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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Well I'm a living example that it's really quite easy to stop smoking; the 'psychological' reasons for why it's tricky aren't necessarily 'addiction'; it's also the social behaviour you're used to, in a sense the "peer pressure" of still hanging out with your mates as they get stoned, or the 'habit' of smoking something at a certain time of the day, in the sense of getting out of the house or whatever. I do think I miss feeling like I was being part of an 'underworld'; feeling more righteous than the law and being around others who felt the same.
  2. I wasn't physically addicted, of course. Just me and two pals got into the routine of smoking far too much money's worth, and far too often... I was smoking on the way to college, at break, on the way home, on the way to mate's house, at mate's house, on way home, just before bed... Used to roll two parts weed one part 'baccy for a "nice" spliff, or 3:1 for an "extra nice" one.
  3. ah no that was platty. Browser was remembering some other post of yours that I'd added to the clipboard :P
  4. If it's playing at the Crucible, I would certainly love to see it. I really, really need to go to the theatre more. I've only just kind of gotten to the point where I think i can say "hey, yeah I go to the theatre, so what?" having read some of Tom Stoppard's plays and realising that plays are a viable form of entertainment... For sure, PM me with more details when you have them
  5. so ipaul; should we move the debate towards drugs, in general? Because I can tell you people high on all sorts of drugs can show you a hell of a conversation. Personally I think banning things is silly, that instead people should be so damn well educated (or does this lead to dangers of propagation? is that even a word? I do not know) that they choose to do as they please. So what would the penalty be, in your eyes, for smoking? A year in prison? 30 days community service? Do you think we should outlaw suicide as well? :P Or people who refuse to have a bath and smell loads and are generally a nuisance to society? At what point do you distinguish between the 'good for society' and 'freedom'? I am slightly exagerating certain points that I'm arguing, but I think in essence, there is truth in what I say.
  6. Weed made your hair fall out?! Dewd. Srsly? Man. Well Weed's how I took up smoking in the first place; walking home at 3am from a mate's house after a hefty blaze, needing to inhale something to fit the routine. I started smoking weed more and more, thus needing the schedule-filler more and more... then I gave up weed! My dad actually said that he wished I still smoked weed and gave up tobacco - but personally I'd rather have my mind than my body.
  7. Well if you can give me a brief analysis of it, maybe draw some comparisons to other plays and I'll still probably come see it in london Do you know where you'd play?
  8. Twozzok: Recently I've been mixing it up a little. Moved down to Gold leaf for money's sake, had a bit of cherry tobacco (which I DEFY anyone to not like the smell of, even if they hate smoking), then some Drum, and now back on Gold leaf. It's nice to mix it up every now and then to get a taste of something new. I've started using the OCB premium papers, as I feel I need to level up my rolling skillz :P
  9. What play is that? I might be interested :P There's a meet-up arranged for the 5th July in Hyde Park at the moment with, hopefully, more to come.
  10. I agree with you on your latter two points; the smoking ban has worked out perfectly fine - that is, if pubs and clubs have appropriate facilities. I do, however, find it unfair that for those who work on the 10th floor of a building have to exit the building entirely in order to do something that isn't illegal, thus wasting their breaks. Or that open-air-- and I mean totally roofless railway stations also fall under the "workplace" rule, or that if you're a smoker in your workvan with another smoker, you're not allowed to smoke. I also agree that raising the smoking age limit is a perfectly fine thing to do. There's no reason for anyone to take it up at any age -- but the fact is that once they do take it up they should not be persecuted for it. People who own cars pay more tax for sure, but can you really say they are paying their way for not only roads, road police, but also car-related hospital injuries, the cost of car crime, of pollution? The petrol-driven car will die out only because we'll end up burning the entire source of power, in exchange for utterly unequivocal damage to the environment which, surely, is far more important than any human life, considering it's the environment we rely on for survival? As for smoking being a pointless habit - besides the point that most habits are pointless, that most things human beings do day-to-day are pointless, you think the majority of car journeys are necessary? But no, you should not be forced to breathe in anyone elses fumes. That is for sure. But where do you draw the line? I personally hate the smell of farts, yet I find myself involved with them from time to time. I don't like bad breath, I don't like the smell of cabbage or broccoli boiling. I don't like the smell of 99% of pub toilets, yet I am 'forced' to breathe these things in certain situations that I have, or have not, put myself in. There are more factors involved than meets the eye. I don't believe that if someone says "i have the right to not breathe in smoke" means that they have to oppose everyone who smokes, because not everyone who smokes forces them to breathe it.
  11. .. I read that in my mind as "my poor bloody cock". Please continue.
