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Everything posted by m_fergy

  1. Ok so me nd Ryan couldnt swop... He couldnt sign into my account for some reason... So anyone else wanna swop ?
  2. Link Here....
  3. Just wondering... You can give people games with the swop trick... Anyone tried it with the beta ?
  4. Aye m8 I tried again today on IGN but it kept on giving me the same code as I got yesterday... Still waiting on the Gamespot code... Will send soon as I get
  5. If im in at 7 I will try again on IGN to see if I can get another spare key... Just post link up here
  6. Aye nee bother mate... Soon as I get it I will send it to ya
  7. According to Gamespot if you got the question last night you are going to get a key... So soon as I get it I will give it to someone who doesnt have one yet
  8. I cant see why it wouldnt be If my download is done before yours I will let you know
  9. 4 player online i think... God its taking sooooooo long to download
  10. Got one aswell Been trying all week with Gamespot and no luck and this took 2 seconds... Thanks tapedeck
  11. HAHAHAHAHA Theres only 1 Titus Bramble
  12. Aye mate I will trade Siren for Quest for booty Also iv got... Pixel Junk Eden Rayman (PS1) Lemmings If anyone else wants to trade ?
  13. m_fergy

    GTA IV

    Just got the game WOOT !!! Did anyone get e-mail from GAME with 2 codes ? one for points and one for gamerpic ? Iv tried both of them and they dont work ?
  14. m_fergy

    GTA IV

    What did this report find tho ? Nothing...
  15. m_fergy

    GTA IV

    So you have never watched a movie when you were younger and the age was 18 ? Negative press means fuck all. Drugs get it all the time people still take them. Gangs walking the streets get it they still do mad things And shouldnt be playing it is a bit harsh, its not going to kill them or corrupt them in anyway if they do. If people dont know the right from wrong then they need help, Blaming video games is a easy way out for them
  16. m_fergy

    GTA IV

    Why because of the 18 ? I bet theres millions of kids playing it today
  17. m_fergy

    GTA IV

    LOL. Iv took this week off work so im alright but I wonder how many kids "feel bad" aswell today
  18. m_fergy

    GTA IV

    Even better
  19. m_fergy

    GTA IV

    Aye am game for that Its 12 people online isnt it ?
  20. Really ? Just that the X and O buttons dont look like fit and the little trolley in the top right looks to big for its box But if there confirmed then great
  21. Screens look good but I think there fake
  22. I dont really give a fuck about gamer points but having to leave a game then go into home then look about to see what you and your friends have achieved seems a bit to much to do You can just press a few buttons, even when in a game to check it on the 360 This is why I think home will fail unless there is a way to check in game
  23. When you get golf add me m8 and we will have a few games I wont be on till the weekend...
  24. Nope got it for 360 because I read that the install times were way to long. But I though that was just becuase it was a 360 port. Everybodys Golf is a PS3 only game I thought they would have sorted it out by now
  25. Just got Hot Shots Golf, went to play it and you have to install before play takes between 10-15 mins, I wasnt really counting but how shit is this !!! Hope you dont have to install with Metal Gear, that game is hugh will take forever to install
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