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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. Well, you've been complaining about how you can't go out without your friends and how they always cancel on you. Though I realize you probably go out to run errands at stuff, in which case you should totally hit on that cute cashier at the supermarket or whatever. Make a reference to Arceus and see if she catches it.
  2. Time since Serebii last knew the touch of a woman: 1800 days :p Not sure how you can get unsubtly checked out when you never seem to leave the house. Unless you're referring to me, in which case I'm totally subtle shut up I was looking at that other forum member behind you.
  3. If it's anything like the PSP and the PS3, you'll be able to create up to a hundred save files (I think that's the limit?) for all games. I've had no problems sharing my PSP with my brother, despite never bothering to create different accounts or anything like that. Of course, I'm still in the "this sucks, stop being so backwards" camp. :p Edit: I have no idea how this would affect multiplayer, though.
  4. Coolness, stop flirting with Murr. He's engaged now. God, Murr. Take a hint already.
  5. I feel like it would be a step up. All flash and no substance - that's me from now on. Also: explosions.
  6. Thanks, guys. Though I have decided to stop having birthdays and stay twenty-five forever. Haha, that was my first thought, too. I've never even watched The Matrix. I appreciate the effort you put into this post.
  7. It's easy to say there's not a big difference between the European PSN and the American PSN and that it really doesn't matter that you'll only have access to one of them, until that one game you've been looking forward to doesn't get released over here.
  8. Hahaha. Magic isn't as much fun once you know the trick, is it?
  9. That's the gooiest salad I've ever seen.
  10. Haha, I was just thinking to myself, "thanks a lot, Peeps". :heh:

  11. It's on your mailbox. Duh. (Also, you're out of milk.)
  12. Smallville fans are literate? :p
  13. And I was saying how nice it is to be able to buy PSN games from different regions just the other day.
  14. Hahaha. (Not in.)
  15. Manderson = a manlier version of Anderson.
  16. Mom usually puts up the lights in the windows in early December/late November, but we don't usually put up the rest of the Christmas decorations until a day or two before Christmas. We're lazy. And then we usually leave everything up until halfway through January. We're really lazy. I hope you plan on giving him a good flogging. Stupid good-for-nothing butlers.
  17. Magnus means 'big' in Latin. Yes, ladies, I'm single. But what does Buckley mean?
  18. Haha, probably. But doing things the wrong way can be fun, too.
  19. Happy birthday to Choze and Ville. And this "Shorty" person, whoever he is.
  20. My eyes have been opened. Suddenly the thread title makes perfect sense. The only thing I thought felt like a fetch quest was that one thing you had to do after the third dungeon, and that was over in, what - ten minutes? Everything else was just... doing things... between temples. I don't know.
  21. Here's how I imagine Diageo responding to that: Man, Diageo trying to act nice must be hilarious.
  22. Fetch quest: anything that isn't a temple. At least that's the impression I get from this thread.
  23. The Legend of Felching.
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