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N-E Staff
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Everything posted by Hellfire

  1. Don't worry, I felt the insults anyway.
  2. Ugh, that sucks.
  3. Am I just missing it or there's no co-op pacifist unlocked from the start?
  4. I'm super busy, but I'll try to pop up for a few games with you guys in the coming days. P.S.: I'm back, bitches!
  5. I'll add you back in a few minutes
  6. Yeah that was awesome I'm having fun just making whatever armor and weapons I feel like without planning. For now.
  7. I look forward to hunting with you my Brothers!
  8. Come July I'll be able to play with you guys more often, I'm really swamped right now.
  9. I'm always around. Watching.
  10. Aw you remembered me!
  11. Already recorded that one, it's on the editing table for tomorrow perhaps :P
  12. Hello folks! I'm recording some videos from Mario Kart 8, or as I call it, Mary Kate and I want to know if there are any requests. I can also take screenshots. N-E can only publish up to 20 minutes of video with 5 minute duration tops, but there's no screenshot limit. Thanks!
  13. Hi there! Thanks for the messages folks! It wasn't a bad day, chilled out with some friends playing videogames and went for sushi, that's a win in my book. @Cube I'm not a cat person :p @Jonnas I don't really follow the forums anymore, I just hang around with all the cool folks at the staff side, but I can always be summoned like I was now! Continua a tradição da nossa orgulhosa família! Thanks again and I hope Dan had a great day!
  14. It's all good Good work everyone!
  15. Thanks for voting and sharing your opinion everyone!
  16. Ser um Deus do sexo é algo com que vivo todos dias. Many thanks everyone, it's kinda weird turning 25, but it was a fun day. Thank you Ash for the amazingly accurate thread title! Late happy birthday Dan, hope you had a great one!
  17. Partay time yeaah! A big thank you to the readers, the forumites and the staff, both old and new. You people make killing writing sporadically sorta fun.
  18. Obrigado amigos
  19. Many thanks y'all, much love! Already spent a few hours dancing while watching those gifs. Good times. Jonnas, muito obrigado, talvez um dia a família volte à ribalta Um abraço! EDIT: Oh and silly me, late happy birthday Dan, hope you had a great day!
  20. I havent' played in aaaages, I'm not as strong as some of the guys here, but I'd be happy to help out when I can Need to get back in the game, still have so much to do!
  21. What a joyous occasion! Hurray! Thank you all for sticking with us P.S.: Eddage I can totally see the 13, so turn that frown upside down!
  22. Let's party like it's 1998! \m/
  23. Hey, at least I smell nice.
  24. You already had me on the list silly :P

  25. Happy Birthday Dan Dare and thank you kindly everyone! Muito obrigado! Um grande abraço! I'll always be here if you keep me in your hearts. And in the MH3 meetup thread.
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