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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Just snapped up Transistor, Flower and Ether One for £15 in the most recent Digital Discounts sale. Some good stuff in there.
  2. Didn't like the look of it at all. Don't think I'll bother with it. And Will Smith... Why so serious.
  3. Of all the little teasers that have come out, I'm least convinced by Wonder Woman, from that footage it looks like a fan-film... I'm not sure Gadot can pull it off. More excited for Aquaman now though than I was.
  4. Yeah for a one day extension I couldn't be bothered either :p
  5. Short clip from the film. The 'Do you bleed' line, in it's true context.
  6. There's actually 11 :p
  7. I can't help feeling the gameplay in the 2.5D games is gonna be underwhelming... Anyone played the first one? I should check out the trailer for India.
  8. I quite like the idea of the different classes, I think I just get daunted by a lot of RPG like stuff, unless it's handled in a very accessible way like Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Potential to have a lot of fun in this game though. Hopefully can just have an N-E clan and base in the city :p
  9. Still having a bit of a hard time understanding exactly what this game is. I don't feel like it's being communicated very well. Seems to be a distinct lack of variety in enemy types, basically fighting flame throwers all the time? and combat. Hopefully there's not just a wall of zombies/I am Legend coming when you get beyond the walls. I do like the idea of this as a co-op adventure, but not so much the rpg like elements... settlement building and skill trees etc...
  10. Hmm... think I'll wait for SOMA to dip below £10. Or even better, appear on Plus.
  11. @Ronnie Amiibo are just as much a 'fad' as VR may or may not turn out to be however. And yet they've managed to garner hundreds of pounds of people money. You're right in that you could put this to any product, but exactly, it's completely up to people how they spend their money and where they deem value to lie. Why do you call the price for the tech laughable? Personally (well, because I can't afford to), I'd never spend £1000+ on a cutting edge TV... but people do! And maybe that's the market Oculus is looking towards. The average gamer isn't the primary market. (also Ronnie what's your PSN ID?)
  12. Some of those same people laughing at the price of Oculus have spent literally hundreds of pounds on Amiibo... some of you may well have been able to afford an Oculus for the amount you've spent collecting those. One persons Amiibo collection is another persons VR headset. So whatever.
  13. Downloading.
  14. The Boy and His Blob was good, but the movement was clunky and the level design a bit basic. Charming though! I'd pick it up again on sale or on Plus.
  15. I too went for the Samsung hard drive, and it's easy to replace them in the new model Add me! Retro_F1
  16. Now to open the box and install that hard-drive!
  17. Very much sold on his look. They've done a great job with the hair, and it's nice to have a really vibrant costume.
  18. Where was force ghost Grandfather Anakin to slap Kylo Ren around the face, tell him that he'd seen sense in the end and to stop being a weener.
  19. Tempted to get the Mass Effect Trilogy for £9.99... but I'm not sure I'd ever get around to playing it.
  20. In anticipation of a PS4, just snapped up Dishonored Definitive Edition for £7.50 from Argos.
  21. Didn't leave a good impression from the trailer. The first was such a classic at the time, with great spectacle, but in todays market it just looks like a very standard/average sci-fi flick. The huge alien ship looming down through the clouds CGI effect seems to have been done in so many films by now.
  22. Yeah looks epic.
  23. It was meh.
  24. Yeah Bebop and Rocksteady for the absolute win!! Enjoyed that Music helped. Rip off Avengers scenes, but looks fun! TMNT 3 Turtle Blimp and Krang please
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