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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. You bastardfuck. I also re-bought some of that spray that I wore last year. My sexy smell. You're missing out, boyo.
  2. A little meet up and a pint or something would be fun, hehe. I've got a busy Christmas in store, I think. If work keeps coming in, I'll be working until Schools break up, which is around the 18th or something. Then, I'm going to be visiting people in Brighton and other places in the South. Erittttth. I don't think I'll be able to commit to any of the meet-ups, especially those 20th December ones because of the clash of dates with when I'll be visiting people. Although, Jay, if you're in Brighton around Christmas time, or Newport, we could meet up again, haha.
  3. The purpose of games really is just to have fun and enjoy yourself. But, sometimes it can be a bit more than that. It can be a good way of relieving stress. When I feel a bit pissed off, I like putting a game on to cheer me up. The same thing happens with my guitar, when I feel a bit lifeless, I pick that up and it breathes some new life into me, haha. There is a purpose there, I think you just need to find it. In the end, what is purpose? What is the point of earning money or keeping fit? Two things are very certain in life: You are born and then, eventually, you die. When you're close to the end, you won't look back and think "damn, I wasted all those years keeping fit or earning money." There will be good memories attached to it, hopefully. When I pick up a guitar, I don't do it because it is there, I do it because I "want" to play, and I do it because I want to express myself or listen to the music. The same could be said for games, it's a way of keeping yourself entertained and it can be a form of expression. I think you need a hug, King_Vagina.
  4. Does that mean you'll look back in 50 years time and say "oh, all those films were pointless", too? When you think about those Brawl sessions, why not look at it from the "Wow, I had some great times with my friends when I was younger." I know I will.
  5. That's exactly what I was going to post, haha. I think there are many positive aspects of gaming that get overlooked. They can be a great way of "immersing yourself" within an imaginery world, or within a story. Eternal Darkness on the Gamecube is one fine example of this. It was immersive and quite cinematic. Games can be just as immersive as films or books can be. There have been so many games in the past where I have just lost myself within them, and I think that's a good thing for the mind. Another aspect is the social gaming side of things. Inviting friends around and playing some multiplayer games together, or playing over the internet. It's two different methods of communication and I think it's good to have a balance of both. I love having a few friends over and enjoying some games with them, and it is really a great way to spend your spare time. As for violent games, really I think it depends on the game in question. Like films, each game is individual and they bring different things to the table. Looking in my collection, I don't have many violent games, but then I think there are varying degrees of violence. I looked at this subject for a module at Uni, and we pondered why something such as Lord of the Rings was more acceptable than a War game or film. Generally, if the "things" being killed are not human, then we see it as ok. I wonder how many of these targetted "violent games" have featured characters being killed which were not humans. I would hazard a guess and say not many. Just a word of warning, I typed this post whilst watching Dude, Where's My Car and talking to ViPeR/Joe about Alien Versus Predator. It probably doesn't make sense and seems half hearted. If it does, I has an excuses.
  6. I'm trying to, because I think it's about time I learned to appreciate sleep, haha. Plus, with the gymming eet up stuffs, I need to get a good amount of sleep so that my body can recover. Our bodies are temples, etc.
  7. Haha, thanks, Raining. I think I may need to wear my glasses more. Although, I was wearing them whilst Wii-ing eet up. And, I have been using my laptop a lot...I neeeed to. Need a rest, hehe.
  8. But I've had loads of sleep today! I went to bed at around 2-ish and woke up at 11-ish. Weird, hehe.
  9. The week has been going well, and I'm happy that the weekend is here. I also have two short snippets of conversations to tell you that took place within the classroom at the end of last week. Kid: "Mr. Baburrrrrrr.....is your name Mr. Babur?" Me: "Yeeeeeees...in fact, you just called me that." Kid: "Oh yeah....that's a silly name, haha." Me: "Thanks...What's your name?" Kid: "Mini..." Me: *tries so hard not to laugh* I had to turn around and walk away quickly. Another one. The context: We are thinking about what images we could include on our Christmas Cards: Kid A: "Oooo, we could have Santa Claus on theeeeere." Me: "Yeeees, that's a good start." Kid B: "We could have Santa with preseeeeentssssss." Me: "Yup yup, you could use that. Anything else?" Kid C: "Oooo, sirrrrr, we could draw a picture on Santa and his radiatorrrrrrs." Me: "Radiators?...Ahh, you mean Reindeers?!" Kid C: "oh yeah, haha." *much laughter* Today has been good. Spent so much of it just bumming around and playing on teh Wii. My right eye has been really funny today. It keeps twitching slightly and they feel a wee bit sore (both of them). I think I need an early night later, maybe.
  10. Happy Birthday to youuuuu. Happy Birthday to yoooooou. Hope it's been a good one. Describe your birthday cake. If you had one. I love birthday cake. Mmm.
  11. Let's be fair, you only posted this yesterday afternoon. Is there any chance you could maybe post these a bit quicker? I think it was a week since the last match-up, ao maybe if it was a bit more frequent it would generate a bit more interest and activity? I'm going to vote for Stacie Orrico. Although both songs are not my cup of tea.
  12. If you came to accept it, then it wouldn't matter what that makes you or the other person. You accept it, live with it, and then just enjoy life and whatever comes with it. There's far too little time to be worrying about labels and stuff.
  13. If you thought they were female, then you were fancying them as "female" and not as a man. So, if you didn't know that they were transexual, then it wouldn't make you gay for fancying them. Because you looking at them as a female.
  14. Hehe, I think you may be right there. Coolness is probably sleeping now though, and dreaming of Pikmin fighting wars against small kittens in a battle that takes place in his lunchbox. x x x

