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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Shorter than the life-span of the first Goomba in World 1-1 of Super Mario Bros. :wink:
  2. Hmm? I have no real issue with how Nintendo chooses to 'spread out' its releases - I have plenty to review atm - but I just find it amazing that Super Mario World doesn't feel like its dated that much at all compared to how quickly time seems to pass as you get older. It just goes to show that some games will always stand the test of time whereas many that are released these days only stay in the minds of gamers for but a fleeting moment. I have to wonder though if New Super Mario Bros U will be remembered in the same way two decades down the line...
  3. Originally I think Nintendo planned to release Super Mario World on the NES but they decided to take advantage of the new hardware they were developing at the time thankfully and so it launched on the SNES which is just as well because look how well it did. Quite unsurprisingly I've been playing Super Mario World on the Wii U with my SNES classic controller, it really hasn't aged a bit! Me on the other hand? Well... when I consider that when I originally played Super Mario World on the SNES when I was about six or seven... I feel really old! :p
  4. Yes there is Ala on G Rank, I'll see about making a list soon.
  5. I have more than that now that I've opened the G-Rank Quests... I'll be on tonight but will hopefully be helping my Fiance get from HR 4 to HR 6 in one night so if that happens soon and if I can manage to get her a full set of Brachydios armour then I'll be doing that quest and much more besides so I'll keep you posted. There might be up to three of us already playing tonight - me, my fiance and a friend - but if you want to help out then you'd be more than welcome, should be on around 10:30 PM but otherwise I'll let you know when we're ready to do those quests.
  6. I seriously hope that's true as I refuse to buy a 720/Durango plus a Set-top box just to play my old 360 games, heck I'm not even sure if I even want the next Xbox at the moment though I suppose it's too early to say for sure until later next month.
  7. I'd rather wait for Mario Kart and keep on playing Sega Racing until it arrives than buy this... It's good that the Wii U has another - hopefully budget - third party title but it's just not for me, I've too many better games to play. :p
  8. Haha, the WindWaker one is brilliant! :p
  9. Well I finally beat the first dlc quest - after I stopped worrying about my kamikaze allies -but I have another question... when you have the option to 'Parley' with spotpass characters, you have the option to hire them for quite a hefty fee but I assume that if you fight them and then win then you get to hire them for free perhaps? Either way it's probably best I wait until slightly later on in the game before bothering either way I'm guessing... only on Chapter 5 currently.
  10. So the whole 'no death' thing doesn't apply to allies in these battles and doesn't affect your chances of recruiting them if you're victorious?
  11. Argh! I just spent the past couple of hours trying to complete the first dlc quest, I think I'll just leave it andd come back when I'm stronger... annoyingly it's not me that ends up being defeated in battle, more my allies whom keep rushing into battle without being healed. Still... standard Fire Emblem I suppose.
  12. I'm making slow progress with this game but I'm still enjoying it immensely, decided to pay for the first three dlc quests in advance as it's a good price, regarding recruiting though... I gather you can recruit 'certain' characters from the dlc quests which I assume stay with you permanently if this is the case but if not then I suppose they only assist you on the dlc quest? Also those other units that you can recuit which arrive via spotpass, I gather that they only assist you for one map?
  13. Got three Meloetta's from Game - two for me and one for my bro - it was worth the journey in as I picked up Shinobi on 3DS for £5 plus I made a bit of progress on Fire Emblem. Now I've just got to get back into Black & White 2 so I can finish it before X & Y come out and destroy my life all over again :p relatively speaking of course, I'm sure it's worse for you @Serebii how do you cope having to cover all of these Pokemon games? I know it's a passion/obsession of yours - plus income probably - but still, how do you do it? Either way keep up the good work.
  14. Don't worry, I'm still on Chapter 3 as well... had a good couple of short gameplay sessions on the bus earlier - went out to get me a Meloetta from Game - in which I retried a battle several times, I last left it on a bookmark with about three units left - including the leader - and no deaths on my side, hopefully I'll beat it later when I go back to it.
  15. It would be so easy for them to make a 'safe' game that they know everyone wants though, I've never understood why they don't bring back something like Killer Instinct as a fighting game of that standard on next-gen hardware could potentially be amazing. But even though it pains me to say it... Rare really are a shadow of their former selves.
  16. They are, but it's not a bad thing. A new Banjo platformer making full use of the latest tech would have the potential to be amazing, Nuts 'n Bolts was excellent in it's own way but I'm sure there are many people who would love a true sequel to the original games.
  17. I can honestly say that I'm happy with my Wii U but obviously I'll be happier with it when Pikmin 3 etc comes out for it, those games won't come out on any other console so it's a fair trade-off. When it comes down to which I want out of the Xbox 720 / PS4 however, it's looking more likely that the next console I buy will be another Sony one, the only thing that would persuade me to purchase the next Xbox at launch would have to be something huge like a new Banjo Kazooie / Killer Instinct game from Rare, otherwise I'm really not that bothered. :/
  18. The sensible compromise would be at least one new VC game per week on each service plus three in the third week of each month assuming that they are going to be doing more monthly promotions. I think that would improve things slightly at least. ... or just two each week, per service, whatever works. :p
  19. Well I've played up to around Chapter 3 so far, things are starting to open up a bit now, just a shame that I won't get to play it as much today due to work. Ah well there's always later... I hope for those still waiting that your copies turn up today. : peace:
  20. It definitely won't be that hard for you if you're playing on Casual... your unit will merely become unavailable until the next map, it's your choice obviously and being that the developers have included such an option in the game, it's obviously viable but personally I wouldn't choose to use it having previously played Fire Emblem games before but I respect the fact that it's 'there' as an option as it will surely draw more potential players to the series. : peace:
  21. It does indeed, Japanese voices all the way for me of course! I haven't actually got too far in the game due to many restarts but for me it's all part of the process, I've probably played it for around three hours or so but barely half of that is actually recorded. :p Absolutely loving it though, when you find at strategy that works, getting you through the entire map without once single death... words can't express, it's just one of the best feelings ever in gaming.
  22. Restarted... so... many... times. Its been a while.
  23. Justified. : peace: The intro is beautiful... *wipes away a solitary tear* Now to decide just how badly I want my ass handed to me on a plate... Normal/Hard/Lunatic...
  24. Thanks, I will make the journey in early on Friday morning before work.
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