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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Kid Icarus Uprising may be one example (I've never played it, but from the trailers I don't remember it being anything special), but voice overs aren't what Nintendo do, it's something they've never focused on. I'm not sure I'd trust them to get it right. Other M anyone!?... Mario Sunshine!!?... more often than not they get it wrong/go cheap/goofy. Zelda is Nintendo's flagship title, it'd be a big risk. Screw it up and they've ruined years of hard work. I struggle to envisage what accent a Goron/Zora would have. I mean I guess you have LotR's getting it right with Elves, Ents, Orks... but you also need to know which races to keep to their own dialect and have subtitles.
  2. Kirby always gets rolled out at the end of a console though. Also his games are usually always a lot of fun.
  3. Oh yeah totally. But how they can justify 3 amiibo that look almost identical I don't know. At least the Mario range are a different art style.
  4. This Kirby Amiibo range is ridiculous. As has been said before, there's practically no difference to the Smash ones, WaddleDee is the only new character. Why not just have one new Kirby amiibo like with ChibiRobo and make it Kirby in his mech suit. Something actually game relevant.
  5. Filthy casuals the lot of them
  6. That I didn't cotton on.
  7. Yeah I stopped playing SotC just over halfway through. It was just getting a bit too repetitive for me, and I kind of stopped enjoying the Colossi fights somewhat. The horse controls weren't great. Beautiful game though. Some of those early Colossi fights were stunning.
  8. Ah thanks. I didn't realise Fox was supposed to be the voice over... #worrying.
  9. Genuinely can't make out what Fox says.
  10. I would HIGHLY recommend Bourne 1-3. Bourne 3 is incredible (but you need to watch the first 2).
  11. I don't really see where this is going, but there's a difference between arguing that NSMB could have done something better with it's music and art style... that Twilight Princess could have received a graphical makeover equivalent to Wind Waker's, or that StarFox could have been something far more ambitious and included multiplayer - to flat out calling a game shit and that it shouldn't exist. I'm not sure anyone has said that about any Wii U games. Wii may have said that about Captain Toad, but he was banned a long time ago.
  12. That squirrel game is an experiment... the controls in StarFox are an experiment... the industry is trying different things... some will work, some won't, some will criticise, some will enjoy the experience. How do you know a 10 year old won't have the best experience of his video game life with that squirrel game in VR? Every console has plenty of flops, cash-ins, ports, shovel ware at launch... as well as big budget games that a year later are 5/10's. There are also some gems in launch line-ups that couldn't have been done on previous platforms, and that looks to be the case with VR. I don't see the issue here.
  13. VR does have a Wii Sports like game... As for big games that prove VR's worth...
  14. I watched a video with Damon from IGN chatting to some VR devs, and the thing is, because of how new it all is, developers are still figuring out what does and doesn't work best in VR. It's the reason this first year or maybe even two, will be full of experiments. In a way that's kinda fun! We're all figuring it out together and there will be a lot of different experiences. Someone tried utilising the camera for platforming, and yeah it probably wasn't the best decision, but this type of game may well become very rare now and could be fun to have in a collection. I wouldnt be surprised if this long experimental launch period is followed by a period of saminess that works, followed by diversity.
  15. I'm don't know much about the PS2 unfortunately, but for story driven games I'd have thought God of War 1 & 2, Okami (play the Wii or PS3 HD version), Devil May Cry series, Final Fantasy, the Ratchet/Jak/Sly games, Rogue Galaxy.
  16. What's the point in comparing games that are wildly different and you know nothing about the budgets of? If you're going to, then at least think about comparing games within near enough the same genre!... Like Mario to Ratchet and Clank, or Zelda Wii U to - at a pinch - Bloodborne.
  17. We really have no idea when the Resi 2 remake will be out, so if you're wanting to make that a part of it, you could be waiting a good year or two. It makes sense to play REmake over the original, it's the ultimate version and arguably the best Resident Evil, so it's really whether you go for the Gamecube version or wait and play the PS4 version. I'd then base your other decisions around that i.e. play 0, REmake, 2, 3, CV, 4 on Gamecube/Wii and 5, 6 on PS3. Or 0, Remake HD PS4 followed by all the others downloaded from PSN.
  18. > Amiibo
  19. They also come with chips.
  20. Haven't played this, or any Paper Mario in fact. But looking forward to giving it a go sometime! A few more N64 additions...
  21. I wish!... I mean... umm... I possibly exhausted them yesterday, but it doesn't feel like it would have been that many. Is it 24hrs before you get them back?
  22. I'm loving the idea of SuperHyperCube. A puzzle game like that is just the sort of thing to get people hooked.
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