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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. I can't see that happening, tbh. Looking at Chelsea's results, they are so inconsistent. They're not really smashing teams. Surprising when you consider the attacking players that they have. Also, Mourinho: The name is far bigger than the actual man now. He's already talking about what he'll do with life after Chelsea. In an era where managers don't know for certain that they'll be at the club next season, it's a bit rich for him to talk about life years from now.
  2. I was waiting for somebody to bring up the homosexual argument. I think society as a whole was a lot more "accepting" towards homosexuals as it suddenly wasn't a terribly uncommon thing any more. I remember growing up and even in school I saw attitudes changing towards it. Some of my best friends are lesbians, one of my good school friends is gay. It was suddenly becoming more common and so it was "easier" to accept. (of course, not suggesting that society rapidly changed their attitudes in such a short space of time, but rather that it was becoming increasingly more common to encounter people who were homosexuals). With incest, I've never met anybody who has experience with this. It's not a widely talked about subject, therefore I think society knows a lot less about it and that's why people are hesitant to bring up such a subject or talk about it (as we've seen within about the first 5 posts in this thread). There aren't celebrities coming out and saying, "I love my brother in a sexual way, and that's ok." So, as long as it isn't being talked about or the subject isn't being brought up, it'll never be accepted. As for whether or not it should be accepted: Such a widely contentious issue. I don't really know enough about it to say that it should be accepted morally or lawfully. But, if it ever did become lawful, the first thing I would question would be "harmful" relations between family members such as a mother or father towards their children. Even with wider members such as grandparents or aunties and uncles. There is so much potential there for abuse that I don't think it'll be something we ever see accepted in our lifetime. In fairness, your post wasn't really much better as you haven't put anything into the pot either. I do understand your intentions, though.
  3. There hasn't been a better time for Wenger to play Mourinho. Chelsea haven't played that well this season. They've got results, but they aren't as strong as people were expecting them to be. I'm still going for a draw, but it wouldn't be all that surprising if Arsenal picked up a 2-1 win or something.
  4. I think it'll be a 2-2 draw. Mourinho won't want to lose the game away. Arsenal will go for it, but I think Chelsea will defend well enough to get something.
  5. Wizard, I just logged in to post this exact same thing. If this type of thing were deemed to be ok, it could potentially be giving the all-clear for Uncles/Fathers to start abusive relationships with other family members. A bit of a generalisation to some extent. Brother to brother, sister to sister, though...it's interesting, since Diageo's point about not being able to reproduce is sound. The main downside I can think of is the social stigma that surrounds it. It would lead to the family as a whole receiving a lot of hate, possibly violence, or being ostracised from the community.
  6. Take care, Martinist. *man hugs*
  7. Yeah, I'm hoping Moyes will kick that out of his system. The one aspect of his game I don't like. Aside from that, cracking young talent. I'm glad he's been carded for it and it's been brought to attention.
  8. I thought we played pretty well yesterday. Cleverley and Welbeck both looked surprisingly good, again. Seems like they've taken some criticism and have worked hard to combat it. Good on 'em. The first half in particular was great. That first 11 should be the one that starts every week now, it looks balanced. Finally, we look as threatening on the left as we do on the right. Credit to Moyes, he's getting our wingers playing well this season. Januzaj has looked great in every game and Valencia looks better than he did last. Even Young is scoring. Wtf.
  9. How long did you spend in this prison, Kav?
  10. You're already in a relationship with these people, brah. They're called your friends.
  11. Dude, I am reaching the end of my tether and about to go fucking crazy.


    Xenoblade: Colony 6 quest - Fortune Feather. I need ONE.

    I'm well aware that I can't get them from a certain place as that place can't be accessed. I've been told you can get them in Colony 6 itself, by the watch tower. I've been there, day AND night, I've reset the game, I've tried different character combinations, everything. It won't come. Am I looking in the right place?


    It's really putting me off the game. ONE item.

