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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. It'll be a shame when Nintendo inevitably don't stick with them for the new game. They'll go back to traditional controls, I reckon. Maybe they'll shoehorn in the GamePad and you'll be able to use that for aiming at enemies with the bow or something.
  2. Although it's a blow, I doubt anyone expected this to arrive on the WiiU anyway. Don't think Street Fighter has appeared on a Nintendo home console since the SNES...although I might be wrong on that one. I tried looking it up and bleuuurgh.
  3. IGN's review when it hits? Videos on Gametrailers? Youtube? I don't know, man? WHAT?! (I'm going to start it once I complete The Last of Us, which is very soon)
  4. If Michael Bay had directed Up. :p
  5. I disagree. Skyward Sword barely had a narrative. I don't think there's any advancement of the story whatsoever during the middle third of the game, it's very poorly done. Say what you want about Twilight Princess, but the narrative was handled in a much better way than what was managed in SS. The only redeeming quality for me was the final battle with Demise. Speaking of fetch quest, isn't that what a lot of gamers groaned about with Skyward Sword? It's very repetitive. Quite lazy in a lot of places, too. How many times do you fight Ghirahim or The Imprisoned in the game? Three times each, isn't it? Meh. I'm not trusting anything Nintendo says about the new Zelda until we actually get some playthroughs, which is a looooong way off. If X follows in Xenoblade's footsteps, then we're in for a treat...considering that Xenoblade was the far superior game last generation.
  6. I think your last paragraph sums up the problem. Will the people behind this game be kicking themselves about potentially missing out on WiiU sales? Imo, not really. It's sad really, it should be coming out on the WiiU as it's the type of game I would have liked to have played had I still been WiiU only. Still, this type of thing makes me glad that I have looked elsewhere, tbh. It's not a massive game or a potentially huge title, but it's just good to have the option to play this if I wanted to. At least there is somewhat of a replacement for this on the eShop with Nano Assault, so...I guess that's something. Actually, no, it's still bullshit.
  7. Phantom Hourglass? Bwahahha. I don't think I even finished that. Just so unbelievably boring. It didn't grip me. I dislike Skyward Sword...bordering on hate. One third of it was good, but the rest didn't resonate with me. Controls were nice, the graphics, too, as was the item crafting. But, there were so many backwards steps with the game that I just didn't like. I want the next game to have a much greater emphasis on the story. Narrative-wise, it was poor. I'm actually not excited for the next game. Nintendo will have to really show off something spectacular to win me around with this one. Maybe that's the best way to be? Go in really, really low and maybe it'll surprise us all.
  8. I haven't played for a few days for a number of reasons. Went out to see a friend on Friday, Saturday was a complete write-off because our floor was being fixed in our flat and yesterday Ine was playing Strider in the evening as I had been playing Battlefield in the daytime. (only fair really). Should be playing more of this tonight.
  9. *waits for the inevitable "I didn't like it/it's over-rated/PES is better" post.
  10. Guys, there's quite a few deals for this knocking about on HotUkDeals. The cheapest I believe that I've seen for it so far is around the £23/24 mark. Great price for two games and it looks genuinely fucking great.
  11. That's all that you need to know, tbh. There's a few other nice looking games that I'm not sold on yet because I don't know enough about them. Shadows of Mordor, Dragon Age Inquisition and Assassin's Creed Unity being three of them.
  12. - Third party game. - Will probably be good. - The type of game that would be great on the WiiU. Therefore, it won't be coming.
  13. Why torture ourselves with such dreams of an unobtainable nature? :p
  14. The quality was good from my end. If it wasn't so damn expensive, I'd be on that right away. Had some good games with both you and @kav82 today. I didn't have my groove on in the late afternoon games, couldn't hit shit. Did slightly better earlier in the day with Kav. Game is great though and LOL at that moment on that "storm" map. Really was a wow moment for me.
  15. It's good news because it's done. It's bad because it's taken more than half a year for it to get done, especially as we didn't have anything to do with the initial problem. The communication between the landlord and letting agency is diiiiire. About two weeks ago, I lost my landlord's phone number and thought I'd contact the agency to get the number whilst also subtly reminding them that they were being a bit shit and it needed doing. A bit of a double whammy. The agent told me that she would "e-mail me the number", which never happened. The very next day, I receive a phone-call from the landlord telling me that the agency had contacted them about the floor. (very, very fucking sneaky if you ask me, considering I was the one who contacted them!) The very next day after that, I received a phone call from the agency giving me the landlord's phone number, despite the fact that they knew full well that the landlord had already contacted me because they purposefully bypassed my request and went to him directly. But yes, it's done now. Strange as fuck to walk on a flat floor. I do not know this feeling.
  16. I want to stab a ho every time I see somebody going over the top with kisses and exclamation marks. Bitchfuckers. One of my friends puts an exclamation mark at the end of EVERY FUCKING THING and I swear to god, one of these days I'm going to tell her that...it's not something she should be doing. Adding more than three kisses is absolutely pissening. I love u x x x xx xxxx x xx x x x x x xx x x x x x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x Brb, being sick in a bucket of sick.
  17. I'll watch that video later, @dwarf gourami. I had a breakthrough tonight. Decided I was going to have a quick few matches of this before bed and did pretty well. One game I had 4 kills 8 deaths, which isn't amazing, but I amassed a ton of points for capturing bases/flags, kill assists and other stuff. The last game I had was 9 kills and 14 deaths, which was a marked improvement! I was on fire that game, only seemed to get killed by enemies swarming me moments after I just captured a base. Score wise, I was much closer to the top than to the bottom of my team, getting loads of points for vehicle hits in particular. Really enjoyed it and I think the game is starting to "click" now.
