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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. The North... Winter!! You know I would actually like to keep my testicles! Find it a tad unsettling when I suddenly see my name in sentences like these.
  2. You look in great shape wolfy. ROFL!! that would have been awesome!
  3. Great Episode... Shame because I was just starting to like young black 'dirty rice' guy (tis how he will be remembered), though obviously not enough to remember his name lol! Regarding 'Army daughter'... there's no reason why the DNA test results couldn't have been fixed. Just because they got some results back from a lab doesn't mean they were real. Maybe the military used her 'death' as a way of sending her some on other undercover mission or something. Artificial leg get?
  4. I think Mic's are pretty much always on throughout mimed performances, because the singers ad-lib huh's and yeah's etc... throughout the track to give the impression of singing.
  5. Wardrobe malfunction?
  6. I think Metroid will be an Autumn release, I think Prime was wasn't it. Nintendo really should have some other games for us by Christmas 2010... other franchises please!! I can't see Zelda being 2010, I really think they'll hold that one back for some form of Wii sequel.
  7. This is true.
  8. That's all the likes of Whitney Heuston have ever done, and she's better than Mariah Carey. I meant on a cringeworthy scale.
  9. Couldn't you trade in your original cased Wii Sports Resort?
  10. Tbf it genuinely can find talent though. There can be no disputing what an awesome find Leona was, and JLS are as talented as any boyband; there's a massive gap in the market for them right now.
  11. They auditioned! They shouldn't have, they're talentless morons! Worse than...?
  12. Is that BiA footage meant to be showcasing good graphics? Everything looks like it made out of plastic!
  13. ^ yes she got the least votes, but people aren't keeping J&E in because of their singing are they, so really they shouldn't be in the show... stick them in Britains got Talent and fare enough!
  14. Feel the same. I'm actually not fussed about watching it any more. I'd probably say Ollie to win now, but Simon can fuck right off, so John and Edward all the way... lets ruin this show!! Tbf I quite like Strong Again, and No.1 with Tinchy and Dappy (hilarious!)Oh and Tulisa can be pretty hot so...
  15. Totally! Her performance actually left me feeling a bit stressed out.
  16. Hat Hat OMG REZ you're the 4th member!!! Na-Na-NAH!!!
  17. Ditto.
  18. Yeah I'm pickinh up bargains atm. Just bought Wario Land, and may get HotD, and maybe Marbles!
  19. Tear his balls off for me! Thanks EDIT: That's if you can find them of course, gotta be in there somewhere!
  20. I luv her... sorry! At least she doesn't bring the fake tears 'there there babe' like Cheryl. Or the bullshit 'I'll base it on this performance' like Cowell... YEAH FUCK YOU WILL!
  21. In that case they should ditch the supposed 5 series and just wrap it up in 2.
  22. Yeah just want to say it was disgusting what he did tonight. If that had been one of his acts facing J&E tonight and the judges voted for them to stay in over his act he would have gone ABSOLUTELY mental, screamed about which ever judge took it to deadlock bringing the show into disripute, and probably threatened that judge with the sack. Bless Dannii, she's gorgeous and too nice (scared of Simon) to say anything, and Lucie absolutely stunning, would have liked to see her win.
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