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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Interesting to know!Again (like Nintendo's stance with online gaming) it's really comes down to a case of consumer uptake levels.
  2. I agree! and I actually think they should go back to the 8 classic racers! Though I guess this game will have more than 8 players online, so maybe not!
  3. Yeah I agree.Be good if it came bundled with the Zapper for £40!
  4. E3 Trailer http://www.gametrailers.com/player/21666.html Looks good! Multiplayer should be cool!
  5. Zelda is the better series! Samus would easily win in a fight though!
  6. Very true! Nintendo will have to reley on its secondary line-up of franchises like... Pikmin, Starfox, Donkey Kong, Nintendo Sports... Waverace/1080/Excitebike/truck etc... Hopefully Disaster Day of Crisis will deliver, then yeah like you said hopefully Monolith can offer something next year, but the next Retro title won't be before 2009 at the earliest!
  7. Wiil, not bad! I liked Super Circuit! had some really great tracks like Sky Garden etc...
  8. WHAAAAAT!! you think Echoes is a better piece of music then Primes?... Really? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vDOuu86ERY Echoes Primes Yeah I agree with you about the whole inventory setup in Echoes... very confusing! Also I really didn't like the scan visor in Echoes, both the look of it and the way you brought it up, but then you had to move it around and kind of hold it to lock on to something (does that make sense? been a while since I played it!), anyways I know it wasn't as easy as Prime; why they thought it needed to be different in Echoes I don't know!
  9. Oh yeah, maybe it was alright!... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_9GBVc18Mk ... though I still prefer the eeriness of Primes together with the graphics you see. It was the 'Main Menu Music' that was a let down! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vDOuu86ERY
  10. OK... that is AWESOME!! WAY WAY WAY better than Echoes 'Press Start Music', but better than Primes, I'm not sure? They are going to have to go some way to beat Metroid Primes 'Menu Music' as it is IMO, one of the best themes EVER... Oh and sort out that 'Corruption' font Nintendo! I know you won't, but it's rubbish!
  11. Sounds like some great use of the Wii controls to me! The extras, like clapping to get the crowd going etc... are great ideas!
  12. New Artwork?
  13. Very early PS2 in terms of graphics! Infact even Majoras Mask isn't far of this in terms of graphics!
  14. Yeah that's already been mentioned in this thread.
  15. There quite a lot great GC games I haven't played, but those that I would still be interested in playing are... Beyond Good & Evil Resi 1 Resi 0 Ikaruga Viewtiful Joe
  16. Oh yeah it was Zebes destroyed in the original game, ah well...When Samus destroyed that planet it had ALOT of Metroids on it that were being researched on by the Space Pirates, it's likely then that one of these Metroids found its way to Tallon IV on a Meteor that was originally planet Zebes.
  17. Don't listen to music whilst playing games, I find it annoying as it distracts from the game music/voice overs etc... and therefor the atmosphere. Would much rather listen to the games music as I feel you get more absorbed in the game.
  18. Nope, partly because I knew the last boss was called Metroid Prime and secondly because it didn't really look like Mother Brain, it looked like a skull of some kind! I really wasn't expecting Metroid Prime to look like it did! Thought it was going to be just a giant normal metroid or something, but got something much better!
  19. Super Mario World - Not much of a fan of the 2D Marios anyway and just find it rather dull and a chore to play. Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes - Dull endless cutscenes, boring story, poor and dated gameplay. Golden Sun - Didn't really enjoy it at anytime, found it boring, just played through it. Mario Kart Series - Don't hate it but find the series abit boring really, Diddy Kong Racing shows how it should be done!
  20. I thought it was a normal Metroid that had arrived on the meteor (that was originally part of SR388) that crashed into Talloon IV causing the Impact Crater, and had been feeding on the Phazon that meteor contained.
  21. One of the best boss fights ever IMO!
  22. Trailer http://www.gametrailers.com/player/22105.html
  23. Gameplay Video http://www.gametrailers.com/player/22174.html
  24. Yeah but Prime 3 is also going to show that Phazon was spread throughout the galaxy, corrupting countless planets. Also, Retro can easily make their encounter in Prime 3 make sense to newcomers and those who've played the other Primes. Because you can't see Samus' expression behind the visor, the same scene can mean different things to both sets of players! The fact there was no voice acring in Prime 2, meaning no specific conversations took place helps matters, as does the fact Samus won't be talking in Prime 3! You really won't need to have played Prime 2 to understand the story! They'll go to great lengths in Prime 3 to set Dark Samus' character up as a destroyer of worlds!
  25. Actually, one Link is the Hero of Time, the others... not so much! I really don't think that works at all well for a Zelda game, you can't have him getting mixed up in crime sprees over the city etc... Zelda is NOT and should never be some sort of GTA/Spiderman hybrid! You can't just rid the game of all the classic enemies/items/scenery/architecture that the series is built on and replace it with common thugs/henceman/dinosaurs/ultimate weapons etc...!!! that could be ANY very generic game, but it's not Zelda!! To be honest I don't think I'd object to a Zelda that was set in a more futuristic Hyrule, if Nintendo really did want to try taking the series in a different direction like that! After all, whenever Ganondorf appears a new Hero is born; but you've still got to stay true to the series, or else it's just not Zelda anymore!
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