  12. Helolo! I smoke. I know people hate it, but I smoke. It's enjoyable in parts, but also clearly a bad thing. I like to think I'm a considerate smoker, that I don't blow smoke in people's faces, don't smoke when they're eating and so on. I don't like how people who have nothing to do with my life try and make me stop, like, for the good of mankind or something. Smoking can be sociable, and serves as a common-ground with random strangers all over the place, which adds to entertainment of teh world. I just got a Zippo lighter for xmas (from Shorty), which basically means I'm not allowed to give up for a while, seeing as it's got a lifetime guarentee and all. Twozzok I'm sure I remember when you started smoking, and how you were, like me, not wanting to smoke when you were sober, then not willing to smoke if it meant buying your own. It is truly a slipping slope and an addictive thing, and something that we turn a blind eye to because we don't see the negative effects of it 'til our older years... But to me it's still a symbol of choice, of doing something that I want to do because I choose to, and the more people against it just means the more I want to smoke. are you saying they do not have the right to smoke outside? Are we going to bring up the argument that smokers pay their own way in the NHS and that car fumes are far more harmful to the environment?
  13. I like to think my mega-awesome personality pwns the fact that I smoke... I don't think my ex- agreed though. Hmm. You say taht buuut... Well really you'll want them to stop their annoying habits too, which they're not willing to do for some silly little reason. Something about their habit not killing them, or something. Sigh. *smokes some more*
  14. Ah, no I don't mean them :P did you fill out a form for your card? did you keep a part of it? Normally you need that - actually, thinking about it, that form's really just for replacements :P Ok! Yeah all you need to do is go to the station with your ticket-shaped things, fill out a new form and hand over the dosh. yeah.
  15. Rez that link sucked. You Fail. As for DFS, furniture village, whatever; I hate them all and will continue to buy my sofas from YMCA thankyouverymuch. Why don't they quit pretending that they're selling anything outside of a sale and just sell the furniture at a third of the price from the beginning? That way they could advertise "we don't do sales, we're just economical." a few times a year rather than having to make new adverts for the blue cross sale/january sale/winter sale/summer sale/whateverrr, and save money that way? I hate that Odeon advert, with all the people dissapearing. It's rubbish.
  16. Two tickets? What do you meaaan *confused explosion*
  17. You can renew them at any train station, iirc you usually need that leaflet that you used to get the card that they stamped, too.. but I've done it without that once. Letty; well i cannot promise everyone else will turn up, but... well I'm definitely going :/ Just up to each individual to fulfil their promises.
  18. still time to join stefkov!
  19. I never thought I'd be pissed off with V-day, but it appears to be occuring 'round my lunar cycle of horniness and angst towards being single. *buys some badgers to bury alive*
  20. SHeikah; I just threw this date and location out there as a date I'll be there, with anyone welcome if they want to come. The guys organising the alton towers trip can still go ahead with it, I don't care. Just quit dissing this meet-up :P You can organise your own one wherever if you want!
  21. Oh Bard, btw, I've got high hopes of you being my drinking buddy for the day. NO LETDOWNS K?
  22. Easy Star All Stars have a great album called Dub Side of The Moon[/i]. I can't remember if they also did Dred Zeppelin or if that's actually another band, too, but the Pink Floyd album coverage is mighty fine
  23. So we can chalk you up as a "most likely is coming" then?
  24. oooOOoh :P ain't you the bookworm I'd recommend another poem to read after reading that one but I can't properly remember it, or be arsed to get my book... "The sailor who had served the slave trade", I think, by..... Robert Southey? I think? It's not too long (comparitively, what is?) and it draws heavily from Ancient Mariner in one of many contemporary poems against the slave trade. That is, if I've not gotten my wires crossed. MY last few days in several paragraphs of bludgeoned excitement; Went on a massive BISH-crawl and gathered bunches of them rapidly. Walking around with helium-filled balloons is one of the coolest things in the world. went to a mate's house to watch a movie, and sat and drank lots of gin. THe movies were utter rubbish, but the mate's new french-canadian housemates were veery nice Stumbled home around... some sort of time. Next day; hungover lightly, so did nothing, save eat cereal iirc. Started playing Devil May Cry 4 a wee bit. Squeezed a few more BISHes in here and there, and now I am sat drinking wine, awaiting the visage of an N-E halo-online bash. I shall be hurling plenty of abuse to all that appear, and none shall hear due to my lack of microphonage! mwahaha! ... Yeah. 9am-4pm tomorrow. Not read or touched anything. HTATEITALLLLl.
  25. Wasn't he using a 48-hour code? Well we'll try getting us both online tonight, if it's only one person then I think it'll be shorty as 1) it's his game/console and 2) he's better than me :P I've got a couple of weeks of my month's trial left, and I need to get playing with some of you guys! 'specially haden; i promised to play co-op with you this weekend and failed, sorry
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