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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. I'm not going to lie. I wanted to sneak that into this thread somewhere. X-Files love!
  2. Hmm, that's a bit harsh, in my view. I think the mind is a very complex thing. It can play tricks on you, and it can distort the truth. So, it wouldn't be a case of them simply "not telling the truth." To the person in question, they would think that they themselves were telling the truth. Optical illusions and even hallucinations sound fair to me, but then I think it depends on each individual. The thing that you have to remember is that when you see something, your mind records that information. The moment passes and all you have is the memory. Over time, that memory could change, even just subtley. You could subconsciously add in details that weren't there before. You forget bits. You remember others. Plus, you doubt yourself. You look back and think "Was it really like that, or was it like this?" My Mum has told me stories about her Dad, when he went to war. He said he saw a ghost, and he told the story to her in such detail. What did he see? He thinks he saw something, but we weren't their, so I guess we just have to take his word for it. A leap of faith, if you will. That's what I find so compelling about the Barney and Betty Hill case. Its an eyewitness account, with no photographic evidence or video footage. You just have their words, their medical reports and the thoughts of critics. In my heart, I believe they saw something that wasn't from this world. Maybe that's because I want to believe, I want it to be true.
  3. Yes. People started to come forward with information. Although, you never can entirely tell what really happened by what people say, as they distort the truth. That's why I wish I could go back in time and be there myself, to see what actually happened. Maybe we'll never know the full details.
  4. Aye, she does. It still gets me screaming, though. Mainly for her safety. I hate caring for film characters.
  5. The one that springs to mind is Pan's Labyrinth.
  6. C-C-C-COMBO BREEEAKER. The most interesting UFO/Sighting story to me is the Barney and Betty Hill case from the 60s. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betty_and_Barney_Hill_abduction Its fascinating. Just the little details, how they both claim to have lost time but didn't realise this at the time. The star map that Betty draws. The description of the craft. I really love this sort of stuff. Even if it's a sighting that gets proven to be something else, like a weather balloon or something. It's interesting just to read up on this stuff. I wonder how long we'll all be talking about Roswell for, and I wonder if the "truth" will ever come out. Could be the greatest cover-up ever, or the biggest myth/hoax.
  7. Walking to the gym from work, and two teenage school girls walk past. One of them makes eye contact at me and smiles. As they walk past, I can hear behind me "Really? But his arms were so hairy!" Sadface. The walls between my room and my brother's room are paper thin and I can hear his conversations with his mates. It's like we're in the same room. Most of the time they're shockingly bad convos. "Hey, man." "Hey!" "What you up to, man?" "Nothing. You?" "Noooothing. Just chilling." There's always a pause of about 5 seconds. Every time. How he stays on his phone chatting for hours is beyond me.
  8. Hahah, I always wanted this game as a kid. Unfortunately, my Mum made a fatal error and bought me this game instead: Every 10 minutes, all I heard was "YOU. YES YOU. The one who was moving! Experience Biiiiiiiiiiiiiij!" (skip to 1:41 on the video for it) I really fancy playing that now. And Atmosfear!
  9. When I'm physically tired, I tend to feel a heaviness over my body. I find that if I go to the gym when I'm not feeling it, it sometimes runs over onto the next day. So, when you're feeling like that, it's probably best to have a rest day and then save your energy for the day after. You feel a bit fresher then and up for it. Also, when you ask yourself "am I tired?" you probably are. Half the battle is mentally! I hate the days where you go to the gym and you don't feel up for it. I wanna go now.
  10. I didn't really listen to much off Neon Bible. Loved Funeral, and it was one of my favourite albums of the time. This could be a sign for me to get back into them.

  12. Aww, sorry that you didn't get it. It's good that you thought well of you, so try not to be too downhearted on it. You'll get the next one!


    Also, was awesome meeting you and the clan in London.

  13. Hahahahah, that's exactly it! I laughed at that.
  14. Definitely. Maybe without the Josh Homme part, as well.
  15. Haha, it really isn't. It looks messy, and it looks quite ugly in my opinion. I don't think women/men are usually that keen on it either.
  16. Maybe if David Beckham and Josh Homme ran into each other and came out as one entity. That person could be Eddage.
  17. Hahahaha. I was tempted to put that down for either him or Caris. I thought they were mates in real life, but apparantly they're not. Illusion...shattered.
  18. I wasn't sure, it might have been "Di-agg-eo" or "dee-uh geo" or something. Whats it from? Or is it your name?
  19. Haha, it's good, but ET and Close Encounters...and Jaws...and quite a few others are up there, too. Just remembered this: Toxic Crusaders
  20. Yeah, you go to the gym, or at least I remember you used to. I remember because there was some sort of discussion before about "groups" who go to the gym. I basically remember conversations and threads quite well and who posts in what. So, football thread I think of Noodles, Platty, Ramar, Dyson, DuD, etc. Gym thread I think of you, Daft, The Bard, etc.
  21. Haha, raining just told me that one. I should have remembered.
  22. It is YOU who is ruined, by not liking Animaniacs. I loved it when I was a kid. Good Idea Bad Idea was brilliant.
  23. Raining: I know. Ashley: Yes, eet's true. Mudkip, boy. I've added a few more now. Are there seriously no members beginning with Y? Wait, I got a Y. Now need a Q and an X. This is obsessive now.
  24. I know. You would feel like a God.
  25. Important question: Did you trim it a little. Or, did you shave eet all?
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