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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. SHIINOOOOOO! ...That just really seemed necessary. I do like the occasional fetishes this thread spawns, though.
  2. The guys you sent them too are at the top of the "wonder if they've forgotten about this thread" list :P They probably do have 'em already, the swines!
  3. I read your geektique earlier Ashumon; I thought it was covered with brevity! A very interesting topic, especially when you get to the concept of a created reality seeming more 'real' - though I disagreed with your interpretation. Definitely the only thing I look forward to reading on the site though :P You got more ideas?
  4. Oh yeah that's fine. Just make sure you call the ginger portuguese by their full 'title'. Don't forget the jewish, the female, the sick and the elderly!
  5. Ah that's an easy one! Because women rule the world.
  6. Dyson; Buy padded envelopes, you'll be fine. I got a paper cover for mine and they got through safely.
  7. Religious imperatives and moral laws of course found the basis of justice systems in all countries, and with our laws are arguably based on more christian ideals there also comes the idea of accepting other ways of life, and respecting other boundaries. The only debate over this I could persuade myself to give would be that it could be considered a rather sexist and pristine way of treating half the sex, but as I read between your lines you speak as if you can't trust people wearing hijabs (hadith?). I do understand your comparison to other forms of clothing/dress and how they're treated differently, but the essense of a religious law can't be loverlooked. it's much less a choice than wearing a hoodie or a hat is. I still disagree with you that you can't see the shape of their face. The hijab isn't worn loosely like a hood - and it isn't a fashion, it's a way of life. As Wiki tells me, 'hijab' is more than simply the veil, it is "One of the tenets of Islam ... a requirement for modesty in both men and women." Sure you can argue that wearing the scarf/thing is only an interpretation, but it's an interpretation taken from doctrines and scripture held as law. So yeah - it's a liberty afforded to muslims, but! If you wanted to wear a headscarf for your passport photo, you can - so it's not unfair treatment is it?
  8. On listening to my mix again, i've realised I put tracks 2 and 3 the wrong way round! arg! I like squarepusher, but not so keen on Tom Waits. Bit too grating - but I've not listened to it isolated or out of context yet, which might make a difference. What's your playlist, Moogle?
  9. heh, well I think there's a female co-vocalist on one of my tracks, so I guess we make up for each other
  10. Quite often I dream up some awesome poetry, utterly convinced that I'll remember it in the morning - then I wake up, turn on the pooter and all I can remember is "drop me back into the sea / I want to spend some more time with me / Oh, how I'd promise not to drown; / I'd float alone, atop my dreams," except in my dream it was way more awesome and full of cools. Honest.
  11. I give blood, so I've already saved two :P
  12. stop with the list, already. It's not a complete list of who is participating, and also includes lots of people who aren't. My mixtape! As you can see, a pure-paper case, to save the plastic trees. One had a smiley face, the other a sad one - I have no idea which I sent to who. Next, you unfurl the sheet and you see I, rather shoddily, used red/black marker to colour my CD in. It says "<3 Mixtape <3 j7" and the paper has a list of a few songs i wanted to include, but couldn't due to space. Then there's the tracklist, with a crappy apology for the art, music and arrangement.
  13. Well I'm now on my 4th listen of Dan Dare's mix, and I'll say it's fairly balanced Was a bit weird when my mum was singing along to most of the first half of the CD (she started telling me how she saw Hall and Oats when she was younger), and while I can't say I'm scrambling to the pooter to download anyone's entire discography just yet, I do feel like I've had a good ol' music lesson! Well on the weekend i'll send out some PMs to people whom i believe haven't sent anything out. If you've sent off your CDs then I think it's alright to post the details about them, if you wish I'll be right back with PIX and DESCRIPTS.
  14. yeah as I said already, ignore the list, it's WONG. Ja. I've got a list of everyone and their pimps which I can upload if y'all want to have your fun spoiled?
  15. "from someone named wes?" Dude, that's totally Wes. Shame on you.
  16. Twozzok... I like! The reviewer's fairly accurate, it is quite nintendocore-esque - but I'd say Mindless Self indulgence is more accurate. Check them out if you haven't already, along with Totally Radd!! and HORSE The Band. If anything I'd say it could benefit from more pauses/intermissions.. but yeah, MSI-it-up to see what I mean. Then flick over to Absurd Minds and Velvet Acid Christ for some more ideas -- I'd say your music could work well with some sampling. So yeah - seriously, keep me posted with this :P
  17. dude, this is getting silly. How can you not see who they are? Their face is right there! *points* They're a hell of a lot more likely to look exactly like their picture! It's like they're wearing a frame around their face. All taht's covered is, what, ears and hair? They still have the eyes, nose and mouth, and they're surely considered the essential parts to IDing a person, hence no sunglasses. But a hoodie would produce a different image to that of your passport :P You don't have to wear a hoodie - they have to wear that.
  18. Well just as canada/mexico/brazil et al are part of The Americas, it's just as apt to call anyone from the continent "american". Did you know that there are many (not going to generalise) people who hate being called British, and much rather would be called irish, scottish, welsh or english.
  19. I've seen teh first two seasons so far, Dan :P you say subtle but really it's just a nice line of characters that interact humorously. There's more than a whiff of Desperate Housewives about it... But then i do like it myself :P
  20. You can't say that with as much certainty as you can about her outfit though. The baby's passport will last 5 years so they'll stop using the dummy. Hair isn't stable and not only grows but moves about thanks to sheer momentum alone! Why shouldn't they be allowed to wear it in the airport?
  21. But isn't it clear? he's having psi trouble!!! poor guy, what with the language barrier and all.
  22. I'd disagree. If she's going to be wearing her shawl at the airport, which is more likely to happen than those three pictures, then what's the big deal? Seriously, it's not like she's wearing a gas mask or anything. if you just imagine that she has long, black hair then there's no difference is there?
  23. I'm awake! And It's morning! What on earth is happening... Plan for the day is to actually read this book... fucking retake is creeping up. I am wearing all blue today.
  24. You made it sound like their whole face was covered :P Yeah, that's acceptable. Why not? You can see exactly what they look like!
  25. Well I got a rather snazzy-looking Eclection in the post today. It's pretty cool so far!
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