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Everything posted by KingJoe
cool beans. This is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo, like , 2001, though.
Did captain Jack not die?
but people without pal 60 tv's can't play them...
Calling Christmas lights 'Winter Lights' is just ridiculous. Nobody expects any other religions to change their traditions {nobody is proposing a nome-change to the eid lights}. Celebrate diversity, don't try and homogenify our culture. Raaaa.
good call. job done.
''milky milky coco puffs'' Fresh psychological scars.
you smell like a beautiful pony.
Wanna make istant cash? follow this simple guide. Step 1 : get a hat- any hat will do. For the professional tought, buy a veluor flat-cap. Not essential but recommended. Step 2: Find a public place. Prefeably one that smells of piss. Step 3 : Sit there with your hat on the floor. Step 4: Watch the money roll in. Advanced steps: 1. Find an old cardboard box and a felt pen (or use a demonstration model in a pen shop) write a little about yourself (e.g. I;m hungry and I can't afford a pack of quavers, Pay for my crack habit, etc) 2. Buy a dog 3. Go mad, full on mental. Scream, mumble or just tell bizarre stories 4. Get a flute and 'use' it- don't bother learning to play, it's a waste of time. just send me 10% of what you earn, you fiilthy bum.
I can't be arsed gog back to school tomorrow. Fav subject maths, least fave PSHCE (why do they make me do it!!?) And I'm a teacher, too.
that scared the living shit out of me.
hmmmm.... (is it a bird, is it a plane, no it's a crap joke)
you could also do a job in the drive-thru' ... :p
three right's make a left though...
easy. 1 roll. the clue is too big.
made me laugh. a lot.
People generally aren't comfortable with infinity and the main reason is that their experiences of life don'e give them much to draw on in the form of analogy to draw on. You can write complex numbers down (3+2i, anyone) and irrational numbers too (sqrt(2)). The point is that there is NO number between 0.9999... amd 1. They are the same number. 0.99... isn't someone beginning with 0.9 and writing forever. Most of you agree that the limit as we keep adding nines gets closer to 1. In more precise terms, if we are given a number (no matter how small) we can find some number of 9's in our expansion so that the difference between our expansion and 1 is smaller than that number (ie, if we wanted to make the difference smaller than 0.000000000002, we simply have 11 9's or more) we simply have more 9's than the number of 0's in the decimal expansion. Bear with me! Ok, so by adding more an more 9'm makes the difference smaller and smaller. so it makes the numbers closer and closer. 0.99... is itself a LIMIT. it is the limiting value of a sequence of more and more 9's. It is the value that adding more 9's gets closer to, because we are adding more 9's than have ever been concieved. INFINTY ISN'T JUST THE BIGGEST THING YOU CAN THINK OF. IT'S MUCH BIGGER. more 9's: closer to 1. An infinite number of 9's: infinitely close. Infinitely close : in the same place. This is a bit of a crude argument but if you haven't got it yet than I can't think of a way to explain it to you. If 2/3rds of the potential maths teachers on my course couldn't get it then there's not a huge shame in it. If anyone is interested in finding a bit more out about infinity then hava a look here http://math.youngzones.org/Hotel_Infinity.html or google a man called Gregor Cantor. edit: to whover wished I was their maths teacher, cheers!
I loves it. Chicken is yummtastic. Also: altgo, I took the test from your sig, I got this Take The quiz yourself! Don't actually know what 'Bleach' is though.
Actually it does, but I think you have to have your TV modded so that it can't pick up BBC or something. Or you might have to prove that you aren't using it for BBC TV. Something along those lines. I don't think you'll have trouble dfinding a way of watching neighbours at uni.
The TV's aren't police- they can't just call in to your house. You can refuse entry. They can get a warrant but you could chuck your telly in someone else's room. Not that I am advocating non-payment of licence fees, having paid for my licence every year I was at uni.
I'm with dukka. Try the meditation. It worked for me and I don't know anyone who's done it properly and thinks it's rubbish...
You rang? Don't worry if you're totally confused by this, lots of people are (at least half of the people on my teacher training course got this 'wrong' and decided that 0.99... wasn't the same as 1). 0.999...=1 (the key to this is in the '...' part) Most of my usual strategies for explaining this have been used. The main reason for not acceptoing it is that the 'infinity' that most people come across in maths (or their lives) is the POTENTIAL infinity (i.e. an infinity that comes from repeating a process forever) the infinity that we deal with here is an actual infinity (which is the headwrecking one). For those of you familiar with 'sequences and series' at a level, try making the sequence of numbers that goes 0.9, 0.99, 0.999, 0.9999,... and find a value for the limi of the sequence (or the series 0.9+0.09+0.009+0.0009+...) There is no approximation involved, by the way. it is also true for any number with a finite decimal expansionr: 1.0000000...=0.9999999... and 2.63000000...=2.629999999.... It's to do with the density of the real numbers (guven any two distinct real numbers, there's another one between them- I'm not going into the proof of that one!). Taking the potential infinity route, 1-0.9=0.1, 1-0.99=0.01, 1-0.999=0.001. as we add more 9's, we get closer to 1. If we add an INFINITE number of 9's... The point is that there is no LAST '9' in 0.999... so there is no difference between 1 and 0.999... Also, someone mentioned this being a fault of the decimal system, but it isnt: in binary 0.1111111...=1 in trinary 0.2222222...=1 etc If anyone is really confused (and desperate to know the correct answer (or prove me wrong...) then feel free to PM me or write it on the thread (but it seems to be annoying enough people to get locked pretty soon... Hope I was of Help. Joe edit: he's also entirely correct
The Boosh is awesome. Nuff said. "wanna see my mangina?"
i can confirm the existence of vimto spread. stew, 8,5/10- most excellent.
not exactly my dream...
salsa on toast- 6/10 predicted grade for the steak in the fridge- 8.5/10