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Everything posted by m_fergy

  1. Whats the default size to make your own backgrounds ?
  2. Duck got a very bad review Doesnt seem like a good buy Link
  3. Thx for the add
  4. Just got Lemmings Great game must buy
  5. UK account set up ID: dizziee Add me : peace:
  6. yep I agree
  7. Just played the everybodys golf 5 demo great game, Must buy. I loved everybodys golf for the psp The demo is jap and I got it from the jap server. I will post how to get demo's on your ps3 from other servers if I dont get banned Or just look around the web im sure you can find it yourself
  8. Aye it does look good Any release date yet ?
  9. The helmet is defo not fake. I seen pics on teamxbox saying that its the special edition one Not sure about the other ones but they do look good. I got a e-mail from gameplay saying that halo3's release date has changed to september... not long now if sept is the month
  10. Aye a have played it. Why would I lie about a game ? FUCK OFF !!!
  11. Tennis is SHIT! What have they done virtua tennis 1 was amazing why do they have to fuck about with it
  12. Virtua Tennis 3 demo is up
  13. Anytime for me am skint so am staying in the nite
  14. Am still waiting on my copy from VGP The downloadables sounds good. When are they coming out ? The US version will I be able to play people on the UK version when it comes out ?
  16. ewf a dont know how the game looks shit Link
  17. Over the next few month ? I dont think you will get a list for arcade games Look what happened with worms. Microsoft had it for weeks and weeks before they released it Get GRAW 2, Virtua Tennis 3 and Worms that should keep you busy for a while
  18. A would but am at work tonight defo play at the weekend tho
  19. Anyone got motostorm yet ? Is online anygood ?
  20. Worms 7th March Link
  21. Well to me a good racing game is when iv had a go on it I want to play it again. And after playing RR7 I will not want to play it again. The sliding on the game is just not real imo and the handling doesnt feel right. I loved the RR's is the past but not they are just getting silly 2 me a fighting game isnt about skill. Anyone can beat anyone thats the great thing about a fighting game. Im just saying what I think about VF5 and I think its just a copy of DOA just different characters and moves
  22. Well I love car games and fighting games. GT HD is a good car car RR7 is NOT. DOA 4 is a good fighting game VF5 is not If you play VF5 its just a bad copy of DOA 4
  23. The only decent games there are Resistance & Motorstorm the rest are shit
  24. How do you transfer files to your ps3 ? can you use your psp ?
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