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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. I'm going to have nightmares before bed now...
  2. I'm just a geek for the first two and the whole universe, anything Terminator related. It's a film I grew up with, and have seen so many times, and will probably see again for many more. For me, it's just got everything: the action scenes are really well crafted, and you never have "Die Hard 4" syndrome where you can't tell what the shit is going on. The storyline is a neat little twist from the first film, although I think Arnie plays a much better Villain than he does a hero. For its time, and still now I think the effects are pretty well done. I can look at it and still feel engrossed in it. Some films I have looked back on and wanted to puke inside my mouth, but this is definitely not one of them. There's a real heart to this, too. The way John interacts with the Terminator, much to Sarah's initial dismay. It's all brilliant, I could happily watch it right now even though I feel sleepy. It's probably not for everyone, but it's served me well. Also, yeah...Predator does work much better as a comedy than TeeToo. "If Eet Bleeds, we can keel eeet!"
  3. I feel our friendship becoming strained. You could say it's being...Terminated. Aha...
  4. ReZ has never seen The Terminator films? Sweet lord of Wolfie...jesus Fuck. Even Ine has seen the first film, on VHS/Vuuhsss. How hardcore is she? Next stop: TeeToo. Also, Wesleeeee: I honestly don't know. But, if you go into it with an open mind and fairly low expectations, then hopefully you will like it. If you go into it thinking it'll beat the originals, then...you're a tart. Nothing will beat the originals. Not even ice cream. Edit: Iun, Thank You! There is someone out there who cannot stand Christian Bale, either. He's played a poor Bruce Wayne (In The Dark Knight anyway) and has played an equally poor John Connor. Average at best in both of these roles. I got slated by some of my friends for saying that I really couldn't stand him in The Dark Knight. I have a theory about Bale. Basically, any scene that he is in, you can almost guarantee that every other actor will be better. Both Sam Worthington and Anton Yelchin gave far superior performances than he did.
  5. I'm very lucky that one is so close to me. I haven't had a car whilst being at uni, so I never joined a gym then as they were all too far out of the way. Maybe you could get a bike, and that would you've be working out riding whilst going to the gym, and it hopefully won't be too painful getting back.
  6. I'm not sure if this qualifies for being posted in here, but I've joined up with the gym, again. Went there last Summer and now have joined up seeing as I'm back home officially. It's literally about 200 metres away from my house, wohoo! I'm enjoying it. At the moment I'm concerned with improving my stamina, as I tried playing football not too long ago and was shocked at how rubbish I was at keeping up with the pace. (5 a-side, so it was hectic), so I'm working on that. Doing a bit of running on the treadmill, which I've not really enjoyed before but kinda liking it now, and other things here and there. I know I'll keep this up because it's something I'm quite motivated about. I think I just need to maybe draft up some sort of plan so that I know what to work on the next time I go.
  7. Why dooo biiiiiirds, sudddeeeenly aaaapppeeear Everrrrytiiiime... *deep breath* Eddage is neeeearr.
  8. I just hope Hero of Time didn't read that. OR ELSE YOU WILL DIIIE!
  9. I dunno...Messi is a bit sexy. He plays, what The Gullit describes as Sexy Football. Brunty plays...something we call ManBall. There should be a seperate league for him, Kevin Davies, Vinnie Jones and Nemanja Vidic. Although, Nemanja and Brunt are not thugs by any stretch...they're just tough.
  10. Honestly, I can't tell you how much more I value people's opinions on here than other reviewers.
  11. This just proves how you can't trust reviews, and should not put the purchase of a game on the line after reading one. How can one reviewer give this a 5, another give it a 7 and another a 9?!
  12. It would be definitely something to see. Especially the Cardiff supporters giving him a hard time. Instead, he'll be playing against the likes of Messi. Lucky bugger.
