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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Why can't Nintendo just do downloadable content, the *insert various curse words here*...tards! - downloadable Mii customisations - downloadable Wii Sports golf courses/tennis courts - downloadable Wii Fit yoga positions/muscle workouts/mini-games I guess because 1) the storage solution is still lame, and 2) they wouldn't be able to milk the casual market all over again.
  2. Yeah it was aweful they put him in that position, but to be fair he didn't have to go along with it.As someone asked him in the press conference; he hadn't actually done anything wrong regarding the Trulli incident, up until he and the team started lying to the stewards! Alonso: McLaren has lied before http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/74209 Martin Brundle: Row has damaged Hamilton http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/motorsport/formula_one/7981373.stm
  3. Is that guy supposed to be trapped under that? cos it looks wierd!
  4. Screwattack look at Kirby 64...
  5. McLaren suspend their Sporting Director http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/74180 - Also Hamilton was fined for speeding in the pit lane this morning! lol! UPDATE: UPDATE: Barrichello to get five-place grid penaly http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/74204 UPDATE: Video - Raikkonen's eventful first practice: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/motorsport/formula_one/7980559.stm
  7. There's something a bit wierd about the screens in the mag scan imo; they look like the FMV from Resi 2/3. This game should be right up there with Resi 4 if they want to do it justice, but yeah I think the PSP may drag it down.
  8. Can buy mine off me if you want!I'm gonna but it up for sale on N-E/ebay soon anyways.
  9. I'm sure Lineker, Hansen and Lawrenson will help him out!
  10. Mind you, Flinks not bought it either so... [though he has said he intend to]. I am surprised that many people on the forums seem not to bought it after hyping it so much!
  11. Confirmed, Megan Fox looks the bomb in Transformers 2!
  12. Did you listen to Eddie Jordan's interview? He's a bundle of joy that one isn't he! In other news... Wahoo, Practice 1 & 2 are almost here! Think I'll just watch Practice 2 live this time. Thursdays weather at Sepang:
  13. Eddie Jordan [Audio] on the incident: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/motorsport/formula_one/7978730.stm Explains it well. - They were going by what McLaren had told them, that Trulli had overtaken under the safety car. - Guess they didn't have them at the time of the quick decision. They probably wanted to try and resolve it quickly and not be another incident that dragged on. It was only in light of the new evidence that they had to revisit it. - Has only be a couple of days. - I'd imagine they believed they were probably at fault. - Because they thought he'd overtaken under a safety car and that's what everything [until the radio transmissions and news of the interviews] seemed to point to. It really comes down to the radio transmissions. Who knows why they weren't available sooner, but until they were it seemed Trulli was at fault. It could have done without a couple of days uncertainty, but at least the right team has been punished in the end; whether it's deemed harsh or not.
  14. Though have to say it's not sounding much like an adventure atm, it sounds more like Katamari or something!
  15. Yeah it was deemed both Lewis and the Team had misled the stewards, and as a result the Team as a whole was disqualified [including Heikki Kovaleinen who had already retired] from the race. It wasn't just a penalty for Lewis.
  16. Your wish is my command... So here he's saying he didn't allow the Toyota through and therefore it illegally overtook him under a safety car and thus Trulli should get a penalty. When infact... He had let the Toyota through.
  17. So long as they are not 'teen' ghostbusters, then ok! Around the ages of the original crew, only a bit younger obviously because they are being trained up. Yeah MIB I'm not sure about, tbh it should have really just stayed as a one off, let alone the lackluster sequel and now a third!
  18. "Please be bringing it on! I reduce you into brittleness fluid!" wtf, someone needs to work on their grammar!
  19. The whole incident seems a complete mess! I've read so many differing accounts; here is the latest, a Q & A with Martin Whitmarsh: http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/74153
  20. Capcom on Lack of Resident Evil 5, Street Fighter IV on Wii Come on Reggie you dumb ass!
  21. Yeah I'd have to agree, minimal excitment levels atm.
  22. Sounds really good, and yeah like Mundi said, just need to see some videos now.
  23. Sounds promising! then... ah right!... not so much. Yeah why didn't they do a new Rayman platformer, with him vs the Rabbids.
  24. Ah right, didn't realised that 1st corner with Heikki damaged the diffuser. Still wasn't keen on the way he drove that day. If McLaren provided misleading/incorrect information, then they only have themselves to blame. However, looks like we're gonna get another season with plenty of FIA meddling and questionable penalties. And yeah dispite not liking Hamilton or McLaren, disqualification sounds too harsh, dunno why they couldn't just switch the positions back with Trulli, but hey, if thems the rules!
  25. Cole was aweful tonight, as he quite often is! Barry was rubbish and Wright-Phillips a useless sub at that stage of the game. Gerrard on the left, No! Should have stuck him up running forward with Rooney again, they were immense in Saturdays game.
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