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Everything posted by fanman

  1. I was told that it was in case people slipped over on the ice and sued the school.
  2. It's because of health and safety. You get to hate it after a while.
  3. It's basically all melted where I am. There's only the snow on the grass that always looks crap.
  4. I'm not realy into that genre much beyond advance wars anyway, but I thought it was really restrictive and... boring. I guess I was just expecting metal gear solid, which it totally isn't.
  5. I thought Metal Gear Acid was awful.
  6. Asian Kung-Fu Generation - Angou no Warutsu (The coded waltz) 慌てなくたって  何時僕は消えてしまうけど そうやって何度も逃げ出すから 何もないんだよ 胸の奥に刺さって心汚していくモノ 白いキャンバスを埋める記憶 薄ら笑う世界を 誘いのカイト  群れる三人称 際限ない欲望を 拙い方法で満たす感情と君の体温  急かされても今は簡単に笑えないけど  届かなくたって 僕は此処で泣きながらも願うよ  誘いのカイト 群れる三人称 際限ない欲望を 拙い方法で満たす感情と君の体温 暗号のような塞いだ言葉 揺らいだ思い  拙い方法で放つ感情と君の体温 解く鍵もないのに Kimi ni tsutau ka na (x 3) Kimi ni tsutau wake wa nai yo na ..�@ ~�@~ 君に伝うかな (x3) 君に伝うわけはないよな
  7. My brother (Non-Identical Twin) Harry Enfield Steven Gerrard Tom Morello (RATM, audioslave)
  8. We've got a couple of inches here, and more importantly, the day off school.
  9. GTA LCS and VCS are awesome.
  10. Now it turns out anfs have dropped death note, and they seem to have taken down their home page without a word about it on their forum. And the only one out now is kuro-hana, who's page won't load for me.
  11. It's only fun when you hold right the whole time. The bits where you don't a painfully bad. I got rush and the first three worlds where alright as you only had to hold right the whole time, but then it got to world 4 and it completely changed and I haven't been able to play it since.
  12. Stupid anfs are late with death note 17 Speed was the only reason I watched their subs.
  13. And wii sports is on the list twice.
  14. So the controller counts for nothing then, does it? If all you want is graphics, watch a movie or something. Do you expect stores to make a £2 profit per game sold then? That is ridiculous, they're freaking businesses.
  15. You get wii games for £30? The RRP for most of them is £40. They need to have higher prices because of higher development costs.
  16. The RRP is £35, and the GC one was £20 because it was a remake of the gba one.
  17. I used to come to main page since c-e, but only started posting on the forum a few months ago.
  18. There goes your credibility.
  19. Wait for a decent game.
  20. Then it wouldn't be moving. It's a blob of water
  21. Wouldn't it be boils if it's water?
  22. I did before I moved my wii into my room, so I still play the odd GC game. I'm currently playing through MGS: Twin Snakes, for the umpteenth time.
  23. I don't even own a 360, but it really is quality. The controller is one of the best around, there are tonnes of awesome games out for it, which is more than the wii has at the moment. The ps3 is too expensive for a games console (though worth the money) and the wii doesn't have that many great games for it (at the moment at least). You're the one who needs a life.
  24. I can't really agree with that. I didn't play perfect dark for much, but the control felt rather loose. Red steel's works fine once you get into it, and has a lot of depth, as well as a "refreshing" control scheme.
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