  15. Ya, you just plug it in and recharge it. So, no need to piss around looking for batteries. Actually, why didn't the Wiimotes come like that? Would've been great. Yeees, the DS is really a great little system. You can quite easily build up a great collection of games, and there's a great library there. If you're having trouble with a busy lifestyle, then I think it would be worth looking into. I've only got a DS Big Arse Edition, so one day I want to get a DSi or a Lite or something. Then, carry that around with me for trains and stuff, since I spend half my life on there.
  16. Hahahahahahaa. Oooooooooooooooooh! That's a Simpsons Quote, hahaha.


    Ok, I admit eet. I am teh geekz0r. :( x x x

  17. Ahh, ok, heh. It just basically means automatic. Or automatically. So, like you have automatic settings on your computer. :) x x x

  18. I'm already yourrrr Kingggg since yoooou're my Queeeen. So, its impossible for me to not be your King. ;) x x

  19. I'm very much the same as you. I like being able to sit back, look at the tv and control using something in my hands. I don't know why, but I didn't click with handhelds as quickly. I love the DS though, and I guess it's the first time (apart from the Pokemon games) where I've truly loved the handhelds. I played quite a few Gameboy and GBA games, but for some reason I wasn't hooked as much as console games. But, avec le Wii, you need batteries for that. Except I've got a funky little recharge thing, so I use that. But, having to charge the DS or that charger does suck. Plus, I sometimes get numb arms or hands if I'm sat in a funny position using my handheld. I like being able to lie down on my front and play a game like that, though. But after a while, I get cramp.
  20. You are my Queen, so by default I am already your King.


    Default. Ahh, the two greatest words in the English Language! x x

  21. Hmm, this is difficult to work out. Let's say I get up at half 5 for work. Half 6 - I leave the house for work. So, about an hour and a half travelling to work, and maybe more coming back. 3 hours travelling to work. 8 hours of work (so, 11 hours) About 2 hours gymming it up and then showering afterwards. I take my time, I love showering to recover after working out. (so, 13 hours) Then, I spend quite a few hours talking to the Ine/Eenuh/Eenooo. Eating. I probably spend a fair bit of my life making cups of tea for me and the family too, haha. Oh yeah, about 8 hours of sleep, I try to aim for now. So...around 21 hours there. Then a couple of hours spent between browsing the internets and gaming. If there's any football on, I tend to watch that. Because I don't have much spare time, I usually try and do various things at once. My Mum came into the front room the one time and saw me with the laptop and N-E open, MSN open, TV on with me playing a game and drinking cups of tea at one time. That's time management.

  23. I'm gonna make love to ya womaaaaaaan

    Gonna lay ya down by the fiyaaaaah :D

    And caress your womannnnnlllllly bodyyyyyy-ya

    Make ya moan and perspireeeeeeeeee-ya!

    Gonna get those juices flowin'

    We're makin' love gravy, love gravy


  24. I remember films though, I just like seeing them again. It makes me happy, like seeing an old friend. Plus, I get less anxious about what's going to happen at the end. Like with The Terminator yesterday. That could've gone either way! But, I've seen it before, so that was ok. x x

  25. Yeah, well, I am proud of my quote-retaining brain. The suit does hide it well. Eet acts as a barrier which shields the world from the truth behind the geek that ees mee.


    You forget quotes so quickly. I am a sponge, on the other hand. Be a sponge, Eeenoo. At the moment, you're a paper bucket turned upside down, over a drain. x x

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