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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Not all girls do though, see that's the difference, there are too many generalisations but yes the ones that do put waaaaaay too much fake tan on - to the point of being comparable to Orange Tango - look pretty bad... :/
  2. I hope they make the levels for this installment harder but not 'lucky' or 'gimmicky' for instance, do we really need the starting level where you have to roll forward a pitifully small distance with no obstacles, completing the level in seconds? not really... sure it's a new control scheme but it won't be that hard to grasp... meh they will probably dumb it down anyway so it's useless to complain as they won't listen. :/
  3. That's good to hear then I would recommend Cast of Thousands... their first album Asleep in the Back isn't as good Imo and their third Leaders of the Free World is somewhere inbetween their second and fourth. So I guess really, they got off to a reasonable start, peaked with their sophomore album - like many bands do - and then changed direction, getting better in some aspects but worse in others and now they've reached that stage where they've become more widely recognised and opinion of them is divided, still it's a good thing that more people now know who they are at least... even if only to check out their back-catalogue.
  4. But... you're missing their best work if you haven't listened to their older albums :/ personally I think for anyone who hasn't listened to Elbow before and is listening to The Seldom Seen Kid as their first album and judges them just on that chances are you'll either love it or not be that bothered. [/Marmite] Truely though their sophomore album 'Cast of Thousands' is their best work Imo... I do like them quite a bit, I'm not saying that they are 'the best band ever!!!11!' or anything but they are pretty decent on the whole when not judged solely on one album.
  5. Isn't that technically homicide for you Coolness?
  6. Woo! they are pretty awesome if you can appreciate them. *is slightly jealous* maybe I'll get to see them perform one day though... Finally! someone who agrees I like all their albums but Cast of Thousands is their best Imo, it was my first Elbow album and I'm thankful to the person who introduced me to them Switching Off = .
  7. Awesome. Fair enough... Never so I couldn't say. No because the money you raise will go to charity and not your pocket, might want to double check with the Job Centre though, who knows they may even support you.
  8. Sweet trailer... so is that for the next special? if so then I'm gussing it will somehow set things up nicely for the film.
  9. And who are scientists to determine who is 'beautiful' and who is 'plain'? It's entirely subjective... there are a lot of generalisations in that article that I'm sure many - including myself - don't agree with.
  10. ^^^ Heh I totally called it! Ah well at least you won't have to pay to get it repaired Mike, just remember, RROD!
  11. I'll just leave these here... Just in case anyone wants to give them a listen...
  12. Their older stuff is a lot better Imo... but if you're not into them then theres nothing more to be said other than each to their own If I was to recommend some older tracks though, it'd be the one I posted above (Switching Off) plus... Leaders of the Free World and Mexican Standoff.
  13. *passes the shovel on to Flinkeh*
  14. Podcasts should be free Imo... most of them are I thought? as for your question I have no idea, I have iTunes but I only transfer stuff from my music collection onto my iPod, I don't use the store.
  15. It's RROD... if not now then in about a day it will be, even if it doesn't show the signs it's still RROD, phone up M$ and tell them it's RROD, even if it isn't just say it's RROD because it will happen eventually anyway due to the company's complete failure at making a reliable system... it's within the three years that they promise to fix for free if it's RROD so take advantage of this, there is no way that you should have to pay £60 to get it fixed when it shouldn't be breaking down so frequently in the first place. So just remember... RROD!
  16. Awwws and you kept him as a pet? "I shall call him... Heinrich!"
  17. I was bored / procrastinating - I should be writing and I am on and off >.> - that's my excuse and I'm sticking to eet! I should post some of my collection setup soon maybe...
  18. Fair enough, personally I really like the brown - as I'd said - it suits you.
  19. I was referring to this comment posted after the comments about the camera angle...
  20. Zomg! Eddage is a sexual predator! lolz nah... I didn't mean eet like that, I know we all mean well really I was just picking up on the fact that Wolfy clearly wasn't best pleased with the comments due to it not being a largely flattering picture - she said herself it was taken just after download - and she was just trying to show a before shot of her hair so we could see the difference, which was nice of her. you too Edda'ge.
  21. Naysayers in the sense that you seemed to be criticising / harassing her over it I can understand the approval of the accidental angle but she was just trying to show what her hair looked like before / after colouring.
  22. Not you, Dyson or Rummy that's for sure I still prefer to pay for mine tbh but each to their own...
  23. To be fair, it's probably quite difficult to take a decent picture of the top of ones head from that angle without showing a bit of what's below the neckline... you did well Wolfy, ignore the naysayers. Still... definitely gonna miss that green and purple was awesome while it lasted though and the brown really does look good.
  24. I miss the colour as well but the brown looks really good Wolfy.
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