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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Well I'm glad you're looking at alternatives. Funkily enough, once you have a year of any degree under your belt, universities are a lot more welcoming if you want to try a different course. It's not that simple surely, but if supergrunch can do it then surely we all can And hey! At least you've realised this in your first year - shorty's had growing mumblations for two years now, and I pretty much 100% think I should've done philosophy instead of English now, in my third year, hence no chance for a change.
  2. I will slap you for every year you've fucked up. Which is, what, 19 so far? Plus all the extra years you're throwing away -- think of all the ALCOHOL and JUNK FOOD you'll be missing out on if you quit naow! Why the fuck not just painfully stumble through? It's next-to-impossible to get a third, and even if you FAIL you get a certificate that says "I spent about £10,000 for this shit?! And I can't even get a job!" Fact is; you don't want to work in a supermarket for the rest of your life. have some fun. Get over whatever girl it is that's holding you back. Transfer to sheffield WHATEVER -- just don't give up. Your mum might forgive you, but I never will.
  3. Ok, advice noted It's tricky playing anything while fallout is sitting in the tray. I still want to have a couple more runs through Mass Effect, start kane and lynch, condemned; play prey, FEAR, Pure, Tomb Raider, Devil May Cry 4 and Bioshock properly too... And maybe put a bit more effort and get more achievements in Skate, Fable, Katamari and Rockband. ARG TOO MANY GAMES! I reckon I'm about 15 hours from finishing Fallout 3, so I'll try and play Condemned first. I say Condemned 2 for £15 and was veery tempted to pick it up at the same time - but cheers for the advice, I will just race through it first time
  4. mini meet naow! When monay comes in - sure, why not. And yeah ash; you need to get a proper date sorted out, aight? People are wanting to stay!
  5. Just found out I'm getting a £700 bursary in feb! YES! ZOMGHGGSD! I can actually AFFORD rent now. And who knows; xbox/holiday plans are potential. Mini meet at my place! shorty, nami, dan McDare. Plus special guest. (me).
  6. how about yours are the prettiest ones, each a perfect, normal ear. Sounds rubbish when I read it back to myself, mind you. Anyway - OFF OUT I GO.
  7. Lol - I could imagine! I was playing it in the dark late at night while extremely drunk. I think I did the first level. I kept getting insanely lost - When I found that I'd only found one bird and no metal bits (or something) I started the level again and just got even more lost. Sigh!
  8. jayseven

    Fallout 3

    I found two bobbleheads yesterday! Two in one hour after a 45-hour gap since the first one I found >_< Also discovered about 97 locations so far! I love exploring.
  9. Considering how many t-shirts are out there, I'm surprised I've not seen anyone wearing one in public yet.
  10. Today I am actually oging to leave teh house without any prior booking! Gonna grab my marked essay ('nother 60%, woop woop I guess) and a pack that I need for my essay. Then I am gonna come back and try to read some book rather than xbox/24. GO GO GO! Haha, yeahp, figured it would be spenno's cup of tea. I stayed in a couple of hotels - the fancy 5-star one at one end of the street and one 'round the corner, near that underground supermarket place. I got offered whores and drugs all the time. Also got a haircut and refused a tattoo YES! That would be excellent You suck. You're the exact height as me and you're like a stone heavier. I've never been lighter than 10 stone 6. You didn't seem fat in the slightest when I saw you... Eenuh; maybe have a child playing with toys - like, she is holding a mirror and a toy with bad ears and saying that toy's ears are better than the other two toy's ears; which are shown heaped/discarded in teh background/aside/whatever. Toys can be dolls/teddy bears/anything that exemplifies the ears? Not the clearest idea ever...
  11. I've read, like, three parts of the first volume or something - I look forward to it! One thing; you know that asian movie you watched where you couldn't tell any of the actors apart? Well this is clearly our western version of the exact same phenomenon.
  12. 4-1 over moogle ^_^ Check it out I'm FOURTH! Got three of my boys in the x11, too. But my next game is against the freshly-awoken Roostophe! I've got a double header against Haden coming up, so this game against roostophe will theoretically decide whether I'll slip to the bottom after two losses against haden.
  13. Fuck NO! Strongbow is only for convenience; I don't actually like it all that much :P nightwolf; bottom of that page was lizardmandudething and those glasses and I WANT TATTOOOS! Those glasses would be hassleCORE when it's sleepy-byes.
  14. Paj; I just did 3 exams where I'd done no work until a few hours before them. Sigh! English is the bullshitter's realm. Yes. I'm probably considered ginger myself, and I do find it puts me off my food. I've got two mates going over there to pick fruit in october for a year and I'm looking very likely to head there for a "holiday" at some point in the next 18 months. Go for it dude; if you ever go to sydney I recommend King's Cross area. You'll love it.
  15. Funnily enough, me and nami were sitting here at 8:20am talking about how ridiculous morning TV is. I really find it hard to watch itv news without shouting at the TV. The independant is a student paper. All papers are biased and aimed at one group of people. Nobody knows the truth. Trust no one. The truth isn't even out there!
  16. I was recently reminded by a fellow bearded cider/pirate fan that I drunkenly promised to get a tattoo within the next year. I shook on it, and apparently may well have signed something. TEN MONTHS LEFT! Definitely need to get researching/drawing/saving. Arg!
  17. Yo yo yo! Who remembers the bash.org messy room contest? Some of these entries *looks at paj* remind me of that. I've FAILED at finding the url *switches his glance towards Dante's direction* You are honestly one of the messiest people I know*, and you blatantly tidied up just for that picture! *I, obviously, hold the crown, sceptre and reddish purple cape with dalmatian frills to the throne of messiest room.
  18. John Lennon and Paul McCartney were round my house and we were just chilling, getting pissed. Paul wanted to go out, but my mates weren't up for doing anything. So John said "just tell them it's the Beatles. They know where you live, right?" but I didn't want a bazillion people turning up and wrecking the place. So we sat and watched telly instead. Probably the most boring dream ever.
  19. I personally preferred Mass Effect to Fable 2, which promised oh so much freedom but really felt like a previous-gen game when it boiled down to it. Braid is one of those games where I am jealous of the newcomers as they get to experience the mechanisms and plot for the first time. Grr!
  20. Are you handing it in 'twice' -- turnitin and irl? I've still not gotten back an essay that I should've had the results for over a fortnight ago... Worried turnitin is to blame!
  21. I liked the start because it felt very lost-esque -- very confusing and self-referential. I disagree with what someone said about lost not being very rewatchable - I don't think it's worth rewatching season 4 when 5 hadn't started yet because you're not really watching it with any new 'answers'. I rewatched 1-3 after I finished 3 and I found it extremely rewarding to see how the focus shifts.
  22. To be honest Paj, you really need to get over that song already. You'd be surprised how many people have seen mulholland drive, and how many people have heard the song. It works excellently in prison break; not the quietly mesmersising-turns-abruptly powerful as it is in MD but instead the building sadness that reflects the origins of the song better anyway; the strength of her singing voice isn't used in teh same way, and to that effect you should be proud of the diverse use of her song, for it reflects hwo far-reaching her sound really is. No?
  23. Sheffieeeeeeeeeeld *woo woo woo* ... Yeah travelling around to check the places out is a pain in teh arse. Like you, I am (was?) a southerner, so trekking to sheffield was bitching. If you're lucky you might be able to squeeze manchester in on the same day - it's an hour away by train, so entirely possible. Be sure to know what you're looking for when you visit, too! Good luck to you all. It's pretty rare to not get an offer back, and besides you can only really have two choices (firm and insurance) so it's no big deal if you don't get a response.
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