  13. Haha, that would be interesting to see. Real Madrid vs. Cardiff City.
  14. But there's never been any indication that Nintendo have planned to abandon F Zero or any of their other franchises. At times, I think many gamers would say it is in fact the opposite, that Nintendo perhaps pay too much attention to their older franchises whilst not creating new ones. For me, F Zero Wii is just a matter of time. The only question will really be "how good will it be?" since it'll have to top the beast before it. To be fair, Wii Sports Resort is actually shaping up to be pretty nifty. It's one of these games that I think just seems more and more appealing the more you see it. Also, are Nintendo behind make up studio? Is it them developing and publishing? I think I just switched off when I saw it and then switched back on when the next game was shown...which I think was COP: The Recruit, I think. That's about 11 years, at least, so it could be just one of those plans that just never comes into being. It happens, even more so in recent times. Look at Raven Blade, for example, or the first footage of Resident Evil 4. Or even Starwing 2 for the SNES. A big one for me, although not game related, is the plan to create an Alien V. That's been rumoured for around 10 years, and it'll probably never happen, but they'll be rumoured never the less. When you have fans who want it, of course they'll keep their hearts and minds open to the possibility of seeing another version of that or a new installment some day. It's not a bad thing to want these games. It shows we care. If we didn't care about these games, then we'd never buy them, and thus Nintendo would never make new ones. Kinda why I always hope that the sweet but under-rated games sell somewhat well, so that new installments can be made. Like Killer7 for the Gamecube, and I'm pleased that Suda51 gave us No More Heroes for the Wii. Had Killer7 sold absolutely nothing, I doubt we've have got No More Heroes. (although Killer7 didn't sell by the bucket load, it did ok considering the people behind it...I never thought there were high expectations for sales.) We definitely need more games in all areas. More platforms, more adventures, more shooters, more racers and definitely more strategies. There's no harm in having choice, because that's how you have a great library. But, at the same time, it's up to third parties to fill the gaps that Nintendo leave open. If Nintendo did well in every single genre, and backed that up with a huge choice of games for each genre...then there would be no point in having third party backing. That's what they're their for. It's great that companies like High Voltage Software are giving us stuff like The Conduit and The Grinder, and even Gladiator A.D., which are three games in areas that are starved on the Wii. That's exactly the kind of third party support we need. More realistic racers would also be good for people who want them. Again, it fills the gap. Nintendo aren't likely to create something like this, so why hasn't a third party given it a go? It's kinda annoying sometimes when you see third parties creating games which are basically "spin-offs" of Wii Sports, or Wii Fit (except EA active which looks pretty awesome) or something...why don't they concentrate on areas Nintendo haven't touched?! Surely that's where the money is. Unless gamers are willing to buy the same thing three times.
  15. Whilst he was an expensive buy, there's no doubting his ability. Be honest, how many of us would love to see him play for our team? I'd cum.
  16. Nobody battered an eyelid at Ghost Squad, either. Yeah, pretty much Dead Space and Umbrella/Darkside Chronicles seem to have felt the brunt of the force. It's a shame...they all look to be very good games. Dead Space keeps looking better and better. With Sin & Punishment, I'm not convinced many people will actually go out and buy it. It could be one people pick up when it drops off in price, or purchase it second hand.
  17. But there were "light gun" Resident Evil games around that time, too. I think part of the fuss around The Umbrella Chronicles was that the game would be just as "bad" as the (Gun) Survivor games. I never played them, so I dunno if they are really bad games to begin with, but Umbrella Chronicles was pretty sweet.
  18. Whilst we're on the subject of "Asians" being more likely to get jobs as police officers, there is something a little bit similar that I have come to understand. Being a male (and Asian, but that's unrelated here) trainee Primary School teacher, I've often been told that "schools are crying out for male Primary School teachers, so you should be ok finding a job." Whether or not this is true, I don't know. It makes some sense, though. Due to the increase in single parent families, many children lack a strong Father figure, or role model. So, schools hope to employ more males to make up for this. This idea of positive discrimination is definitely something that I'd like to look at a bit more. Generally, I think these ideas come from somewhere...I'd just like to know where.
  19. Sometimes if I'm playing a game at an angle, I move the sensor bar slightly. Or, I sometimes move the tv, haha. Could that be done with the Eye? If so, then it goes a little way to solving that problem. It's not perfect, but it can help.
  20. Good luck. If you've been a student at university, then I'm going to hazard a guess and suggest that you've been skint, too? If so, you'll love it when your first see your month's wages going in.
