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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Loved The Unfinished Swan.
  2. Personally the only way I found Brawl better, was the cutscenes. Intro, worse. Menu's, worse. Graphical style, worse. (preferred the cartoony brightness of Melee to Brawls gritty 'realism') Levels, worse. (too many 3 platform layouts) Although it did give us the Wind Waker level. Speed, worse. Single player mode, worse. No Break the Targets. Was disappointed in the new characters and clones. Though it was packed full of more Nintendo goodness!! (Although I'd rather the actual game be better and do more justice to the content)
  3. Thanks @drahkon, was a good read. Great that you got to try Project Morpheus.
  4. You have no heart. LOL I've just realised Melee isn't even on the list and Brawl is!
  5. I haven't played those games, but you saying that makes this seem more exciting. I wonder if people will give this a miss holding off to play The Witcher first though... as the worlds at least seem quite similar. That would probably be my thinking if I had a PS4 yet.
  6. 97 for SMG2 is too high. Amirite @Aneres11 *high-five* But yeah, as soon as I saw Journey at 100 I knew I disagreed with the list.
  7. Love how fast the combat is.
  8. Single Player Gameplay (@Daft)
  9. Just watching this gameplay demo from Gamescom. Not really given it much attention but lovely visuals (cutscene facial animations aside :p) and looks pretty fun. What is it? Like a mix of Xenoblade, Dark Souls, Monster Hunter?... Is it 4 player co-op?
  10. Diddy Kong Racing
  11. From Gametrailers live stream last night it looked repetitive and pretty boring. It's gonna be different playing it, and probably makes a difference not watching an English language version, but I stopped watching out of boredom.
  12. These 360 versions are good for the PS4.
  13. Gametrailers discuss the game having played 3hrs of it. (@Fierce_LiNk) http://www.gametrailers.com/videos/25hbxz/alien--isolation-gamescom-2014--hands-on "Now my most anticipated game of the year"
  14. Shadow looks female. "Equal Unbelievable Adventure"... what does that even mean?
  15. Gametrailers are playing this live on twitch right now. http://www.twitch.tv/gametrailers
  16. I'd snap up a re-release in a second too! Haven't played the series yet as I was always holding out for one, and that ME1 may get a bit of an update. I think a re-release is likely. With ME4 being a few years away, it would work well to release a trilogy a year or so before to build towards it. Now be considered a little bit too early maybe.
  17. Love the look of the car chases.
  18. Robin is a good fit/name for a Zelda character.
  19. It has yes to free up resources I believe. Up to @Shorty when he decides it ok to bring it back.
  20. Neither is the Wii.
  21. Fine, Shibata then, but he's still has a very Eastern delivery. Reggie is the showman. But thank you for clarifying Reggie's position for me.
  22. You could almost be forgiven for thinking Nintendo don't have a console out at this point in time, their lack of presence is that bad. Reggie should have been at Gamescom. It's no wonder he and Geoff Keighley have such banter when they meet up... it's like an annual reunion!
  23. Jose's so in need of something to do at IGN Nintendo that he's doing other console stuff too... Still seems to be impressing, and looking very nice indeed.
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