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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. That's funny, because I find it pretty uplifting, romantic and sweet at parts. It's one of my favourite films, too. I agree with your point, but about music. For example, when somebody dislikes, say, Radiohead because "all of their songs are depressing." This makes me pull the FUUUUUU face. Also, when somebody watches you play a 30 second part of a game and decide that it looks boring. For example, my housemate came in whilst I was playing Muramasa, saw me running across the land after a boss-fight (she didn't see that fight) and decided that it looked boring. Gaaah.
  2. In fairness to Charlie, he isn't looking for a relationship in this case. He is literally just looking for a quick bit of fun. So, if his tactics work, then more fool them, really. I feel sheeeet. I woke up with a smashing headache and a really sore throat. Thought I'd go to the gym before work to sweat it off. But, a few hours afterwards, I felt worse. My nose is blocked, my head is thumping, my eyes are tired and my throat is sooore. The nose is definitely the worst part, though. I dread to think how many tissues I have used today. To add to it, I was teaching a lesson about the environment/recycling. Teaching that whilst wasting a box of tissues on my nose. Kids must have thought I was crazy.
  3. I notice it says the Conduit 2 supports it. Does it improve anything at all? What does it help with?
  4. Retro, you fail. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_games_that_support_Wii_MotionPlus You missed out on the Tiger Woods games and Grand Slam Tennis. I remember both receiving great reviews due to their use of MotionPlus. I want both. Also, is Virtua Tennis any good for the Wii?
  5. Vote: No Lynch. Somebody can Die Another Day.
  6. She could dream a dream that she was the only girl there. A dream within a dream. She could meet Leonardo Dicaprio along the way. *in all seriousness, I was sick in my mouth when I saw that picture. I made a HWORRRRUP sound*
  7. Kanu Says: "Shit, I'm late to the thread. Happy Late Birthday, Boy with Flames."
  8. That is because your revert to your natural state, rather than remaining in relationship-hunting mode. Or sex-mode. Both are different gears on the same stick. You need to put yourself in neutral mode. Then, drive your way to victory. I think more, probably. Just be you, be friendly, and the women will make their way to you. Like a river.
  9. Dude, if you put a girl down with a comment, she'll most probably slap you in the arsehole. And not in a nice way. And, probably rightfully so, too. There's excitement, which is where you flirt and shtuff. But, putting a girl down just seems like the wrong way to do it. Unless you're joking about and you're teasing, in which case it's different. Girls pretty much like confidence. Also, they like feeling special. So, making them feel like the only girl in the room, that would do eet. I dunno, I don't know what the women are like in Scotland.
  10. You've got "into" girls? Then, what's the need for this thread dude? You've already warp-piped your way to the finish line. Anyway, you should take Charlie's advice. When a woman is talking to you in the bar, ignore them. Then, go back to them 10 minutes later, and they will be like putty in your hands. Also, women like guys with great skills. Like...computer hacking skills, hunting skills, that stuff. You should venture out to these places where women are in their natural habitat. You know, fencing club, chess club, shit like that. A Bon Jovi gig. --- Seriously now, you have the best name on the forum. If I were a woman (which I'm not), you'd have had me at Kurtle Squad.
  11. Why? Some people are into that. Martini might be one of these cousin-boner people. I think I better leeeeeave right now. [/music]
  12. I missed ya in the footie thread.
  13. I've always thought that the baby forms are lame. Baby Mario. How far will it regress? Will we be able to play as Newborn Mario, one day? What about Foetus Peach?
  14. Guys, this is pretty lame. It was much nicer when we were all jizzing over the HD ZELDAAAA.
  15. Aw, I think the poor girl has suffered enough.
  16. Dude, I came in here to post that exact same thing. I had actual tears in my eyes. Poor Enis.
  17. Oh, man. You're breaking my balls here. It's an attachment for the Wiimote which can help for more precision. Its got what is called a "tuning fork gyroscope", which will help with rotating, twisting and turning the controller. I think Nintendo will probably bundle that attachment in with the game. Also, there's some Wiimotes now which contain the motionplus attachment inside it.
  18. Oh, man. You were right about the n00b part. It will be out for the Wii hopefully this "Holiday Season." I wish that the holiday they were referring to was Easter, in which case it would be out, but it'll be Christmas time or something. No definite date yet, just that period of time. It will be using WiiMotionPlus for all kinds of crazy shit. You'll like it.
  19. As Diageo has already said, Nintendo aren't ditching Motion Controls at all. As know, the Upad/controller has motion sensors. Just because you're not swinging the controller around, it doesn't stop it from being classed as motion control. Also, if what we're hearing is true about only one Ucontroller being used with the console (or 2 max), then there could potentially be other multiplayer games which will utilise the Wiimotes for the other players taking part. In fact, this was clearly demonstrated already. Particularly around the 2 minute mark with the Metroid-type game. Don't really understand where we're getting this "Nintendo is ditching motion controllers" information from. If anything, they're evolving with that idea.
  20. I'm never one to refuse an offer of Bondage. So, put me up for that.
  21. Hmm. Aye, go on then, lad.

  22. GX needs to be the template for this game. Just like Melee was for Brawl. It was pretty much perfect, a great selection of Grand Prixs, good story mode, nice multiplayer, good graphics and sound and add-ons such as a create your vehicle. I'd like to see an elaboration on some of these aspects. More quality tracks, but also more variation between the tracks. I'd love to see some tracks set in space, or orbiting a planet or something. Something quite "out there." They need to keep the essence of the game which is the speed and allowing you to have plenty of moments when you can get to maximum speed. Twisting and turning tracks. Maybe a track editor? That would be lovely. Content is what I'd like to see. Lots of unlockables, movies to unlock without the game, soundtracks, stuff like that.
  23. What is the difference exactly between an accelerometer and a gyroscope? I think a gyroscope is used for tilting and direction?
  24. What is the difference exactly between an accelerometer and a gyroscope? I think a gyroscope is used for tilting and direction?
  25. I was saying my thoughts out loud. I can understand why we'd need the sensor bar, for tracking. So, it must have one on the back of the Upad, surely? For precision. I'm not sure if the gyroscopes would be precise enough for the tv to detect exactly where they are. I actually don't know now. Hmm. We need a tech-y guy in here.
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