  12. More of this bollocks. Been having a great time trying to raise the affinity of Colony 9. I'm doing some Colony 6 quests and...this one in particular is stupid. Trying to find a fortune feather. I've built the tower and I've been told the feather can be found around it. I've tried for aaaages to find it. I've flicked back and forth between day and night, reset the game, done everything. Proper pot luck this is. My least favourite aspect of the game and it turns it into a grind rather than making it an enjoyable quest. Edit: One Hour Later and STILL no fortune feather. Terrible, dreadful, shit, piss poor, reliant on luck and unfair game design. Tempted to ditch the Colony 6 quest and not to bother with it again.
  13. I'm 100 hours in and still discovering new areas and regions/places. Crazy game. So much to do.
  14. They were advised by the Police and were apparently threatened with violence from supporters who were behind the rebrand. Not really a lot more they could have done. Once the owner has his mind on one thing, like the Malkay situation, nothing will change his mind. I find that sad.
  15. A bit unfair to say that they rolled over and took it. They had no choice and, from what I can see, they protested every single step of the way. The owner wasn't going to back down. On the upside, he did give them funds to go into the transfer market and get players. But, a shitty trade-off.
  16. I see the hair (and possibly body) of Keanu Reeves and the the face of Grohl. Either way, not bad people to be compared to.
  17. Hahahaahhahaahh. "Press the home button, the home button-" "This one?" *hovers over the sign that says WII MENU* "NO, not that one, the home button...that's it..." *fecking women*
  18. I disagree and know that if United players were doing this before a big derby game, I wouldn't be happy. They're more than able to meet up at other times, it just seems wrong in my eyes to do it at another club's Christmas bash. Moving on from that, what does everyone think of the Cardiff City situation? Malkay has been given an ultimatum and told he must either resign or be sacked. Lunacy.
  19. There's a bit more to it than that. - Chelsea and Arsenal were going to have their Christmas parties at the same club, on the same night. - Mourinho cancels the Chelsea party. - Ashley Cole and two others go to the club anyway and join the Arsenal party. It's a dick move because: - Ashley is a former Arsenal player. - The two sides meet up in a few days. - He's defying his manager who made it clear that they wouldn't be having their own party. Going against his orders. It doesn't look very good, in my opinion. I wouldn't be happy if United players were at the City party, especially if ours was cancelled by the manager. Of course you can be friends with players from all teams. But, to join them for their team's christmas party...pretty weak, imo.
  20. I could eat all of that now. But, when I was younger and much skinnier, I would have had a very hard time trying to go through that daily. When you're not used to eating as much, it's not that easy to suddenly just start eating so much food.
  21. Apparently Ashley Cole turned up at the party at some point with two other Chelsea players (Bertrand and Schurrle). Mourinho had cancelled their Christmas party or something. Not sure if that was a wise move, especially as they're playing each other next week.
  22. Why, brah? 35 years is loooong. That's longer than my entire life and then some. To me, that's mind boogling. He's only 36, so that's near enough his entire life, too. Locked up. I can't agree that it's lenient. It terrifies the shit out of me.
  23. It's only a matter of time, brah. I'm PMing them both Eurostar details as we speak.
  24. Oh aye, totally agree, brah. Fecking 10 year olds thinking that they're "the man" by playing GTAV. If there's one thing that hasn't improved at all, it's the fact that youngsters are able to get their hands on games that are well above their recommended age. In fact, I'd say it's one thing that has probably worsened.
  25. The bit you'll find difficult is to keep eating. I struggled with that at the start for various reasons. You feel like a fucking pig for eating so much, and you also reach a wall (probably mental more than anything) where you "feel" that you can't physically eat any more. I went through years of this before it suddenly seemed to be "easy" to eat. In comparison, the exercise is relatively quite easy. You go to the gym, focus on your form, lift more than you did last time (injury free, hopefully), go home. It's easier in a sense because you it's quicker to see visual improvements. Even before the changes on your body, you see the changes in how much weight you're adding. You use a 5KG plate one week and then you're on the 10KG plates before you know it, and so on. That just gives you such a boost mentally. Even if you don't see improvements on your body, you feel yourself getting stronger and you know it, too.
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