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Everything posted by Hellfire

  1. Lagiacrus blade (and eventually its upgrades) for a Thn weapon yay or nay? High Chief's GS has 3 slots and all, but it's an evolutionary dead end. Also wanna make a new armor while I don't have the materials for Rathian set, thinking of Lagiacrus or Barioth, what suggest you?
  2. High Sieglende... OK when I have more free time I'll work on that, although it's from a completly different branch from the one I'm using now. Cheers!
  3. I'm having a tough time deciding on a weapon, I'm liking the GS and don't have materials to make a LS yet, because everytime I quested online I kinda neglected mining obviously. High Chief's Grt Sword or Lagriacus Blade? (Don't have awakening yet obviously)
  4. Many thanks for that, I don't get many chances to play so I really enjoy it when I'm playing with people I "know", especially if they're strong like you :P It was my first time seeing all of the monsters we slain last night, except Gigginox, but never hunted him anyway. The Diabolos and Uragaan quest was waaay in over my head xD Yeah I also hate those guys that don't say a word, screw them.
  5. Man uni work has been keeping me so busy, I don't even dare touching these game when I have a little free time otherwise I can get sucked in. I think I'm still at HR19 or somewhere around that.
  6. I'm gonna play now, but you bastards are all so ahead of me I can't play with you! *cries*
  7. Had an awesome time playing online with some random guys tonight. Did a few hunts, then did a lot of those rank 2 egg missions, for the great rewards. Coupled with the Great Jaggi Mask, it sure helped my wallet and now I have a lot of charms and more armor spheres and armor sphere+. It was hilarious to keep spouting philosoraptor quotes with the mask on while carrying eggs and then a freaking rathian appeared! Good times. Gonna go home for a few days until sunday and while I wanted to play this while I'm back home, it's not very practical to take the Wii, so see ya guys next week :P
  8. Oh yeah almost OHKO from Jhen xD I need to do it with some stronger guys :P
  9. I just want to say I wasn't criticizing or attacking any one. Fused local co-op is for a specific mode, not the main quests.
  10. Heh oh yeah, you could buy a house with that kind of money. I was guiding myself through Game's website :P
  11. £160 (that's what it costs in the UK right?) for a console with 2 games and a Motion Plus seems pretty reasonable to me.
  12. Many thanks dude Just killed the great jaggi, which was a bitch with my equipment, I'll see if I can go online tonight
  13. Greetings fellas, remember me? No? Damn it. Anyway, I just started this game, still a gigantic noob only two or three quests in, no idea what I'm doing, but I'm loving it. And since multiplayer is such a big part in this I thought what the heck, why not go back to N-E and play with them? So here I am, I'm gonna do a few more quests before I go online, but I'll post my ID soon.
  14. Happy Birthday!

  15. Um, hello there everyone long time no see! I was pointed to this thread, so even though I don't post here anymore, it'd be rude not to thank you. So thanks a lot everyone! Also, late Happy Birthday Dan, hope you had a good one! Many thanks!
  16. http://n-europe.com/news.php?nid=12841
  17. From what I gathered, no one could understand why n-europe has been banned since forever, they probably think it's a crappy fanboy site run by 10 year olds. Unfortunately I could never get a neo gaf account :P
  18. The reason no one else reported it, is because it's exclusive. It's also a rumour and not coming from a huge site, people are reticent to trust it. Whether it's true or not, we'll see, but it wasn't posted blindly and it's our job to keep you informed.
  19. Oh right I forgot to mention it can't be the official cable. Well, it can be the official one but you have to take the plastic off, but GAME's s-video cables work for example.
  20. If the monitor has 1:1 pixel mapping it can look good too.
  21. Get a normal composite cable: Hook it up and hook the audio cables to wherever you want the sound to come out from. Bear in mind that the 360 will take longer to boot with both cables plugged in.
  22. I'm sorry but you have no idea what you're talking about. And this coming from a One Piece fan? lol
  23. Unfortunately, just have these of the top of my speakers. I try to leave my desk free of toys, cause it's already cluttered with stuff.
  24. Alright, alright I'll join in the fun. Letty you look great like that, seriously! Also as a proud owner of a nose bump, hells yeah! And Tellyn please can I go over to your place to play Halo DS?
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