  21. I've been in uni for the past four years, but I have also worked in jobs where I've worked from 9 to 5, or in jobs where I've done both uni and the 9 to 5 thing. There was one point where I went to uni from 9 til midday, and then from midday to 9 to work. Also, other jobs where I've worked 9 to 9. Travelwise, I've been on placements even whilst being at uni, and some days I'd leave my place at around half 6 in the morning and get home around half 7 in the evening. However, throughout all of this, it is still very possible to have a good social time, to have time for yourself, and to do the things you keep doing. That last example was pretty difficult, as it was a lot of traveling, but I miss it sometimes. I enjoyed the job I was doing, so it was worth it. Would I do it again? A thousand times, yes. Even though it was also unpaid. (gah). Why do we work? Well, you get something out of it. In most cases, that something is money. To others, they'll say they take the experience, or the sociable factor, the communicating with others, or the fact that they're making a difference. It really does depend on what personally motivates you to take this job. If it is money, then what is that money going towards? Buying the things that you like, saving up for a place with your girlfriend, or maybe even saving for something else. That's also good motivation. I don't think I've ever been one to shy away from work. Sometimes it can be scary when starting something new. But, when you're in the swing of it, you get caught in the rhythm of things, and this can either be a good thing or a bad thing. It's good in the sense that you then know what it is that you're doing. It's bad in the sense if you think of yourself as a robot, just working and working. If you go into it with positive thoughts, that you're going to make the most of it, then this will not be all that difficult at all.
  22. That's pretty much one of the reasons why Melee was played for so long on the Gamecube, for me anyway. Sure, the multiplayer just had you coming back for more, but so did the singleplayer. With Brawl, I've barely scratched the surface with it. This is something that Nintendo should be doing more in their games, as it's a huge strength. Why can't this idea by incorporated to Mario Kart? Link it in with time trials, beating certain times gives you something special. Having the ability to unlock something is a big reason to play a game. Think of Ocarina of Time, for example. It took me ages to find Nayru's Love, but I kept looking for it. When I found it, I was pleased. It wasn't essential to finishing the game, but it was there if you wanted to get everything, all the special things. So, hiding "secrets" in the game for you to find is definitely a big reason to play beyond the main quest or until you have "beaten the end boss" or "finished the last race." But, with these games, I was happy to find more because I wanted everything out of these games. I love Brawl, I love the Mario Kart games, and I love Ocarina of Time, perhaps too much. I wanted everything out of these games because you fully want to experience everything. With some games, you sometimes don't have a desire to get everything, because it can seem too repetitive, or you just get bored. You need that magic or spark there so that you want to do it, not have to. I can't think of an example of a game where this has happened to me just yet, but I will try.
  23. Haha, keep watching. Or watch some other videos, I really love the strategy side of this. Basically, you are either Attacking or Defending. If you are in possession of the ball, you're the attacking. So, whoever gets the kick-off is the attack unless they lose possession. If you're the attacker, you must touch the ball when you flick a player. If you don't, you lose possession. If the ball also touches a defending player last, they get possession. If you're a defender, you can only flick a piece to get in the way and to make life difficult for the attacker. So, flicking a piece right next to them to make it difficult for them to move the ball, that's a good move. You're not allowed to touch the ball directly. If the attacking player flicks a piece and the ball hits a defender, then possession changes hands. Also, an attacking player is not obliged to wait for a defender to move before they take another turn. It is turned based in the sense that a defender needs to wait for the attacker to move before the defender moves a piece. But, the attacker does not need to wait for a defender to move before they move again. Here are some quick rules: http://subbuteo.iougs.com/subbuteo-woodentop-quick-rules.pdf And here are the rules in a bit more depth: http://subbuteo.iougs.com/rules.shtml Hope that clear it up, Eevil. Haha, yaaay, we're Pro Action Brothers. Man, if we ever meet, we need to play this. Full match.
  24. There's a ton of videos on Youtube. Subbuteo World Cups! I'm watching this one. I really want to play now!
  25. I'm feeling a bit nostalgic today, and instead of filling in this job application form, I've been reading on about Subbuteo on football forums. Which camp were you in? The Subbuteo camp: or The Pro Action Football camp? I used to love these games. I remember my neighbour next door had a whole room dedicated to Subbuteo, where it was all set up waiting to be played. Subbuteo was so much better if you were a collector. You could buy sets specialised for teams. I think I had a Manchester United team set, and definitely picked up Chelsea, Queens Park Rangers and quite a few others on the cheap. We had this brilliant shop in Newport that would sell the additional team sets, and I still have them in the house somewhere. But, Pro Action Football players had this magnetic "ring" around the base of the players, meaning that the ball actually stuck to them, making it a lot better for playing and keeping control of the ball. It was brilliant. However, there was a game breaker...the bluddy pitch would not remain flat, or uncreased. I think in the end my Mum stuck it down to hardboard, or we even tried to iron it at one point. I've been reading stories on forums where some people even got their Mums to send off the pitch to the dry-cleaners. Haha. Who remembers this? What were your thoughts on this?
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