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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Thanks for the Birthday message man :) Hope you had a great Christmas and have a great New Year!

  2. Thanks for the Birthday message man :) Hope you had a great Christmas and have a great New Year!

  3. It should on a laptop. I noticed earlier it didn't on mobile. However if you search for Tomb Raider PS4 on the mobile store it has it for the discounted price.
  4. Can't you just play with it plugged in charging?
  5. Some great January Sales bargains on the Playstation Store (had a look on my laptop). Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition PS4, £15.99 On PS3 the Mass Effect games are £3.99 or something.
  6. Amiibo put you at a real advantage how? just in terms of making the game easier because of the abilities it gives you? I don't know why anyone would want that?
  7. Great present @Aneres11! Can't wait to hear some impressions of that size New 3DS.
  8. You can currently trade in Skyward Sword on Amazon for £19.10!
  9. Just realised they haven't got Sonic, PacMan, Megaman on the cover!
  10. Is that actually artwork, or models the design team has made to then animate in the game or something? They look awesome.
  11. Themed levels would be pretty cool. So for the Link amiibo you get a Zelda themed level where you have to find the 3 pieces of the triforce as Toad.
  12. Seems strange they'd divide 70 levels across just 2-3 Episodes? Here's hoping it does a Mario and doubles the number of levels upon completion
  13. GAME had Little Mac in when I went in during the week.
  14. Wii you're so bloody miserable.
  15. Just watching a Gametrailers podcast from a few weeks ago and Brandon had a good idea for Amiibo in the absence of them not having their own game yet. He said how amiibo needs to at least have it's own Miiverse plaza, with a hall of fame like Disney Infinity, where you can see statues of the ones you've purchased, their levels, which ones you are yet to buy, which games figures work with, all of which you can keep track of in this social space/hub. And you can move around the space in a Mii costume of these characters. Developing it further it could become like Nintendo Land with each character having its own game, which I think is something we're all hoping Nintendo would be doing with these as well.
  16. I've seen these in shops a couple of times now, some from wave 1 and 2, and I keep thinking about maybe buying one or two, purely for collection purposes really, but I just don't think the quality is good enough.
  17. Yeah that was crazy.
  18. They're literally selling everything!! Some of it is awesome too. Things like the reception desk. The show cars. The pit crew helmets.
  19. Late to the party but: 1) Ocarina of Time 2) Skyward Sword 3) Wind Waker 4) Majora's Mask 5) Twilight Princess
  20. So Ferrari have signed Gutierrez as reserve/test driver. Seems a strange choice.
  21. From the makers of The Unfinished Swan...
  22. Didn't Ubisoft say they had a game 'sitting there' ready for when the console sales picked up? Maybe they still didn't see it as a worthwhile/profitable release, but have sold the property on?
  23. GT Countdown: Top 10 Smash Bros Stages http://www.gametrailers.com/videos/ws1p10/gt-countdown-top-ten-smash-bros-stages GT Review: 8.5 http://www.gametrailers.com/reviews/k1b20d/super-smash-bros--for-wii-u-review
  24. Extended trailer.
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