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Everything posted by m_fergy

  1. Really ? Just I thought if there are no publisher restrictions then if I gave you the disc and you install it then you will have to pay a fee to play it. Just like fifa is today
  2. Ok fair point on the lending a game to your friend (Never lent a game in years) But if there are no restrictions on games then selected retailers and private selling are not points
  3. Yeah the option is there because console change. The 360 from launch till now is totally different. So if no publishers put a restriction on games then its the same as PS4. (Apart from the 24 hour check) All this rant and rave about used games is stupid when no publisher has said anything
  4. Which publishers have came out and said they are blocking or putting some sort of restriction on used games ?
  5. Finally finished with 3 stars on them all. Took some time !
  6. Really ? Im sure we have still got a good year left for the 360/PS3 Just becasue the Wii U is coming out doesnt mean its next gen yet. Not one game for that system seems next gen yet
  7. Haha well played, even tho it wasn't made by Nintendo so they stole it !
  8. Really ?! I'm sure the Sidewinder had motion control years before the wii came out. And Miiverse look like a cartoon version of PsHome
  9. The thing that worries me is online gaming. All the games that were showed we're all single player or local multiplayer. If Mario U isn't online multiplayer then it's very worrying.
  10. I got my code bought Escape Plan with it and got Frobisher Says already
  11. Question about "Near" Can people see your address or where abouts you are on a map ?
  12. Just got in and it's arrived got it with wipeout. Need another game tho. Tennis or golf ?
  13. Normal post Nightmare it hasnt come m8. I was pissed off with it being a day late
  14. Mine just arrived Off to play
  15. That did the trick. Thx
  16. Is there any way to start a new game on Links Awakening ? Im stuck on "THE END" screen
  17. Just got a e-mail with spare code Anyone want it ? First post first served :p
  18. Just got one 4897-5992-7882
  19. Already there ---> Link Congrats, Nice post
  20. Its alright but the games I have tested just run out of fun after half an hour. Very repeative. It all depends on what games you like playing I suppose. If you like Wii Fit and things like that then I can see you loving Kinect and its current games
  21. Shame its the last one
  22. If theres a spare spot im in
  23. Just played the first 20 mins of the game and its great. I was thinking of canceling my preorder but im keeping it now. Cant wait, Hope GAME ships my copy early
  24. Im up for some more L4D2. Add me... dizzi3e
  25. m_fergy

    Heavy Rain

    Played the demo. Controls took time to get used to but good game
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