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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Some of us have said it countless times on here but Nintendo have all the franchises at their disposal to launch a Nintendo Sports brand. It would be a way to make a different impact with the next console. E-Sports is absolutely HUGE, and Nintendo have everything they need to enter the market and attend/run tournaments. 1080, WaveRace, Excitebike (rallycross), ExciteTruck, Pilotwings... and even F-Zero (Extreme-G would have qualified, so.. there you go Shigsy, there's your gimmick ) could all come under this brand. It would certainly make people sit up and notice. Your casual gamer perusing the shelves in Game might stop and think twice at seeing such a range. And what's more these are games that hardly anyone is making. WipeOut is no more, MotorStorm is absent at the moment, SSX didn't have the comeback it wanted... and in terms of the some Nintendo franchises, they don't even have any real rivals. Honestly I think it could be enough to get the masses to buy your console. Especially given how people play games nowadays. Release new editions yearly, who care, everyone else does. Or if not, just support it with DLC for the rest of the generation like Street Fighter. It would certainly refresh peoples image of Nintendo.
  2. Yeah loved Pilotwings Resort! 100%'d it in fact. @nekunando you know what Kyle Bosman would tell you to play
  3. But that justification. This game should handle like Strike Vector, and the online multiplayer play like it.
  4. Just watched their last ever stream on Twitch. Brandon's speech at the end man Gonna miss watching them a lot, it was what I'd do to relax on a day off or in bed after work. Hope they go on to do great things, something together would be awesome. I'll be keeping an eye out.
  5. They were building a new site too. Said on Twitter they just found out today and are out of the building. So sad. I've been going to their site for years, and in more recent times watching their shows and streams daily.
  6. WHAT!!!!? These guys are my favs... *sadface*
  7. Either way. Japan this year, rest of the world next.
  8. Because @dazzybee
  9. Captain Falcon should be in Street Fighter law :p Wonder if that's the games intro. Looks awesome. Hope Blanka shows up for old times sake.
  10. Yeah given the small team behind this I was kind of expecting this. The world, character and emotional that so many Indie Teams are able to pull off but slightly lacking when it comes to the truly great platforming. Having said that, I love that they've at least created fantastic level design with everything built out of real world environments and not just platforms their for the sake of it etc... Gonna get it regardless. Crap, this also reminds me I haven't played Puppeteer yet.
  11. My main concern is the camerawork and stunts seem to look more Hollywood and less real this time around, which is strange because everyone's back to make this one right? Also didn't everyone say they'd only return if the story was right?... I wasn't totally convinced from that trailer. But I'm excited to have Bourne back.
  12. Yeah I do like the colour and 'cartooniness' of it. I do however think Apocalypse looks absolutely awful... especially given how he looks in the comics. And like Independence Day, they've pushed the CGI to a point where it just looks blatant and far too busy. Excited to see new Cyclops and Jean! Thank god we get a redemption to their awful endings last trilogy round. Question though, when was Psylocke a big deal? I don't remember her from the 90's cartoons (really my only X-Men knowledge apart from the modern films), and yet she's big enough to be one of the four horsemen here?
  13. Kinda makes me laugh though how Ben Affleck said he was willing to return to the superhero genre because of this take and character being so different, and then he's here doing these naff fake adverts. Also... fly to Metropolis, the place 1000's of people just died from an alien invasion. Fly to Gotham, crime capital of the world, about to be destroyed by a mad business man and alien invasion :p
  14. Yeah Megan Fox is about as un-April as it gets, such a crazy casting choice, but you know why Bay did it... Kinda looking forward to this film. The first was alright. I do largely enjoy Michael Bay films as well, but I do think he's progressively got worse. Guess that's the 'Technodrome' then?
  15. Coming March 25th in Europe. Yes please.
  16. Maybe I'm being short-sighted, but I don't remember playing an abundance of 2D platformers on the N64, Gamecube and Wii?...
  17. They're meant to be pretty bad games, and all very similar.
  18. Zech's... Because it's a long, bollock frustrating game with RPG elements that quite frankly people are either put off by or don't have the time for... It's also an aesthetic that doesn't necessarily appeal to a lot of people. Some of these reasons are why I myself haven't bought it. Splatoon can be played by literally anyone, and is one of very few competitive online multiplayer games on the entirety of the Wii U's software line-up, with an active community and post launch support. These games are incredibly few and far between from Nintendo. Mario Kart, Smash, Splatoon. Of course it's going to sell. Plus the wait for games on Wii U is vast. The fact it's sold this well is great!
  19. Fair enough, I don't tend to go in the sales thread. I don't think it's getting worse, I've stopped caring and reading it :p
  20. Reading IGN headlines, apparently the game looks better than trailers would have you believe.
  21. Huh... has anyone ever associated that colour with Uncharted? Bit strange.
  22. I genuinely can't think of any instance on this board when someone had laughed at the sales of a PS4 game over a Wii U game, but anyway. Clearly any reaction towards Ronnie's post here is based on the argumentative history of the forum, which made the post appear antagonistic. Trying to take a moral high with such a post is equally laughable Zechs. Splatoon's sales figures are awesome! Can't wait to see what they do with the sequel and hopefully the single player gets expanded upon. Some sort of squad based 4 player co-op campaign would be incredible. Bloodborne's sales are equally fantastic for a game in such a niche market. Such games appear to get so much press and attention to us because gaming is our interest and hobby. An M rated, cruelly difficult game, in a gothic Victorian setting isn't an easy sell to the casual gamer.
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