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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. I think this sort of experience would be extremely beneficial if you let it. Having such a close look at some of the extremes of human nature, well isn't that what psychology is all about? I'm sure it'd be freaky at first but it won't be like the movies, you know? Just imagine how fearless you'll be after a few months on the job. You'll be ready for anything.
  2. I've learned to windmill, and almost able to do miller's mess thanks to practicing the underarm throws. JUGGLING! yeah baby, back from the weekend camping in a carpark. Was forecasted to rain severely all weekend but instead we got a small downpour saturday night and that was it. I had lots of absinthe, gin and cider, shared my chili vodka with half a dozen people or so, watched some astounding performances, heckled badly, ate worse and played some good chess. Been a hectic week. Next job is to go find out how much I'll get charged for these most-likely-to-be-overdue books. Next weekend I'm going to a Psycho Buildings exhibit in london someplace, to hopefully get my mind out of the pit of thinking-about-ex-girlfriends-whenever-certain-dates-come-around! Oh, and will attempt to destroy you all at the BISH!
  3. Dude, they were totally not serious. I'd bet any money on that. They could barely keep a straight face! ... But yeah, i just like the auditions.
  4. It depends on just how bored I am. I'll often have the forums open in a window behind a DVD, or in a different tab to a streamed episode of something so that I can switch to the forums and fill my time while the episode loads... I start in the playground, check the threads that are new/posted in recently, then head to gen chit-chat. Quite often these days I'll ignore the ol' religion/art/philosophy/alcohol/drugs/cigarettes/username threads simply because there's nothing new to say on the subject. But if there's a thread I've not read at all that maintains popularity and builds up reams of pages then eventually I'll pop in to see what the fuss is about. But yeah, on quiet days/friday nights when i'm sad and at home I end up going through pretty much all the other fora scanning for good threads. ... Well isn't that all rather interesting to write, but dull to read, hum? you have barely 100 posts less than me :P I average around 3 posts a day!
  5. the new lists are Moogle's and Dyson's -- just added my own one too, in the Bish list spoiler tag. Cube's time machine was a watch and a mobile and a book that says 'timeline', while letty had some crazy looking thing and W_G had the tardis. because it said 'gizmo or gremlin' I'm just inclined to see people try for the intended subject matter, otherwise everyone'll just snap up their gadgets. The concert ticket decision also sticks, I'm afraid :/ I'll post some pictures if I can find my camera cable, and then it's your turn to pick at my entries :P
  6. Aight. OP now has two new lists added from Dyson and moogle. Official scores are up and accurate. Cube: I didn't accept time machine, gizmo or gremlin, and your concert ticket looks more like a poster, so you might want to clarify that Haden's pic is an old one. Letty! Well, despite how much I love the pics you've got... Some pedantry is required! Please don't hate me. Some wiggly worms = >1. The rainbow top is missing orange. Your table disguise, I feel, is too easily replicated and not as comical as other attempts. But! As shorty later points out, you've got a twofer I'm uncertain about the sleeping shetland pony because strictly speaking I can't quite tell that you're there, so I'm going to give you the points unless others convince me otherwise - because the picture is awesome. the hot jordan picture, while the stuff of dreams assuredly, doesn't have you in it enough. Your rocket launcher doesn't seem to be a rocket launcher. Dyson: again I have more pedantry but can you repost what you've got and list whose bish the points go to? Might be sticking this all in a spreadsheet anyday now, and quite frankly I need to defer some of the effort as it's taking me hours to keep this in check each time I come on. But hey! At least I do it, unlike certain 'award-givers'. nightwolf; as shorty said, the picture of you holding a picture isn't quite there Oh, and new rule; any time someone asks a question that I've already answered, they get no answer. Booya.
  7. And besides, it would actually be smaller than just the text
  8. Actually I was going to make images and 'prizes' but I'm far too lazy. I'm still freakin' editing the first post!
  9. Ok, I'm alive! Thakns to shorty for prodding people in the right direction. I will begin constructing a leaderboard imminently - apologies in advance for some of you, as I may not be counting all the entries (a rainbow top needs to have orange on it, letty- sorry!)... Also! For some reason I can't see your Nerdiest of the Nerds picture I really, really like loads of these pictures guys! W_G I think your jelly-baby-jones scene is fantastic! No. :P Awesome upon awesome! Damn you guys look like you had fun doing those. now get outta my room and quit going through my drawers! Well I've got about five to produce for myself in a bit. Went away for the weekend with the list of stuff on my cameraphone in six pictures because I couldn't get the printer to work. Anyway, excuses aside, keep an eye on the OP as I'll hopefully be adding a some new stuff, including Dyson and Moogle's lists, and hopefully my own one too. Yeah. Stop typing now.
  10. text looks about 35px when compared to the GT, if you ask me
  11. For Cube and Haden (oi!) it does say in the rules that you need to take new snaps. The "j7's bonus!" ones are open to all. I'm about to catch a train so I'll try sort things out a bit better on sunday night when i get back, aight? Happy BISHing, dudes.
