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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. ... Coolness Bears... it's not as if you're the only one with an exam, or are you in any position to be freaking out... Went to bed after 2am last night due to the local teenage gang deciding to plant themselves directly below my window for their usual nightly meetings that drone on from 12am. The neighbours must've thought the noise was coming from our flat, as I kept hearing banging on the walls/ceiling, which just kept me even more awake... So I had less than six hours sleep, got an exam in 73 minutes. I'm going to end up drinking a crapload of Relentless and needing the mother of all pisses roughly just when I get the revelation for the second question regarding the french revolution, and Byron. Or something.
  2. Yup. My memory, whether made-up or whether it actually happened I can't tell, is that I sent it off with a whole bunch of forms in a bulky package anyway. Yeah, they photocopy it don't they? Or do they as you to photocopy it? Well anyway, yeah just a note of your ID.
  3. special/recorded delivery. Natch!
  4. In a similar-sort-of way, I've recently discovered that my grandparents gave all 4 grandkiddies £5,000 each aout four years ago. Only thing is I haven't seen or heard about this at all. Apparantly the money was given to our parents, and my cousins got theirs immediately, my sister got it immediately as she was moving into a flat but me..? Nope. Nothing. I have a slight suspicion that my dad is pretending to give me money each week for food (read: booze), when actually it's from my own account...
  5. Again, I appreciate Jamba's respecful take on this Emikael is the anti-troll, in the sense that he isn't out looking for trolling but draws a lot of it because of his views. With respect to your logic and your beliefs, to some degree it is the individual's responsibility to use the power of love and faith to keep these evils out of their hearts, is it not? I think generally speaking, the atheist views these malignant spirits not as entities but rather as stressors that exist in the world, that can affect each of us in different ways. We all have different perspectives and different interpretations of the things around us, and while it is easy to point at the unknown or the intrpidly dark and scary and say "that is to blame", it is really in the hands of the receiver to which the reaction to the entity is fated. In this case, one cannot simply point their fingers at one type of music and say "that makes people suicidal" because for one you are generalising not only the music but also the people. If not everyone reacts the same way to the song then how can it be said that the song = suicide? It is from there we have to take into account other factors of the individuals life in order to understand how they reached the end that they did, for the means is clearly not one thing. These bad spirits you think of, as they say, come in many guises, unique for all of us.
  6. Chances are they're on a different exam board to you, hence the different dates.
  7. The Suicide's Argument by Samuel Coleridge Ere the birth of my life, if I wished it or no No question was asked me--it could not be so ! If the life was the question, a thing sent to try And to live on be YES; what can NO be ? to die. ~hooray for revision...
  8. alriiight! well hows about we preliminarily say somewhere around Round Pond? fr enough away from the entrance to avaid da copz..
  9. It just... throws the beautiful image of the weekend in my head The hostel was perfect for Hyde Park. Well Kensington Gardens is right by Hyde Park, isn't it? I suppose we could still risk just seeing how busy it'll be at hyde. As you say we can figure things out... I was going to book the hostel today, but I'll wait a bit longer for a) chuck, caris and co to confirm what they're doing and b) to see if everyone is still up for this now that the location may not be so concrete..
  10. *head explodes at sheer stupidity of both articles* ... My god, it must be fucking easy being a journalist... All you need is no sense of decency or honesty.
  11. Actually I was going to come in here and bitch about specific word usage! Meaning, purpose, point... I'll just say that if we knew what precisely life is meant to be about, then what point would there be in living it out? If life is about doing xyz, then we'd do them and just sort of sit around wondering 'is that it?'. The point of life, as others have said, is that you're alive. You can sense, feel emotions, and communicate. So hows about experiencing all of that as much as posible?* *Originally I had a massive, essay-length post for this thread but internetproblems= couldn't post it. That's why this post is lame.
  12. Been watching, for lols, Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. About half-way through season one and to be honest I rather like it. I remember watching it over a decade ago and kind of liking it - now I'm old enough to fully appreciate Terri Hatcher, I have to admit I'm quite hooked now! I do know that the show has kind of raped a lot of aspects of the superman mythology, and I'd like to see/hear some Superfan's mega rant on the show, but it's all done tongue-in-cheek, and I think the show itself is fairly well structured... Funz!
  13. You mean "slightly less extreme level", unless you really mean to say that lung cancer is more extreme than headshot, I dunno. Let's not turn this into another smoking debate, ey? Didn't the old one only just die down? And we smokers won, ahem.. JUST WOKE UP... er, ok been up an hour and been watching mewithoutYou vids on youtube all morning. Exam is now TOMORROW so Shorty and I will be freaking out like a pair of fog-horns on acid all day long, I'm sure.
  14. Time for some , and a pretty cool "acoustic" version of , if you ask me.
  15. Vote: Volcom. I don't think he's as silent as people think, though.
  16. Happy birthday, oh fellow nooroper who seems to need unnecessary //\//\/\//// slashes all over the place. Have a good one! I hate liverpool.
  17. Rumour has it that the EMA is part of the reason why the smoking age went up, as the government didn't want to actively be giving the kids the pocket money they normally spent on fags. This may have been made up by me. But you know it makes some sort of sense.
  18. ARGH big ****** fuckers. I don't know what to do anymore :'( Any idea how big the festival is? how much of the park'll be closed? ffs. ffs. FFS... *feels like giving up... or perhaps postponing to the following weekend, or something*
  19. Blimey. I wanted to laugh but I thought he'd reach through the screen and say "DID IT SAY LAUGH ON THE TELEPROMPT? HUH? I'D LIKE TO SEE YOU DO IT LIVE, YOU MAGGOT!"... or, er, something.
  20. I've just been wasting a revision hour or two catching up with ZP and also watching the fairly new video article over there called De-Rez, which starts off poorly but becomes more robust with each episode adding to the team's repartoir. Check the resident evil and half-life episodes in particular!
  21. I did. Didn't help. I'll talk to Shorty about what you said Fish, ta. EDIT: Well We've not got a netgear router, and our MTU size is set to 0 (so the default is used...) And while we're all having problems with connection in general, mine appear to be the most severe. Had some fun in DOS but still no resolution. I expect these posts will be moved
  22. testing to see if I can post... EDIT: Well I'm trying to post some likely questions of my own, but it seems I CANNOT. Too many words, or something. Sigh. Q2. “While Romantic poets wrote about the problem of social oppression their poetry offered no answers to this problem.†Discuss with reference to the poetry studied on this module. Q3. “Imagination meant different things to different poets.†Discuss how ideas about the imagination find expression in Romantic poetry. Q4. Coleridge wrote to a friend, "Metaphysics and poetry and ‘facts of mind’ (i.e. accounts of all the strange phantasms that ever possessed your philosophy-dreamers) are my darling studies… I love chemistry." Discuss the relationship between science AND/OR opium and poetry of this period. EDIT2: Seems I have a limit of about 800chars worth of info max I can send. Nice.
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