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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Dwarf; good point :P I actually tend to play a fairly 1D game and rarely use my secondary weapons much. Currently (was) trying to get Danger Close challenge finished so generally running around with whatever assault rifle with grenade launcher attached, thumpers for secondary and danger close/scavenger/can't remember (probably sitrep). Dyson; fuck yeh! I'll try and get my connection sorted within the week...
  2. Jonnas; ... Is the video posted elsewhere on this forum (I forget where) that 'proves' that you can get mew legitimately.
  3. Scab-picking was something I was going to mention earlier, but figured it was a universal thing. Finding fluff in my belly button! Also, and I think I'm alone in this; wriggling a finger in my ear. I'm pretty sure God put a clitoris in there.
  4. Once you've done the marathon challenge it's quite hard to re-adjust to not being able to sprint everywhere, so don't underestimate it. If you're just getting close-to-close-mid range kills then you don't even need a sight, just get used to the ironsight. But if you're relying on a sight for your secondary then that's forgivable. When I get the game and my connection sorted I'll be up for organising an N-E MW2 brawl! See who's top of the pops.
  5. The hectic return to Brighton has begun. 7 hour van journey with a man who was falling asleep at several points. Staying alive was made harder as I was running on little sleep. Lots of veering and nearly-hitting-bridges and -nearly-going-on-the-grass. Then two hours or re-arranging furniture to put all my stuff 'away'. Then an hour of 'fixing' the internet. Today I met up with the ex for a pleasant few hours, and tonight I have a gig i can go to, but my mate's in the band and it's all last minute. Ex won't come so I'm inviting a (female) friend, who probably can't go either, so then I won't want to go and just stand there by myself, so I will probably have to cancel on my mate only to have him try and talk me 'round, blah blah blah blah. BACON MISSHAPES FOR DINNER!
  6. It was weird. I'd literally just gotten in from a really long trip from sheffield to start my life in brighton and what's on telly? The hill around the corner from the house I just left. Great!
  7. (I will be a little late with the reports for this week's games, due to moving and all. May try and do one tonight before bed!)
  8. Are you aiming down the sight with your uzis? Otherwise if you're bezzing about, I'd say take off bling and put on marathon instead. Pred/Harrier/pave low is a safe combo, but personally I've been going off Preds and leaning towards sentries! ... NEED THIS GAME AGAINA AAAAAAAAhDSAHSDJHa
  9. Happy birthday SCG! Your sparkly jacket still haunts me. In a friendly way.
  10. I'm sitting here watching my window, observing passers by all touch a balloon. I have no idea why I'm procrastinating still. I think my entire life is about finding something important to do just so that I can procrastinate about it.
  11. - Picking my nose - Not cutting my toenails for AGES then giving them a massive prune Everyone elses 'likes' are far too likely.
  12. Scoop; sleep is win. I can't get enough of it. ReZ; leaving for brighton in less than 24 hours, getting a transfer down to a store there. Since I've made the plans to move down south I've realised that I want to live in sheffield at least for a bit more, as I've made a home here -- but I didn't sort out a way of staying here now so... I need to do that. If any of that makes sense.
  13. Oh, man. That game sucked. *hates for the bruising*
  14. I've always believed that you have to have a short-, mid- and long-term thing to look forward to in order to feel less depressed about how little your present matters. Short-term for me is hanging out with Brighton friends, seeing a lot of people I've not seen for nearly a year. Mid-term I have my juggling festival, the n-e meet and... That's it. Long-term I now have the whole getting back to sheffield thing. That's my new adventure!
  15. Got a new shit, shit, shiiit phone to go with my empty SIM of loneliness. All the buttons are in the wrong places (nokia, used to sony ericsson) and I dunno how to do the number 0. In the library giving it a bit of a charge as I don't want to head all teh way home again. I agree. I was even going to post a picture of Goafer with his mega tatt but I couldn't find one quickly!
  16. I only used Generic Artist because Paj (JonSt) did. I thought the pretentious bit was supposed to be some sort of abstract lyric! I think what we both did was too obv./overdone. Dan's promised me to do another one of these. I think there's plenty left it can just be tricky to do it without sounding offensive to the persons involved! Just to re-iterate I've not intended any mean-ness (I think everyone's got that so far, though).
  17. Set more ridiculous tactics for tomorrow. I have decided that this season will produce my best change report ever! It has to. Please?
  18. Had a sexy fit today. Let me break it down for you. Just after I paid a visit to the Don in the mirror to reset my Brooker 'do, I saw my lame brother who does nothing ever but mummy still lets him live here rent free like me as he was leaving the house. He 'borrowed' a tenner from mummy. I prank-called him using my arnie-quote-generator. The bitch got shabba'ised. Then to celebrate I whacked out my pokemon card deck and put on an episode of Lazytown. I may have loosened my trousers a little. I can't remember what happened next but this was the result; Went to work. Made a mental note of how I hate everyone there and how much more work I do than them. had a couple of pints before having another fit. My girlfriend (banging rack) took me home and I ploughed her rotten. A shabba remix of my pr0 day, gringos. Asylum biatch! I've done twelve new posts this week and you haven't even done one this year. Fail.
  19. Well, at least he tried.
  20. So many levels.
  21. Shorty; do you think he was the cause of those police cars when we walked to your local shops last week?
  22. For the same market, a list of 5 real life soldiers who make Rambo look like a pussy.
  23. Yes. Generic Music Artist's second album cover was just so "..." -- Listened to Ibadi today. Is just so My wings are melting, on a tin-ricket-roof beginning, from a lock to the sea, and I weed myself a little is the epiphany essential wept. jonst you have to thank my post. Have to. I don't really know which one either of us are. We're being exceedingly stereotypical. Will try again.
  24. I actually had to go check the birthdays to confirm who I thought it was... Happy blardi! you were a very nice chap at the meet when I spoke to you for those few seconds
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