  12. WENT TO SHEFFIELD did an exam and an essay and an DRINKING lots with shorty and co. Didn't play any gears of war. 5 hour train home was put off a little by me kinda forgetting when the train was, and thus I ended up in Doncaster for two hours. So no I'm touring those websites, y'know, like postsecret and overheardinnewyork and married to the sea and watching big bro, even though I've got to catch another train at - get this - LEET O CLOCK tomorrow. Awesome. Bishing that bitch right up.. Well I would but chances are I'll be on the train so it'll be trickier. Lost mah juggling balls But! I am slightly prepared. Got tent, fork, tin opener, chili vodka, cup, chess board, a weird towel that makes no sense because it won't work unless it's wet, but surely a wet towel won't dry me? I need drugs. DRUUUUUUUUUUAAAAGS!
  13. This post reserved for scoreboard!
  14. Well to be fair you clearly don't care about her :P She's upset because she is no longer a mate that would earn a "fuck! it's your birthday! I'll get the day off work, then" from you, and she is sad about that. And, she's female, so the only way she can communicate this to you is through some half-arsed guilt trip. Yes, I am in a cynical mood. Sorry females!
  15. I'm tempted to throw some Oscar Wilde quotes in, now that we've had facepalm and nazis mentioned aleady. 'Art' is actually just a big joke that some stoned caveman made up once. Art is just the obnoxious human instinct to be so self-involved, and in love with their own thoughts. Gah. I was going to go make a thread about how annoying it is when you have to make a big deal out of a small thing just to highlight the fact that it's a small thing, but I think this entire thread has done that for me. When you have two people (or sides) arguing, where one side is basically saying "I'm right" and the other side says "I don't care what you think", then the 'winner' is kind of defunct. The only excuse for making a useless thing is that one admires it immensely. All art is useless. Trufax. *points to youtube* ... plenty of people make stuff irregardless of money. But then maybe you can argue they do it for fame. Which just basically means they do it for sex. Most people fail. and at thread in general (and for hypocracy lols); Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. I rate this thread 2/10
  16. The BASICS * Sign ups for this BISH are now totally closed! Nobody else til the next one. * You must submit a list before you can play, and have it accepted by me! (jayseven) * Your list must be 5-10 items. * Assign your list a total of 1000 points (see examples below). * You only take pictures of other peoples' lists. * Post your images in this thread, don't post links, post actual images. * Include the name of what you have BISHed and the points it is worth, please! * You must be in your picture! At the very least, a hand/finger with your forum name written on. * The closing date for the competition is Friday 12th September.
  17. Soo... I'm guessing nobody's going to take the initiative and start suggesting a hostel, or something? No? Well ya should. Don't rely on me as I've got my bed sorted for the night :P Opal 2! That's the one with the scary statue outside innit? Right in between the dev cat and the washington, near Dev Green (which was another potential meeting place, but to be honest all the emo kids hang there and it's just annoying) I also don't really understand the problem of going to the meet with regards to when you're moving your stuff in. DENIED! I've set a date. Yeah, who says my word is rule eh? ... I've just come back from sheffield. I got coach up there (£20ish in total, from brighton) and train back (£15! bargain).
  18. Sorry - just had a 5 hour train journey! Well i've got something like 16 people who have sent in PMs, so the game'll be about the same size as last time I'll start with the thread now, so give me a few hours
  19. Who'sat?! Oh, look who's talking! ... Yeha I'm being a bit lazier with this event compared to the london one. Just basically, like... yeah. Please do come, it will be good. Takeo! Will be awesome. Most definitely ought to have a trip to the Dev Cat to try their house ciders
  20. Cheers OMGTENCHAR!
  21. Ok, soo... This is still on, guys! Might a certain sheffield-based admin or mod or whatever like to sticky this thread? pwease? *puppy eyes* GUYZ! LOLS ARE GUARENTEED! Join ussss...
  22. Yesss indeed. I shall bump the thread, unless I was the last poster in which case you should, or something. lol XD
  23. Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaameee. Exam over, yes, but now i got to fix-up my essay for tomorrow -- discovered I seemingly didn't even save it on my 'pooter, so I gotta write it all up again. All 11 pages. I just want to get pissed and play rock band and gears of war while I still can, but nooooooooo. Other news; I miss bewbs I hate you all.
  24. That's boys for you, nightie. We get hooked on the past and refuse to let gooo... *sighs over reminiscence* Anyway! Got some pals over, we're drowning MY sorrows collectively. Really need some GEARS to get me happy. Chainsawing some ugly mofos is just what I need! Anyway, you don't care about this. Here's a giraffe as an apology.
  25. EXAM OVER FTW! ... Chances of passing = tears, tears, my sweet tears no longer mine... *sobs*
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