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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. He's a key part to the film, but no your good! Go see it!
  2. lol yep it did But again, that box art doesn't have a space :p haha a very good point. This is about as dull as hype trains get!
  3. There's the same space, if not a bigger gap between the R and the I, as there is between the O and the P, so I'd say the words were joined up...
  4. No but they are in that title screen you posted. That's my point, it's not much of homage if it's trying to be one. Yeah that would, but I would have thought they go with a NES font, maybe with 'Maker' in a different newer font.
  5. iHmm It's not quite that font though is it? and the words should be joined up :p
  6. Also the font is terrible, you'd expect them to use a Mario type font. And maybe call it Super Mario Maker at least, in reference to the NES game, or given that they aren't shy of bad titles Super Mario Bros. Maker.
  7. This screams fake. Like someone else said, why would it be the only pillar not to have a Smash picture on it. And Smash always utilises 4 characters in its promotion. Thus the 4th has been photoshopped out. Also the Mario Maker picture is extremely poor. You wouldn't just half the picture as brick at the bottom :p you'd put info, or another screenshot there.
  8. @King_V I don't really see what you're saying. I wouldn't/don't buy lower quality third party titles either. Buy the high quality ones. Or are you saying the Wii U would likely only get the lower quality ones? In which case that's a specs issue again.
  9. It might be worth putting off Plus on the PS4 until DriveClub maybe? or until a launch game like Killzone or something hits. At the moment it's just smaller game, not that that's bad at all, just you'd get more value for money once at least one big game a month arrives. Although we'll have to see what they start doing with the 2 PS4 games a month now.
  10. http://www.redbubble.com/people/retrolink/works/12083465-luigi-death-stare
  11. Last year they had a digital event and yet Reggie and Iwata were there right? To talk to people behind closed doors and present certain things during the week.
  12. Well personally I doubt the Wii U will make 5 years, but even if it does, the Wii only had 3 years of solid support, and a huge drop off in sales towards the end/no reason to buy one. I think that's about right yeah. The real hardcore already have one, and the rest will gradually pick one up with the likes of Zelda and whatever other great franchises come out. I don't think the 21million Gamecube fans are there anymore, with a percentage having grown out of gaming or moved to a different console... and not the same number of new gamers taking their place. EDIT: This is of course unless Nintendo pull out some Skylanders style craze that see's everyone buying one :p
  13. Urgh yeah the way he was speaking, like he was just trying to appeal to all the 'cool kids' out there, jumping on any chance he could to mock. Basically having no clue of what they actually were doing. He was probably right in what he said though that around half the Nintendo hardcore probably don't own a Wii U yet. The Gamecube's 21milion should show the potential hardcore audience for the Wii U, but I think the Wii U will probably move around 12mil?
  14. Pachters Nintendo E3 Predictions.... http://www.gametrailers.com/videos/djvi6v/pach-attack--nintendo-e3-assumptions- 'Predictions' in the lightest possible sense of the word, because I don't think he actually makes any other than run through a list of Nintendo franchises. Time to get rid of Pachter I think. I 'stuck up for him' for a while and always enjoyed him on the Bonus Round, but he's just a smug waste of space with nothing of any real interest to say now.
  15. Oh shiiiit... that boxer on the boxart is pretty much my old Mii on the Wii! :p I've had a haircut since though, so my Wii U Mii would be different,
  16. That's a very sound reason! It's made me think how differently the Gamepad would be being received if the console was that bit more capable!? People say they don't need the Gamepad, but if the console was getting equal support I imagine it would be looked on far more favourably! And actually seen as far more of a USP. Bit of a shame really.
  17. Who voted Wii U Gamepad without a post? :p Any guesses?
  18. Kyle gives advice for delivering E3 press conferences. http://www.gametrailers.com/videos/pkodz3/the-final-bosman-e3-2014-dos-and-don-ts Cracking episode!
  19. A big influence in the huge first week sales of Mario Kart 8 and WatchDogs has to be the 'FINALLY A GAME!!!' factor.
  20. Note: This can be different to your favourite controller. i.e. If you think the NES controller is best as it's really where it all started, or if you think the Wiimote did so much to encourage other non-gamers to get into gaming. Based on nostalgia I'd have said the N64 controller. It was just so fun! Whilst it has it's problems now, it was all I really knew at the time, it was perfect for the games being released and built around it on the console. It was really unique and novel in terms of the ways you could hold it, even if I think pretty much every game required the centre and right handles. The Z button was cool and even though I never used it as the trigger button in FPS' it was just so natural in the likes of Zelda. Also... THOSE COLOURS!! I absolutely adore my yellow N64 controller! However, I'd probably consider the Wavebird as the best controller Nintendo has ever made! They led the first party way with wireless dammit!! It wowed everyone who saw it for the first time, as everyone was so used to jumping/tripping over cables across the floor! It had the cool little lights and receiver you plugged into the Gamecube, again, all just novelties for the time it was released. But it also continued the comfortable design of the Gamecube pad. The fact it's the controller/control scheme everyone still harkens back to now says it all. And I'm pretty sure people mocked the large colourful buttons at the time, but I was reminded in that IGN video... the buttons on that controller aren't half useful at distinguishing themselves! A big green A button doesn't half feel like it has more boost power behind it! GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Wavebird it is!
  21. Apparently the hard buttons is a complaint of the Pro Controller yeah. In fact now is a good time to start a thread around a video I watched yesterday...
  22. Thought that was Paul Hollywood for a second :p
  23. Hold the phone... Are you saying Nintendo may have just subtly introduced a New IP! Barny the Boomerang? HYPE!!!!!!!
  24. Apparently the battery life of the Pro Controller is 90hours or something!
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