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About jayseven

  • Birthday 01/06/1987

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    xbox 360, Master System II
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    Tetris DX or NOT
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    jayseven NE

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  1. https://suno.com/song/334061f5-d6f1-4b33-bffb-4c02d64eb24b its good fun to mess about with, but I imagine some might not be fans of AI-generated content. As a tool it's pretty dope I think. My music friends (so far) dont like it. but they agree the songs aren't actually any good. other things; https://suno.com/song/f9a7e08a-a101-4bd6-811b-715b70a0a510 https://suno.com/song/619ecc83-b9b8-4756-8f67-c8123b22f19c You can make a few songs for free but i have a lot of credits so if you want to try it out you can just leave lyrics and a song style description and I can process it for ya. it generates two per submission too, which is cool. I guess it's worth mentioning that one of the most popular songs on this is a wikipedia article on lists.
  2. Blasphemous was a great re-play. i wasn't really into metroidvanias for a bit, but I re-hit this up and found it a joy to play. I'm in love with the feeling of the game mostly. Just bought the sequel and played it a small bit but not hit anything grotesque yet so it's not really sticking for me. I was really expecting to love Deathloop, and it's probably my fault, as i play super cautious and slow. At this stage I haven't yet killed all the peeps i am supposed to kill, but after 40 hours the idea of stringing together the calculation to kill all of the people in one 'run' is just offputting. But I am sure i will go back to this at some point. Similarly, the elden ring dlc - i bought it, installed it, realised that i can't even remember the controls, so closed it there and then. iDK. i need to re-learn to give games time to breathe. ... Ship Graveyard Simulator 2 has just been an easy slot. No real learning curve, just pure do this do that get satisfaction. Like Powerwaster sim but without their shit dlcs. Braid's re-release has been pretty cool too,. Dunkey game was really good tho. But yeah i need to get back on the elden ring dlc.
  3. good job guys
  4. you are him
  5. This is how they sneak the shrink in! new flavours! don't trust the lies!
  6. ok fame-boy, what's the pod even about? (yeahyouarerightwedidagreeonmostthingsreallyIdontknowwhyIsaidthat)
  7. I get what you are saying, but my starting point really is build time per quid spent. Most lego sets I've seen are pretty awesome end-point-wise, so I'm just hankering for a long time, not a good time, y'get me?
  8. I've recently had a real inkling for doing some lego. I've done a bunch of papercraft and puzz3D over the years, but nothing really hits like lego. However, the pricing for lego is, generally, fucking incredibly extortionate. Can anyone recommend a set that is good value for money in terms of build-time? Or is that a stupid question..?
  9. I enjoy those books you get at christmas with all the stupid questions. Here's a riddle - don't cheat! We sound like Eden as a pair, Make us weight, we won't play fair Sometimes consensus, most times schism Usually locked away in prism If by chance you seek, then throw- The serpent sees where we meet low We carry freight when we meet high But separate us and we die ... Plz give answers in spoilers, and feel free to share any riddles you know!
  10. Is maddox still edgy by today's standards? Also, is there an episode you would recommend as a good taster? If I like it I will end up starting from thhe beginning and watching it all. (IalsothinkthatIcannotpossiblyagreewithyouonanythingsoIaminterestedtoseehowthisgoes)
  11. I think that's fair - long(ish) form youtube videos that come out regularly meets the ask. I think Sean is a great interviewer, but I have to admit it depends on the guest 100% of the time as to whether or not I will watch it
  12. @bobI don't even know what tapatalk is but I am already writing the picket signs
  13. I expect a lot of Trash Taste in here, but I am interested to see what recs you might have. I know most people prefer the audio experience but I have space for the visual aspect, so I'm wondering if anyone has any recommendations for frequent pods to watch? plz no joe rogan. I like H3, if that's a metric you need.
  14. hi friendly suggestion - lock all of the big bundled-up threads so that I can participate in the individual interesting topics and not feel like a dick for ignoring the other posts
  15. I've only won with two decks, I have no idea what I am doing but I keep playing. The music has been associated with sadness in my mind now though. Any suggestions for a good soundtrack to play along with?
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