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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Normality? so you mean... I think you just created some sort of endless loop :p
  2. Lights up too!
  3. No I'd absolutely rather they didn't! I hate that stuff too. ... but then this is the hole Nintendo have dug themselves into with the Wii U isn't it. Supporting the console singlehandedly is proving far too difficult. These game droughts and gaps between any news/reveals is destroying them, and taking fans enthusiasm down with it. And the Directs seem to have all but disappeared to.
  4. Serebii it has, jeez! For 3 days we had nothing but games to talk about! Now we have a Smash Bros picture and a possible Hyrule Warriors video to talk about each day if we're lucky. There's been zero info on Splatoon, Xenoblade, Yoshi, Mario Maker etc... since E3. Even everything they took to Gamescom was exactly the same demos, as I frustratingly found out when I sat down to watch IGN's videos. Really was great!
  5. Of course I can, but as far as I'm concerned it's as a result of Nintendo, not the members of this site. When E3 was on this forum was like a completely different place for a couple of days.
  6. Multiplayer is what I'm looking forward to the most about trying in this game.
  7. I don't see why you feel the weight is on your shoulders? It's not up to you to have to find the stat to disprove someone, just ignore it. But you can't genuinely believe Nintendo are doing a good enough job? Yes they're trying their hardest, but talk about too little too late. We have nothing to talk about on the forum these days... on a Nintendo forum. That says it all. There are no games. We're all adults here. Everyone just needs to chill a bit, because frankly I've had enough of it myself.
  8. Tbf Serebii it works both ways. People have been put off posting because of your posts. But you know that.
  9. Telling someone what they mean and what games they should like?... I mean I'm as bored at the complete lack of games and discussion to be had around the Wii U as the rest of you, but I don't think we need to go here.
  10. This talk belongs in the sales thread @Serebii and @Daft.
  11. I didn't like New Pork City at all. You could tell it was trying to be the Temple, of Brawl, but it failed at it so badly. On first glance it looked like an immense level. On second glance you could tell it was in fact just a few pieces of stage in front of a grand background. And what there was, was terrible... so much space/just floating pieces of stage. Temple was a complete level you could run a whole 360degrees around.
  12. Yeah Revelations started off well, but went downhill. I wonder if Revelations will continue the story of the original Resi characters, and Capcom will reboot the series with new ones? I'd love Claire to get her own game like Leon did though. Or partner up with Leon again.
  13. I dream what Nintendon't
  14. Nintendo would be smart to let Level 5 handle such a game.
  15. What's that guy from?
  16. We also have a rather nifty release dates thread. Stickied... For your pleasure.
  17. Nope not with this one.
  18. Out of interest what are the go-to stages on Brawl? I thought most if them were pants, compared to the likes of... well, pretty much very stage in Melee...
  19. Why? when it's proving to be one of the best selling consoles of all time without Japan. Yes it would be good if the sales of all video game consoles in Japan would pick up, but it's just not happening atm. Anyway, I believe Sony have said they'll be working on some games more Japan focused. And also that Project Morpheus should appeal.
  20. I thought it was a bit of an odd comment too. Everyone knew the PS4 wasn't going to do that well in Japan, that's why it was third priority when it came to launching the console. No one is surprised by the sales, and Sony are probably shipping quite small numbers there.
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