plan on giving him a good flogging. Stupid good-for-nothing butlers.
  9. Magnus means 'big' in Latin. Yes, ladies, I'm single. But what does Buckley mean?
  10. Haha, probably. But doing things the wrong way can be fun, too.
  11. Happy birthday to Choze and Ville. And this "Shorty" person, whoever he is.
  12. My eyes have been opened. Suddenly the thread title makes perfect sense. The only thing I thought felt like a fetch quest was that one thing you had to do after the third dungeon, and that was over in, what - ten minutes? Everything else was just... doing things... between temples. I don't know.
  13. Here's how I imagine Diageo responding to that: Man, Diageo trying to act nice must be hilarious.
  14. Fetch quest: anything that isn't a temple. At least that's the impression I get from this thread.
  15. The Legend of Felching.
  16. Ugh, just sleep with both of them at the same time. Problem solved.
  17. Aww, he/she likes you! There must be something wrong with him/her.
  18. All I took away from that post was, "getting laid is so much work".
  19. I hope you imported it, or she will never forgive you* for causing her to miss out on London Life. *She probably won't notice.
  20. I love that Sony lets you buy games through your computer (or the PS3, I guess, but I'm having online issues) and transfer them to your PSP. So convenient for losers like me who don't have a wireless router. I also love that it's so easy to get around the region-locking. Note to Nintendo: you suck.
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