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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. "We are pwouud to announce a new type of Pikmin. Dis Pikmin arrows prayers to wark on water. We are calling them...wark on water Pikmin. Because they can wark on water." Then, a 10 minute video showing what these Pikmin can do. Maybe a close up of the boxart which shows that THEY WERE THERE THE WHOLE TIME.
  2. Do eet, Raineeeeng. Had leg day, practised some more of the front squat, again with both grips. I just can't seem to get along with the clean grip. Cross-armed/handed seems more comfortable and natural to me, but I'm determined to get both done well. It still feels pretty new to me and a different way of thinking. I can go much lower with the front squat than with the back. I managed to do a set of 5 reps for 68kg and then a set of 3 for 73kg. This was after various other sets just getting comfortable with it. One set I almost fell forwards and another I almost rolled backwards. It'll take some getting used to. After the squatting, I had used up a lot of time and energy, so the rest of my workout wasn't that great, to be honest. Probably the "weakest" workout I've done in a while. Have to make up for it next time.
  3. It's one area the console wasn't short on, platformers. Yeah, it was pricey for most of its lifetime. I can't really see this being much different, unfortunately.
  4. Why the hell not, duuude? I've still got to finish it. Don't really see the point in getting this when I only bought it a few months back. It looks wonderful on the 3DS, so you're in for a treat.
  5. Both for 20 quid. I will be playing them after I have fiiiiiniiiished...Xenoblade, Pandora's Tower, Red Steel 2, The Umbrella Chronicles and a few others. Oh yes, Donkey Kong Country Returns and Rayman Origins.
  6. Pretty much this. We'd all be crying blue murder if the game got released and half of it was missing or unplayable. The game seems to have been in development forever, but so did Aliens: Colonial Marines, and even that could have benefited from a bit more time. It's annoying that it isn't out yet, of course. I still would have preferred for it to be on the Wii, but from what has been said, the control schemes seem to be tight.
  7. That's where people try too much to "overcome" racist. In a since, that IS racism because you're instantly preferring one race over the other. We don't need more black managers, or more lesbians or more black, Chinese lesbian managers, we need more good and talented managers. We were lucky to get our draw yesterday. Didn't play all that great bar a few moments (mostly those involving the goals). A bit of a slow match on our part, didn't really get out of second gear.
  8. "Oh noes, my argument/post sucked. RETREAT, RETREAT!" *pats head* That's why you dress like shit, dude. :p I jest. Kind of. Not if you search properly and do it right. I bought a brand new hoodie for 20 quid, 2 good fitting and nicely designed t-shirts for a tenner each, 2 pairs of excellent fitting jeans in a deal from Burton for 40 quid and then 2 shirts for work (one was 20 and the other was 26 quid - both come with ties). I've got an awkward body shape, too. Most people have. For one day, many might think that's a lot of money. But, that covers a lot. You've got something there to keep you warm outdoors (the hoodie), 2 shirts to wear at work, 2 pairs of jeans for variety and 2 t-shirts for variety. There's plenty of good deals out there if you do take your time and look around. Wearing the jeans and hoodie right now. They feel good and they look like they could have cost double the price. Half of the fun is finding good deals. Suckers go into a store and pay 80 quid for a pair of jeans, the first thing they see. It's also a day out in the sense that you can have a proper look around the shops for all sorts of different things, get yourselves a bite to eat, etc.
  9. A Link To The Past 2 will be a temporary title. It'll definitely get changed, I imagine. As for this, it looks beautiful, imo. Loved ALTTP, and this will hopefully live up to those heights.
  10. He's talking about the Pokeymans. Serebii is all about the Pokeymans. Heart Gold Soul Silver Fire Red Leaf Green
  11. I don't use twitter or view it in any way.
  12. This looks brilliant. Do want. Hope they stick with the name. It makes no sense, yet it makes perfect sense. Perfect no(n)sense.
  13. So, I heard there's flying Pikmin in this. It'll be a nice to use them when we can FINALLY PLAY IT.
  14. Zelda: A Link To The Past Sequel? Set in the same world? Fuck. Yes. Don't anybody dare go criticise that, now. :p
  15. You are a God. It's a day out, though. Getting new clothes is awesome. Post: Your sense makes none. Gay marriage also hasn't been the social norm for many, many years. Let's just deal with that, too. So, if the girl wants advice, she should just "deal with it!" Boyfriend of the yeaaaaar. In many shops, the waiting areas can be awesome and it isn't made into a huge deal. Not every guy out there is a pervert or a freak and it is damn well rude and (in my opinion) discriminatory to make guys feel this way. This is sort of what the Vera Moda was like in Hasselt, Belgium, except the chairs are just one big slab that acts as a seated area. Men sit there, women sit there, people get changed and it isn't any issue whatsoever. You aren't made to feel like a pervert. You can sit there and chat with other people if you want to (I didn't, because my Flemish isn't good enough). You're not physically going into the changing area, you're waiting at an appropriate spot and can view your friend/girlfriend in their clothes, which they are trying on (which is the whole point of you being there in the first place).
  16. Did my pull exercises after a busy and long day. Finished my workout after midnight. Had pillows under the weights to prevent loud sounds when deadlifting. Managed to deadlift 128kg 3 times, but they weren't consecutive reps. I hit it one time, then couldn't do it for a 2nd rep. Tried again, hit it the first time, but couldn't get the second. Did it a third time, but again, no second rep. It just wouldn't happen. If the day was less tiring and I had done my workout much earlier, I might have hit it.
  17. My favourite trailers are still the ones with Costner and Crowe narrating. Proper goosebumps. But yes, no moaaaar. It's too far away. Wish it were sooner.
  18. Men, you need to read this document if you have not done so already. It basically tries to make sense of the game. The story is complex to say the least. It's one of the finest, deepest games I have ever played. It's one hell of a mind fuck, though. The basic theme behind the story is the idea of repressed memory. Mostly, Garcians.
  19. I'm going on a media blackout until I see the film, for this and Star Trek. Excited, I'll be devastated if this film doesn't live up to expectations. Belieeeeeveeee.
  20. There's plenty of security in place already, though. There's always a curtain there so you can't see the women getting changed. Usually there is a store-person there too, ready to assist if needs be. It greatly differs from store to store. Some stores even have seats directly opposite for the people to sit, ready for people to reveal the curtain and show off their clothes. I remember one instance in Belgium, I think it was Vera Moda, where the changing area is huuuuuge. Lots of small stalls with curtains, and a huge seated area in the middle of the room. No security issues there whatsoever.
  21. How would you take advantage, though? There's a curtain between you and the person you're with. It's usually in an area with one of the workers being present and overseeing it/helping. What is AmAppy? It's pretty sad in general that this sort of thing is happening. It's a very innocent thing though, you're going into a store and helping somebody choose clothes. If it were a lingerie store, I would understand it more. But, this was a bit over the top, I felt. Also, we were in at least 3 other stores shopping for me, and nobody once told Ine that "women weren't allowed here". So, it's unfair that there seems to be additional "un-written" rules for men than there are women. Also, in the upstairs part of that store, Ine went to try on another top and I was wandering behind her, and the woman told me I could wait over there, pointing to a bench on the opposite side of the store. But..how am I supposed to see...nevermind.
  22. Maybe if I had seen the damn clotheeeeees. The drool could have been in anticipation, I guess. Either way, I retreated to the outside area and awkwardly got my phone out and pretended I was doing something important on it. In reality, I can now memorise every text I have sent in the last week. All 2 of them.
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