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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Invert Y Axis just... feels... wrong. :/
  2. Hmm knowing that you like Sonic games I find it odd that you haven't played them but never mind if you really haven't then you are in for a treat as playing them both together is an amazing experience.
  3. Current standings... Foo Fighters - Everlong 7 Bat for Lashes - Sarah 7
  4. Eww... I just had a look at the PS3 one, the buttons look horrible Idk why they choose to do them all in grey lol not very good tbh as you may find yourself looking down and studying the pad for a good while before you 'learn' the layout, at leats on the 360 version the buttons are clearly defined. Woo! nice one Dyson : peace: I don't think the pad will dissapoint, we'll have to have as few matches on it if you're getting the game too I assume? which reminds me, I still haven't added you on Live yet I'll do that when I'm next on there lol, haven't really been playing it online much recently, just been playing random offline games in my own shrinking universe :P I even need to get a new 1 year sub :/ will get one nearer the time of the games release though. ^^
  5. Actually on second viewing the Ken pad is Pwnsome too, so I've decided to maybe get a Ken one too >> I'm sure it'll be worth it though as my bro will most likely wanna play SFIV in offline multiplayer. Oh and Dyson, the D-pad looks pretty solid to me, I know it's a slight risk but I think in this instance it's really worth it, also the USB thing doesn't bother me because it means I can use it with my PC too.
  6. Amen to that, I'm also getting it for the Sega classic collection and pretty much every live arcade game that uses a d-pad lol it'll be sooo nice to be able to play them all properly now. ^^ Also I prefer the Ryu pad but w/e they are all the same controller and they are gonna pwn.
  7. Nice but that has nothing to do with playing games on it so it's of little detriment to the Wii, granted it's good to see the consoles CPU being put to 'good'? uses but in gaming terms all it means is they sold 16 more PS3's. :p
  8. You're on :p *Youtubes* *edit* The last... two minutes... aren't... l...l..l.. k it was 'lovely' >>
  9. No... but lets face it, Joytech could put a design of pretty much anything on it and it would still be worth buying as it's awesome, it's what many 360 owners have craved for a while now, a controller that has a decent 8-way D-pad for arcade and fighting games, if it helps though you get to choose from Ryu, Ken or Chun-Li. :p And as for Sonic 2/3 & Knuckles, they will be in there just like they were on the one on the GC, save features will be present too I'm sure as it's necessary for some of the games.
  10. I understand what you mean, theres a lot to like about the Foo's but it's something that only us fans of the band understand, and yes Dave Grohl is indeed awesome. I really like the Foo's but I don't just listen to them, I listen to lots of other things, as you said it's because what they do, they do it well, which there is nothing wrong with. I've actually listened to some of the stuff you speak of as well, I even have a Kate Bush cd in my collection lolz >> and yes she is good but she's not my favourite artist but still credit where it's due. Also about the RnB/Hip-Hop I completely agree there :p mostly because I don't like the genre and find a lot of it laughable like some of the lyrics used in especially recent stuff, some of it's ok but it's mostly passable for me.
  11. Check the carbon copy of this thread you made in the Other Consoles section for an answer.
  12. This... I'd love it if they would make a Sega CD 32X collection, would be worth for one or two games alone if a compilation like that came to fruition, anyway *back to reality* I can't wait to play this with the SFIV fightbox pad, it comes out on the same day as the pad an SFIV afaik. Not long now. ^^
  13. No I mean the address submission form when you 'buy' stuff from the Shatalogue... it's inadequate basically and results in stuff either getting sent very slowly or not arriving at all.
  14. More the address thing tbh... it's just nonsensical...
  15. Thatas hardly the point though, their site is shit, it could be so easily changed but they won't do it 'cos apparently 'they know best' >>
  16. I still haven't received the Kirby GBA game that I ordered months ago, damn their crappy site and address form that assumes everyone lives in a house with a number and only a three line address, not that it matter though, seeing as Europe gets shafted by the Stars Shatalogue every time.
  17. Everlong... I've tried listening to that other song a couple of times but it just doesn't do anything for me.
  18. Stuwii you won't get sound by doing it that way but if you are getting a clear picture at least then leave that bit as it is and get on of these for your audio... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/XBOX-360-ELITE-HD-STEREO-DIGITAL-AUDIO-LEAD-DONGLE-RARE_W0QQitemZ120368983892QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_VideoGames_VideoGameAccessories_VideoGameAccessories_JN?hash=item120368983892&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1683|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318 They come with all 360 Elite consoles but some people don't need them and so put them on eBay, anyway it's an audio dongle that plugs in where the standard video cable usually does and supports both optical and stereo cables.
  19. Second demo part, better than the first, the aiming still feels slightly sluggish in comparison to RE4:Wii but I'll 'adjust' to it and not wanting to drag up an old debate but this could be done on Wii if you scaled everything back but it's not worth it because ideally I would love to play Resi 5 with motion controls but then it wouldn't look next-gen so it's basically a trade off. Anyway as I said I'll get used to it and everything else seems spot-on, I died at the chainsaw guy, well thats a lie, my partner did so seeing as it was single player I'll load it up later and play it with my bro on co-op, should be a lot more fun but I'm not gonna touch the single player in the demo anymore, still it was fun while it lasted.
  20. Just finished playing the first demo area, things I like... Graphics - they look damn nice and will look damn nicer in the finished game Audio - everything is spot-on Gameplay - mostly good, the healing thing is a tad confusing though things I dislike... Controls - while fine for the most part, the turning and aiming feels sluggish in comparison to RE4 Wii edition Thats about it for now...
  21. Mmm, maybe one day, at least PDZ was only a prequel though but hell yeah I'd love a sequel done properly, maybe on Xbox 720 eh? should give 'em enough time. *Edit* Resi 5 demo download complete! just recalibrated my audio setup too, gonna try this beast out.
  22. Happy Birthday Dan-Timmah! ^^
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