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Everything posted by m_fergy

  1. I made an account online ages ago and when I try to sign on it says, I have to wait till its avaible in my region ? Will I have to make another account ? thx
  2. WOOOP its working now I just left it on for 5 mins and the ticking has gone I think it just warmed up, Am glad like I would of been gutted if I had to send it back
  3. Dont know As soon as I turn it on it makes that noise
  4. Just got my ps3 and its making a funny noise ? Like the fan or something is ticking ? Im just using a normal converter so that US plugs can work in the UK, Could that be the problem caus I need a propper converter or is it fucked ?
  5. Its not even Sony fault or anyone else's for that matter Its the UK government, They hammer us with TAX I just got a PS3 for £330 off VGP and there going to be £425 over here that £95 for nothing, its excatly the same machine, There prob even cheaper again in Jap
  6. Thx m8 just bought a PS3 there from VGP and got Resistance with it, Iv got a HD-DVD player for my 360 so im not arsed bout the movies.
  7. If I get a PS3 from US will all the UK games and movies work on it fine ?
  8. Cant believe everyone is hammering Lost Planet because it didnt take ages to complete. What about GOW ? How short is that game ? Get Lost Planet there isnt much out for a while
  9. LOL What about Sony forcing you to pay over £400 for a game console ? Have you actually got a Wii ? If you have and dont understand that the PS3 motion is shit on tennis then your stooopid
  10. Aye same here m8 Just looked on the team17 site and still no news, they keep saying wait for an offical announcement from Microsoft
  11. Well I havnt played it but it does look shit from the video, Nintendo's tennis game works so well because u swing the control "pretenting" its a tennis racket. Same goes with most of the sports games But on the PS3 control u cant really swing the control, just move it side to side And the whole Nintendo thing forcing you, Well motion was Nintendo's plan from the start, If your going to do it make the whole controller motion, Dont make it half and half like Sony, it just doesnt work
  12. Lost Planet, Gears Of War, G.R.A.W, Splinter Cell
  13. Aye just finished it myself and though that the last boss was shit, The VS upgrade was amazin. Great game tho, off to play online now
  14. Aye have to agree m8 Lost Planet is spot on Havnt tried multiplayer yet, gonna wait will iv compleated the game first
  15. Aye cant wait for worms Used to love WA for the PC Defo getting this one Anyways HAPPY NEW YR everyone Am off out
  16. Get 1 from VGA m8, Instead of waiting on UK stock Link
  17. VGA have Component Cables in stock Just ordered one Link
  18. Link Forecast Channel - 20th Dec News Channel - 27th Jan
  19. Just looked on Nintedno Europe and its got my VC game that I got and says: I wonder how many stars we will get for a VC game ?
  20. Will never happen I think that 100 stars = 1 point
  21. Later this year according to Nintendo *EDIT* Site if you want it Site
  22. Shit quality just using my phone camera
  23. I dont know what ya can do with them but av got loads of Mii's running about now off people Hope ya can do something with them
  24. Do ya get stars if you buy games on the VC ?
  25. Try the others m8 U got 3
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