  18. I've watched this video twice. Once by myself and once with Ine. I had to show her purely for the enthusiasm and genuine interest in it from the presenters. If I hadn't been nailed on to get this, this video would have been the one to tip me over the edge and forced me to pre-order straight away. I'm a bit amazed that they aren't bigging up the visuals even more in this game because this game looks stunning to me. It's the film in game format, right down to the smallest detail. Trying to not get excited, but this is the game I've (sadly) waited all of my life for. We get looooads of games based on Aliens or Alien vs. Predator, but this is the first time we've had a proper game based on the first film. I never, EVER believed we'd get one so true to the original. Maybe a level here or there as a homage in AvP or something, but this is something else. As of now, I am going cold turkey. No more videos, no more previews. At the very most, maybe a general impression or the final paragraph of a review to let me know how high or low to set my expectations. Aside from that, BRING IT THE FUUUUUCK ON. Just...oh god, please be good.
  19. Today was shiiiiit. We've had a problem with our wooden floor boards in our flat. Basically, they started to rise in the middle of the room during the winter and haven't settled back down since. It's been pretty bad this year, we've even started taking the piss a bit and played a little round of crazy golf using the hump as an obstacle. We notified our agency quite soon after it happened and they came over to have a look at it. Didn't hear anything from them for a while. Skip forward a few months to our control renewal, we mention it again and the landlord comes over and he's quite pissed off with the agency for not contacting him sooner. They've been around a few times to look at it and popped over last week (after a few more minor fuck ups from the agency) and told us that they would give us a call back soon. Yesterday, as we're getting ready to go and see a friend who we haven't seen for a while, our landlord calls us up and asks us if tomorrow morning would be ok to come over and sort it out, some time between 7:30 and 8.00am. I couldn't really say no for fear of this issue not being dealt with, so I agreed. We came home at around 10 last night after seeing a friend and moved EVERYTHING from the living room. There's a massive tv unit with these open compartments which we had to empty otherwise the unit wouldn't budge. So, we now have suitcases and boxes filled with games and dvds, etc stored in the bedroom. The unit had to be moved, as did the sofa, dining table and chairs, another two big storage units, my guitars, coffee table, Ine's desk study with another large storage unit attached to it, our plants, rug, etc. Urgh. The landlord arrived at 7:30 today with another guy to help and they left around 45 minutes ago. Approximately half of the living room floor was ripped up and then relaid, which led to the discovery of the problem (not enough space/gaps being left under the skirting boards) which dates back to five years ago when the floor was laid. Thankfully, it's all sorted now, but today has been a messy day. We've hardly eaten anything and what we've eaten has been junk/quick food as we couldn't cook, make sandwiches etc as the kitchen was barely usable with all of our stuff in it. To round things off, the football was shite today (urgh) and it looks like Ine's parents can't come to visit in September due to them being busy in work (the family business). On the plus side, yaaay, flat floor.
  20. Herrera controlled that midfield and had to do everything by himself. As much as I respect Darren Fletcher, he isn't the answer to our midfield problem. Neither is Fellaini or Cleverley. We need somebody to sit alongside Herrera who can defend well, isn't afraid to get stuck in and can go forward and offer something. I'm amazed we didn't break the bank for Vidal. Respect to Arsenal because they saw Sanchez and Ozil and knew that they wanted them immediately. Same with Chelsea and Fabregas or City and Mangala. Woodward was shiiiite during last summer's transfer window and he has a lot to prove. All of the prices are going to rocket up now when (or if, knowing us) we make enquiries. Swansea are good, but they're not going to be as good as in previous seasons, imo. The wheels will fall off at some point, probably half way and they'll end up getting exposed. Could be in a relegation fight this year.
  21. Obviously, we lost. Sad that Lingard had to go off injured, but Januzaj looked great when he replaced him. Nani for Hernandez is a substitution that on another day would have worked. I personally would have preferred to see Kagawa. We lost total control as soon as Fellaini came on for Herrera. Not sure what happened there. We deserve this after pissing about for most of the summer without signing any players (after Shaw and Herrera). We've had opportunities, the players are there (any of Vidal, Di Maria, Cuadrado, Hummels, Carvalho, Khedira, probably Rojo (unsure about this one actually) and a few others would have improved us) yet we haven't made moves (seemingly) for any of them. We're not going to get anywhere near the top four with Fletcher, Fellaini and/or Cleverley in midfield. The football after Swansea scored the second was awful, on par with anything we played under Moyes. Van Gaal will need time because you can't instil a philosophy in such a short amount of time.
  22. There are a few "u wot m8" moments on that list. Majora's Mask, Galaxy and Metroid Prime all need to be higher.
  23. I just hope that it recognises regional accents. "'ey up, Pikachu lad, jump will ye?" "ar oot de nooo pikachu, occh." Actually, I imagine that would be one bitch to get working with all of the different European Countries.
  24. I don't see how F Zero would cannibalise sales of Mario Kart, they're two completely different games. Mario Kart is more (hate to say it) of a casual experience whereas F Zero is something only a certain crowd play. In fact, I'd say they compliment each other. The more likely reason why F Zero didn't appear on Wii is because they couldn't guarantee that the Wiimote would control precisely enough for such a high speed game. That, and the fact that they probably couldn't guarantee it would be that much of an improvement over GX.
  25. I'm a sucker and a huge F Zero fanboy, so I'd go for it. Whilst simultaneously gritting my teeth and cursing Nintendo for making me pay full price for the same game twice.
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